Friday, January 25, 2013

1863 January 15 Nolensville Pike

[from the diary of Captain William B. Hunter, Co. B., 97th Ohio]

     Jan. 15th ’63.
At day light it became
much colder, the rain freez-
ing as soon as it fell.
At 9 A.M. we moved on to
higher ground, where we re-
mained until about noon,
shivering around our fires,
with nothing to eat, at that
time we started for camp;
the rain had by this time
turned to snow. We march-
ed rapidly until 4 ½ P.M.,
wading 10 or 12 streams
most of which were  knee
deep, when we arrived in
camp. The water had been
in my tent, but Jim prepared
me some supper, & we slept
tolerably comfortably.

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 10547-bm

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