Camp, 7th New York Battery
Norfolk Jan 18th 1863
Dear Wife
Your ever welcome Letter of the
13th was duly received and
perused and until now I have
had no time to answer it
For the last week every Evening
Orders have been received
at Head Quarters to be in readiness
at a moments warning to
man our guns as an attack
was expected I have made
enquiries and I find that Gen
Pryer at the head of 12000
Cavelry are raiding through the
Country destroying everything. U.S.
And he know very well if he
only could hold posission of this
[page 2]
for one hour He could obtain
men, Horses, Ammunittion Stores of
all kind Besides Destroy 1000s
of Dollars worth of Property
To Night our Horses are Harnessed
ready and if the[y] do come they
will not find us napping
But for my part I do not
apprehend no danger My Health
is excelent The weather fine and
Beautifull New Years Day passed
by Seeing me enjoying Life as it
is There has been Several Large
Fires int he City - the work of some
incendery Some of the Boys
have sent money home but no
tideings of have they received
of it -- I am glad that mine
you have recieved This I
believe is all the News I kno
[page 3]
of Remember me to Father Mother
Sisters and all my friends
My Love to You ever May God
Keep and Protect you untill
I return Take good care of
my Boy
Your Loveing Husband
Edward Shepard
write soon
[letter not in the hand of Edward Sheppard; one of many written by other soldiers in his company for him]
Edward Sheppard, 7th New York Light Artillery
MSS 12731
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