Dear Father & Mother
I wrote a line
by Alex & sent some
money. You will
perhaps see him before
receiving this.
We are having the
most delightful of
weather, and I think if I
could only be down in
the Old Shugar camp a
short time one of these [days]
I could have some
shugar. The roads
are drying up very
rapidly and the grass
is starting forth
and I think if I had
our sheep down here
I could find some good
[page 2]
picking for them on
these hillsides. Indeed
I am inclined to think
if some energetic
man was to come here
and buy some of this
cheap land and put
a flock of sheep upon
it he might do well
improved farmes could
be bought here at
prices varying from
50 cts to $1.00 per acre
There are large forests of
pine around this place
that would afford large
quantities of lumber
there are no mills
however was no means
of transportation to markets
The citizens were called
the day before yesterday
to reorganize their militia.
[page 3]
There were about
150 men present
they formed three compa-
nies. they were indeed
a motley group
dressed in their coarse
homemade clothes and
in many cases ragged
and very ignorant
they came in to day again
to hold an election to
vote on the new state
constitution and to
elect a senator
I sent with Alex
to have mother get
me a par of shirts
I have since concluded
not to have them
unless you have procured
them ere you receive
this in that case you
can send them.
[page 4]
I had a letter from
Sarah Caldwell a few
days since she says
that Workings affairs
are in quite a precarious
condition. I think it
will probably be well
to look to that money
a little had you not
better go in sometime
this spring I could
send you a power
of Attorney and you might
collect it.
I wish you would
pay Greenwald I promised
him when I was at home
that I would have you
attend to it
If you do not use it
you may send me my
watch there is a demand
for watches and I might
[page 5]
dispose of it to good
advantage and then
be able when the
war is over to secure
for myself a better
one. Should you
send it if it needs
any repairs have it
done, and send a
key with it
I will send a list
of things that the
Boys want Alex to
bring which have
been thought of
since he left
There are several
things that I would
like to have but
it will not probably
be convenient for him
to bring them
I wish he could bring
[page 6]
about a Firkin of
Ohio butter with him
The boys thought that
apple butter I brought
with me was the best
they ever tasted
I guess Pap you had
better take about
$10.00 of that money
and go to the Nursery
get some fruit trees and
some evergreens, roses
&c get some grape vines
or roots
The boys have all gone to bed
and I must go too
Yours J.D. Templeton
P.S. You and Mother
go to Ashland and get your
Photographs taken on cards and
send by Alex
[page 7]
To Alex
Here is a list of
things the Boys have
thought of since you
left. You can get
them if they will
not burden you too
"1" Box stove nails with
round heads
"1" Tooth brush for Jo
"." a few almanacs
for citizens. (Medical
ones will do)
Foot would like
if you could bring
him a ruber blanket
like Zenes J. D. Templeton
P.S. Thad says he wants
one Salarutus if you can
bring it
"Salarutus": possibly "saleratus" or baking soda
MSS 10317
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