Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1862 April 25 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford of Lynchburg, Va, former diplomat, bank officer and editor, with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Friday 25  Rain, Rain!  How distressing
it is to me to think of the discomfort and suf
fering such weather imposes on our soldiers
I am constantly thinking of four of our sons
at  least--as to Lewis, he is living luxurious
ly--so much so that he is really as harmed
I think when he reflects upon the contrast
presented by  his lot and that of his brothers
--all of whom have endured great hard
-ship & privation & seen the severest duty, Eu
-gene in particular has seen hard service
nearly ever since he entered the army
We have at last information about
the movements of Ewell and the position
of Jackson which may be relied upon.
The latter has not, as I confidently main-
tained in the face in the face [sic] of what ap
-peared direct testimony--crossed the Ridge[?]  
[?] is 2 miles west of the Shenandoah
River, and 18 from Harrisonburg--Ewell
is to  cooperate with him, but not to
form a junction at one with him.   He
has moved via Madison C H towards
Luray & will come into the Turnpike
which passes through that village at
the foot of the mountain five mountains
miles from New Market. If he can come
into the  [?] in rear of Banks column
& Jackson advances again something  decisive
may be expected.  With their united divisions
I believe they can clear the valley.  We
learn that the reorganization of the reti
-ments under the new law was effected last
Monday.   One half the company & field
officers were not re-elected.  Dr. Laughen[?]
Lt. Col. of 47[?] was beaten by a tricky poli
tician--Martin of Henry Co who was not
even in the army--Some changes doubt-
less for the better--but the effect in the
midst of the campaign will be bad. I am
prepared to hear that William is deposed
--though admitted to be an admirable officer
"brave intelligent & efficient" as pronounced
by Gen Stuart in his official dispatch lately
He will be the victim of a combination[?]  &
of prejudice against him for not being a
native of the south west.  His colonel
stands no chance of reelection & very pro
-bably be a candidate for the captaincy
He is Wms bitter enemy
I feel in bitter spirits--I have less
apprehension of Richd being taken than
ever.  McClellan will be foiled on the Pen
-insula & I think McDowell cannot reach
the city through Caroline & Hanover.  if Mc
Clellan fails he is a doomed man
he has a fire int he rear worse than
Scott had in '46

MSS 4763

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