Three miles this side
Camp on [?] hill
April 6th 1862
Friend Kate
It has been some
time since I received
your kind letter and
would have answered
it sooner if we had
have been campt at
any one plase long
enough to write it.
My health is very good
& hope this may find
you enjoying the same
blessing. Thare are no
news of importance
to write. our company
[page 2]
reorganized to day for
the war, our Commission
ed officers are as follows.
Capt. Jas W Newton Lieut
Chas. W. Grills 2end Lichurgus
Grills & 2end David F
Eckard. we have a very
large Com. I hope that
our army may soon
be able to give the enem
y a death blow. I suppose
you have hurd all the
particulars of the battle
of the 23? I was in six
feet of Grays when he fell
he was shot in the head
and never mooved after
he was shot Lieut Willson
[page 3]
was some three or four
yards behind me. I miss
him a grate deal he always
was a grate friend of
mine he was a brave and
honorable man & died fight
ing for his liberty evry
thing looks gloomy at
present but the soldiers
seem willing and ready
to fight them at any
time that we may be
ordered to meet them
the enimy are in eding
burg six miles below
Mt Jackson The Malitia
look like thay are at
ready whilst all thay
think about is running
[page 4]
Samuel Lightner has
volunteered in our com
he has some resemblence
of his late bro J. P.
Our Regt numbers near
eight hundred it
will not take a very large
draft to fill it
I would like very much
to come home for a week
or two but thare is no
chance for furlough at
presant your Brothers
both well I think you
of like camp life very
well nothing more at preas
ent write soon I remain
friend & well wisher
W. F. B.
William Francis Brand to his future wife Amanda Catherine Armentrout
Co. E of the 5th Virginia (Augusta Grays)
Captain James W. Newton, 1838-1896,
Lieutenant Charles W. Grills, d. 1862
Lieutenant David F. Eckard, 1836-1914
Robert F. Grass, d. 1862 at Kernstown.
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