Monday, April 30, 2012

1862 May 1 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford of Lynchburg, Va, former diplomat, bank officer and editor, with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Thursday May 1--More rain and disa
greeable weather--Letter from Eugene
27 ult--also from William, who
sends his wife a letter of recommendation
from Stuart, cordially  forwarded[?] by Johns
ton speaking of him in the most [?]
[?] terms of praise and urging his
appointment in the Engineer Corps.  Bal
lard Preston has interested himself warm
-ly in the application and I presume
it wil be successful.  He lost his election
by refusing to support Jones for the
colonelcy--I am awaiting with anx
iety the reorganization of the 5 Ala
as I think Eugene will be made a
field officer.  He will have all the
influence of Gen Rodes. But for the con
scription law he would have been ap
proved L. Col. of 12 Ala.

MSS 4763

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