Saturday, April 28, 2012

1862 April 29 Staunton, Va.

[from the diary of Joseph Addison Waddell, former editor and owner of the Staunton Spectator]

Tuesday night, April 29, 1862.
The feeling to-day has been more hopeful. New Orleans 
not occupied by the enemy at last dates, Gen. Lovell suspected 
of treachery, unjustly. Gen. Johnson in town nearly all day. It is said 
that our scouts went to foot of Shenandoah Mt. yesterday, 
and found no enemy. Jackson has sent here for battle 
flags, ambulances +c. The last arrival from his camp re-
ports a reinforcement of 12000 men. Sam Robinson of 
Richmond came up to-day — Says troops are pouring 
through the South towards Fredericksburg. He + Ma-
son are going to Roaring Run Iron Works to see about 
a lease of that place by the Government. It occurred to me 
that I would like to be connected with the enterprise. Went 
to see Mason — found him in bed — Said he had been 
thinking about it, and wanted to propose it to me this 
evening when we were interrupted. 

[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow Project]

MSS 38-258              

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