Thursday, April 26, 2012

1862 April 26 Near Yorktown

Camp Near Yorktown, Va.
April 26th 11862

My Dear Creek
I have just received your
letter of the 18th inst; and am truly
happy to hear from you again. this is the
first I have heard from you since we were
at Richmond, and I was beginning to
think it long between times, you did
exactly right in addressing to Richmond.
I think you had better send them all
Via Richmond, as we are very uncertain about
staying any length of time in one place
and the Postmaster there always knows
were our Regiment is and forwards the
letters to us.  I suppose you are all anx-
ious to hear from us at present, thinking
no doubt, to hear of a battle evry day,
but the battle has not yet been fought

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and no more signs of it now than the
first day we came here, We have been
resting since ever we came here, but we
are ordered to the trenches for Picket
duty tonight where we will have to stay
forty eight hours this is very disagreeable
duty to perform, but it is right we should
Bear our part of it, we will have a
chance to see some of our Yankee friends
and probably get into a fuss  with some
of them before we get back, but we
are not much afraid to meet them I
think we will be able to hold our own
with them, at lest we are willing to try
I wrote a long letter to Jink yesterday
and gave him all the news so I need
not recapitulate them to you.
William is in Our Regt and getting
along finely, we are still living in the
woods yet without any tents, Jim can

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tell you the fix we are in as he had
a pretty good tast[e] of it, during his
short stay with us but we all stand
it finely and have generally very fine
health.  what does your neighbours
think of their old men being sent
to Virginia in Orrs Regt. I guess the
Boys wont have their fine rooms to
boast of any longer it will go very hard
to lie out in the woods this wet season
after having been so comfortable, but
they will have to get used to it as we have.
Our men dont care whether they ever even
see another tent again, they have got so
will up to making themselves comfortable
without them.
You need not send any summer clothing
they will only be in the way, as I will have
to wear my uniform all the time
I have written you several letters since
we came here which I hope you have

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Recieved. I am getting very anxious
to get home to see you again but it is
out of the question until things assume
a quieter aspect, which I think will
be soon.
I will write you again as soon as we get
back from the trenches.
Kiss our little darling for me and tell
her not to forget her Father.
My love to all , my Heaven bless you
Your affectionate William

William Anderson of the Palmetto Sharpshooters was elected Major of the 4th S. C. April 16, 1862

MSS 10366

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