Saturday, April 28, 2012

1862 April 28 Camp near Conrad Store, Swift Run Gap, Va.

Camp near Conrad Store
Apl 28, 1862

Dear Charlie
Your letter was
received a few days ago, and
would have answered it sooner but
for the fact of having to move
so often
I went to see Dr. Coleman
as you requested and stated
the facts to him but he
thought it was not necessary
for you to have and a
furlough, I am sorry I could
not succeed in procuring you
one, did my best to get it.
We had a reorganisation of
the Regt not long since Lt col
I was made Col. Capt C
Lt Col and Capt Moseley

[page 2]
Major, we elected Ajutant
Morgan our Capt, Granville
Gray 1st, G. W. Peterkin 2nd
& E. G.. Rawlings 3rd Lieuts
Sergt Rawlings went home abut
2 weeks ago on furlough, so
we have only four in our
mess  George still remains
with us and will continue
to do so,  We are now
encamped at Swift Gap, at
the foot of the Mt, and it
reminds me somewhat of our
last Summers campaign as
we are entirely surrounded by
Mts.  nothing new, skirmishing
going on at our outpost
nearly all the timek would
not be surprised to see Old

[page 3]
Jack make another advance
all are well and Mess send
their best respects.  If I
can do anything for you here
just let me know,  Have
not been able to send your
knapsack yet no communication
from this place to Rail Road
Hoping to hear of your
recovery soon

I remain
Yours Respectfully
John H. Worsham

Worsham, Co. F of the 21st Virginia Infantry appears to be joking about his election as Colonel. After the war he published his memoirs "One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry."

MSS 3091

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