[letter written in smeared and faded pencil with creases nearly obliterating center lines on each page]
Camp Randolph April 20th
Dear Aunt
I will endeavor to
write you a few lines once more
to let you know how I am
getting along. I am well at present
and hope that this may find
you in the enjoyment of good
health. We are still in our winter
quarters with no immediate prospect
of a move, except on picket
which will be next week.
Our time at present is pretty
well taken up with drill
and police duty. We have two
drills each day and dress parade
in the evening.
[page 2]
There is preaching nearly every day
or night as it suits. The preaching
is pretty well attended and pretty
good attention is bad during the
service. the weather for the past
week has been very fine but
it has gotten colder the last
day or two and to day looks
as if we <del>so</del> would have snow
I do not think there will
be much fruit this year [?]
in this part of the country
as it has been so cold that
[?] [?] it would all be
killed Our sharpShooters are
now out practising firing at a
target which reminds us very
much of the commencement
of a battle but it is to
[page 3]
be hoped that we are not to
have many more battles to
fight as from late northern
news they are more unsettled
more than they have been for
some time past. General Grant
seems to be making great
preparations for an active campaign
But some persons think it
is only done for a show;
and that the real plan is to attack
[?] the [?] it is
rumored beauregard[?] I suppose it [?]
[?] that a good many troops
are being sent here to strengthen
Lee's army. if it is true I think
it was the policy of our leaders [?]
[line illgible]
[page 4]
But as we are to have a
brigade drill this evening and the
hour is about come I will close
by asking you to excuse all
mistakes bad writing &c
Give my love to <del>all</del>
aunt Ann, Uncle Jem's family
and any one eles who may think
worthwhile to ask for me &
also receive a due share
yourself from your affectionate
Thomas M. Smiley
Thomas M. Smiley, Co. D., 5th Virgnia Infantry
MSS 1807
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