Apr 20th /62 Va
Camp Hayes Near Raleigh
Dear Father We
left Camp yesterday mor-
-ning took our tents and
came out to this place
about one mile from
Town on Gen. Beckleys
Farm. The 30th regiment
took our place in Town
We had orders to
march this morning
at 7 Oclock it however
rained most of the
night and prevented
us it has rained nearly
all day The Road is
about <u>three</u> inches deep
in our Tents it is not
now raining and we
will probably go in
the morning I do not
[page 2]
know where but
think very likely
to Princeton a distance
of about 45 miles
We found yesterday
that we had too much
baggage there was
several boxes packed
in the Regiment to be
sent home Lieut Sheppard
is to see to it to Cincinati
and there place it on
the Rail road. We sent
a Box from the Band
directed it to
Mr A. D. Hilburn of
New London I sent my
carpet bag with my
gr coat pair of Drawers
& [?] Shirt also a
woolen comforter
belonging to Geo Tool
which he wishes you
[page 3]
to keep until we
come home.
I am now writing
in a small tent
6 X 8 ft My desk is
one of the Cymbals
My candle sticking in
the sand and the
Darky our cook is beside
me playing on the
We have three of
these small Tents
and one larger
called a Bell Tent
I am enjoying the
best of health all the
'difficulty is I am
too Fat to march
I write to you soon
Yours Truly
J D Templeton
James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio
MSS 10317
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