York Cownty Va
Aprill the 20th 62
Dear Miss
this Eavning affords
mee the pleasure of Droping
you A few lines there is
nothing of interest to write
wee are Experancing A
harder time than wee ever
had since wee have bin here
Wee are Exspecting A fight
here Evry day it is nothing
uncommon for bums to bee
bursting over our heads wee
have gott so youst to them
wee Dont fear them
[page 2]
Wee still live
in hopes that wee will
beee conkers yet and return
to our homes though the
prospect is Dark at this
time I think thee fight
will cum off in the cours
of A week of too our
company is At A considerble
loss for the want of A captain
I rother think I will git
A transs fur to the 5th Reg
all of the boys that Did not
reinlist has bin presst
in to the servis som of
them seam to taket
verry hard and som
verry Easy
[page 3]
I have not seen
T T Since the bill
takend place I think
hee will Greave A Great
deal Apon your account
I wood like verry mutch
to bee in floyd most
esspecshly in the company of
you though I wish to Exact
one promis of you I want
you to remain single untill
you hear that I am cilld
or return home all I want
in this life is peace to
pervail and A pretty little
wife to look at
[page 4]
I think by my coming
home the last time made me
made me[sic] A great deal more un
poplar than I ware be fore have
not receeved but one letter since
I returnd I am all most at
tempted to qwit and not
rite Another line whiltse I
am in survis & recon you ar tird
of reading my uninterresting
letter Exscuse all miss Stakes
and bad writeing write soon
Direct your letter to the 24 vol
yorf town
fare well E B Griffith
To Miss Julia A Underwood
MSS 10911
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