Saturday, March 10, 2012

1862 March 10, Staunton, Va.

[from the diary of Joseph A. Waddell, a civilian of Staunton, Va.]

Monday night, March 10, 1862.

Further accounts from Richmond confirm the re-
ports as to the exploits of the Virginia, at Newport
News, but we have no authentic particulars. The Rich-
mond papers bring a Proclamation from the Governor
calling upon the militia to go at once to various
points named and report to our Generals. The forces of
this country to report at Winchester. The Confed-
erate authorities have called for 40,000 men from
Virginia, and cannot wait the opiration[sic] of the
law lately passed by the Legislature. All around the
horizon our affairs look gloomy. Immense
numbers of the army are threatening us at every
point. The Winchester stage brought word this even-
ing that things were quiet at that place on Saturday
afternoon, but three large bodies of the enemy were
approaching from different points, and we have no
force adequate to meet them.

[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow]

MSS 38-258

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