Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1862 March 22 Staunton, Va.

[from the diary of Joseph Addison Waddell, former owner and editor of the Staunton

Saturday night, March 22, 1862.

Persons who arrived from Jackson's army this afternoon,
report that the Federalists have gone back from Wood-
stock, and that Jackson, reinforced by 6000 men from
Johnson's command East of the mountain, had started in
pursuit. There is some doubt as to the reported reinforce-
ment; but none as to the other. There has been a ru-
mor for several days that an outbreak had occurred in
Maryland, which had caused a backward movement of
Federal troops — not credited. It is asserted also that
a Maryland regiment in the Federal army had refused
to cross the Potomac, till they were forced over. No news
of interest in the Richmond papers. Our magnificent vic-
tory in Arkansas has been whittled down to a point. Frank
Preston returned last night with John Alexander, and they
spent the night with us. Va gave them an early break-
fast this morning. A petition was circulating to-day, ask-
ing for martial law in Staunton. I oppose it.

While at Legh's yesterday, and on the road, I could but ob-
serve the quiet aspect of the country. The cattle in the
barn-yard and the sheep in the field and all nature
seemed perfectly composed. Oh if the rage of man could
be lulled to rest! Returning home I met a man and
asked him the latest news — "Nothing special," he replied,
"not many getting off, but I did." The ruling thought with
him was in reference to the Board of exemption from
military duty. The upper regiment from Rockbridge
passed through to-day, John Graham, John Barclay &c
with them. I had a talk with Moses to-day about the
state of affairs.

MSS 38-258

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