[from the diary of William M. Blackford, of Lynchburg, Va., former diplomat, newspaper editor and bank officer, with 5 sons in the Confederate Army]
Thursday 27 Still very unwell--went after
breakfast with Drs. G. & H. to call on Dr. Wil
liams at my brothers in [?]--all invited
to dine there--but Dr. G. declined. the Medi
al Board went on their mission and
were successful in engaging five factor
-ies at fair prices--Dr. G. will be stationed
here. I knew his wife--a daughter of Sam
Slaughter- of Western View--by his second mar
riage, who was not grown when I saw her
last, but who bid fair to be very beautiful
Dr. G is very agreeable, much like his fa
-ther and yet strange to say, a handsome
man.--The papers bring accounts of the
battle. our loss between 400 & 500--Col. Moore
Capt Moore, Capt Tanner, Capt Rector (of this
vicinity, Lt. Rich H. Lee known to be killed--
Col. Echols wounded in arm--Yankee General
Shields lost his arm & Banks had his horse
killed. The horse was the nobler animal
of the two & one cannot help regretting the
ball had not struck the rider instead of him.
I felt so much anxiety about Lanty
that I telegraphed to Mr Jno Latané of
Staunton--but no answer came. At night
recd dispatch from Lanty himself dated
[?] saying "I and all you know are
safe." I was truly gratified to almighty god
for having thus preserved my dear boy.
Much amused and provoked to hear Jackson bla
med for attacking the enemy, The chief hand
in thus denouncing him is Gen Gilbert Meems
whom Jackson forced to resign for drunkeness
and imbecility--I regard it, on the contrary
as one of the brilliant affairs of the time
and though not a victory, yet when the
disparity of force is considered and the loss
inflicted on the enemy, the overall[?] effect
is not less than if we won. The enemy
will be very careful in advancing in
pursuit of such a general & such troops.
At night Dr. Williams, Dr. Green, Dr Hous
ton & Ben came in for tea, making with
D. G. five confederate army physicians
The evening progressed[?] very agreeably.
MSS 4763
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