Saturday, March 31, 2012

1862 April 1 Orange Court House, Va.

[continuation of the letter of John Warwick Daniel to his father of March 31]

April 1st. To day in accordance with my an-
ticipation I received your several letters of recent
date by mail & by hand, & I cannot too heartily
thank you for the kind exertion you have
made to sustain me in forming my Company.
Two other companies are now ready for
Mason’s Squadron one Commanded by Capt. Lew-
ellyn of Albemarle, the other by Capt. Throck-
morton of Johnton’s body guard.
We are all awaiting instructions from the
Cavalry eventually.
War Department. The regulations allow men
joining “authorized Companies to enter them 20 days
before the expiration of their present term,
and as we are now on the verge of that
period all are of course anxious to
know what course they will be expec-
ted to pursue. All desire to go to Lynchburg
in the vicinity of which they have
made arrangements to procure their
horses. This is now the only difficulty.
Should the Department not grant the privi-
lege of rendezvousing & forming in
Lynchburg they must at least permit

[page 3]
a portion of the men to visit that place in
order to procure the horses of the others &c.
In regard to my recruits now in Lynchburg
I shall be able to report in a few days.
Major Mason will receive information on
all points at most by day after to-
morrow, & then I shall be fully prepared
in Every respect. I expect to send in
my muster roll tomorrow, and shall
apply for a furlough as soon as the
official notification of the President’s
decision in regard to my appeal arrives,
and I think with good prospect of success
as two officers besides myself are now with
the Company.
A few days ago I purchased a horse or rather mare aged
8 or 9 years and of good appearance for $125
which I considered she was well worth.
I start her, as well as my other mare home
tomorrow in care of William Miller.
If the colt is well treated for a few weeks
I am inclined to believe that she will
suit for service, although some say otherwise.
I wish Mr. Ryan if possible to have her
put to Mr. Ward red-eye horse now standing
at Mr. Scott’s in Bedford, or to some other

[page 4]
stallion of fine blood. This I am informed
will much improve her.
The new mare I thought would do for me to
ride if the old one should prove unequal to
that service. She has good action and is of
mature age. One of my men is anxious to buy
her at cost, and I may yet Conclude to
permit him to take her off my hands,
I paid Cash, & Can get it for her an any
I do not expect to retain Wm Miller as
a servant. He is too careless, & unreliable.
I have written to procure if possible Capt.
Holloway’s former servant Bob, who is deci-
dedly the most trustworthy, capable,
& faithful attendant I ever saw.
Remember me affectionately to all.
I shall write again tomorrow,
Very affectionately Your son,
John W. Daniel.

[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

[“Capt. John Ariss Throckmorton commanded Johnston’s bodyguard. His company went on to the 6th Virginia. Neither Lewellyn nor Mason completed formation of their units, apparently, as they do not appear anywhere.” R. K. K.]

1st Lieutenant John Warwick Daniel, 1842-1910, Co. C. 27th Virginia and later Co. C. 11th Virginia Infantry, attained the rank of major before being permanently disabled in the Battle of the Wilderness. Studied law at the University of Virginia, entered politics and served in the Virginia House of Delegates, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Called the "Lame Lion of Lynchburg" he was a noted orator who gave speeches on many memorial occasions and was especially known for his address on Robert E. Lee

MSS 158

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