Hopewell--mar. 31 1862
Dear master
I would have writen to you
before this-but as Smith
wrote to you after receiving
your letter I thought that I
would wait until the
present time.
Smith left us the 24th inst
for the war. he went from
here to Mobile-we have heard
nuthing from him since.
Mr Powell has sent another
young man down to take
his place. his name is
Sterling N. Haney, nefphew
of Mrs Powell. he seem to
be a very nice young man.
he intend going to the
college as Smith did, but not
untill mr P comes down the 5th of ap.
[page 2]
Cain is still planting corn
he commenced up at Meltan
this morning. The whole of
Meltans is to be put in
corn. they have planted the
Rye field and Evans field
in corn. The weather is now
beautiful for farming and
gardening. Etter is getting
along very well gardening
She has very nice plants in
the flat beds she has peas and
other vegetables up.
The people are all well
at New Hope. they are
planting corn down there.
mr Powell intend planting
but very little Cotton.
none of the people about
here intend planting much
they intend planting the
house field and the
Lawn in cotton.
[page 3]
I surpose that mr powell
has writen to you about
Robt. at New Hope stealing
Capt. Cockes hogs[?] it was a
very bad act in him to do
so-but mr P has settled
with him for it.
Mr Bunden was here two days ago-
he says that he received your
letter and he intends
answering it very soon-
his Family is well
Capt Cocke is not up here at
this time. we are looking
for you to come out here
in april. but as you did
not say any thing about it
in your last letter I fear
that you are not coming.
our neighbour mrs Dufphey
is dead. she died the 2nd inst.
the people all joines me in love
to you. your Servant Lucy Skipwith
Lucy Skipwith was a slave trusted with the management of daily activities and slaves at one of General John Hartwell Cocke's Alabama plantations. She had been offered her freedom, contingent on emigrating to Liberia, but turned it down, preferring to stay with family and friends, and mitigating when she could the conditions of her fellow slaves.
MSS 640
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