Sunday, March 25, 2012

1862 March 26 Camp Rappahannock

Camp Rappahannock
March 26” 1862
My darling Wife
John Kenney came back
yesterday but to my surprise &
great disappointment brought no
letter from you nor horse and
very little information about
you. He said however that you
would write by Capt Chrisman
who I will look for every day.
John told me a great story about
you all saying the horse would
not suit you me & that he must
not be kept at Frescatti until
he was fit for my use. of course
I dont believe a word of it and
just conclude that he did not
bring the horse because he did
not want to be troubled with him
Now the fact is I am left really

[page 2]
very much in need of a horse &
must have one immediately. my
pony is a very nice little
horse but cant carry me through
the mud & he cant jump a fence
or a ditch with me on his back.
Geo Chrisman has just arrived
bringing a letter from you &
one from Ned who tells me
that the horse will not suit
me. I am perfectly satisfied
with him at any rate he is
the best I can do. I cant pos-
sibly get one here & am out
of one now. I must therefore
have him and that too at once.
And now I will tell you how
to send him. When I was at
Gordonsville I bought a saddle
of a man named Nichols in the
Quarter Masters department. Ned
knows him & was present Ned
must get money of you to pay

[page 3]
for it and go to G-ville and
get the saddle. he must then
get a bridle rein & bit fasten
it to the halter on Frank &
you will have a bridle. then
but a boy on him & send
him at once. I want the
saddle as bad as the horse.
I have not time to write to
Ned now you tell him that
I cant do better than take
the horse & as he seems to
be so fractious, I call him
“Hornet”, & you know when
I think enough of a horse
to give him a name, I will
keep him if I can.
You say my darling you
dont know how long I will
be here, I dont know either.
Genl Elzey has applied for
leave to take his brigade to
Orange for reorganization

[page 4]
which is absolutely neces-
sary to preserve our regiment
Capt Covington who will
carry this has called for
it, I must close.
I will write by every
Most affectionately
ETH Warren

"Camp Rappahannock", heading - 'Rappahannock Station, present-day Remington, Fauquier County.'

"John Kenney", line 1 -

"John", line 9 - 'Both referred to John Kenney, Jr., Ordnance-Sergeant, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

"Capt Chrisman", line 7 -

"Geo Chrisman", page 2, line 7 - 'Both referred to George H. Chrisman, Jr., Captain, Company H, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

"Frescatti", line 12 - 'Virginia 'Jennie' Watson Magruder Warren's ancestral home located a few miles north of Gordonsville.'

"G-ville", page 3, line 1 - 'Gordonsville.'

"Genl Elzey", page 3, line 21 - 'Arnold Elzey, Confederate general, commanded the brigade in which the 10th Virginia Infantry served.'

"Capt Covington", page 4, line 3 - 'William D. C. Covington, Captain, Company I, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

"ETH Warren", page 4, signature - 'Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

[transcription by John P. Mann, IV]

MSS 7786-g

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