Mulberry P. March 24th 1862
Dear Mary
I wrote Mary Lewis a few lines the other
day I recd a letter from Mr. Cox, written the day after
he left Airwell he said he had been to the Bank
and requested them to stop both checks I though
you had recieved the $100 chks on the Farmers Bank of
Va., & if you nave, why should he stop the payment.
I fear you will have the soldiers of both armies on
you---but you had better remain at home & try to
keep cool--scolding will not do with such men--
I send you one of your letters to me I wish you to read it, &
think over it--and at the same time, I assure you,
so far from being in good spirits at the hope of my
family feeling the war I am often made very miserable
by thinking about it, and other family matters--
I am very anxious to visit home, & now that the Battery
is about to be changed have some slight hope, but
it will depend on the "Virginia," expected out to morrow
[page 2]
if she can run over the "Monitor" I think Magruder
will give me leave--You remember John Worden,
who was in Washington when you were there, & had such
a fine boy--he commanded the "Monitor," and & lost his
sight--Tucker & Barry are at Norfolk, I have
not seen them since the fight--Web was here to
day, on his way down, & thinks we shall have a
fight to morrow, his vessel the "Teaser" was well fought
but she is so small that they can not hit her--
I have not seen the sheet you wrote about, but can
not say that I did not bring it with me--I have no
servant, and but little time to attend to my things-
It has been so long since I tasted butter that I do
not know how it tastes--So far, hard fare agrees with
me--I will be able to send some money home, next
month, if I get what is due me--
Kiss the children Love to all--Write me a good
long letter. Your afft husband
C[allender].St.G[eorge]. Noland
Lt. William A. Webb was in command of the CSS Teaser, a former tugboat, which took an active role in the battle of Hampton Roads as tender to the CSS Virginia (Merrimac). On July 4, 1862, a Union shell blew up Teaser's boiler,forcing her crew to abandon ship. She was refitted and served in the Union Navy as the USS Teaser for the remainder of the war.
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