Monday, March 26, 2012

1862 March 27 Camp Rappahannock

Camp Rappahannock
March 27” 1862
My own darling Jennie
Dr Campbell is here & expects to join
his regiment to day or tomorrow which
is in Orange, thus giving me an oppor-
tunity to send you a letter, which I will
do although I have nothing to say beyond
what I said in my letter yesterday. We
are still on the Rpnock River and I fear
likely to remain here until driven away
by the enimy [sic] and very likely our position
here is saving us some hard marching
and probably hard knocks, for I understand
that all of our part of the army except our
division has gone nobody knows where.
I hear that the Dispatch contains very
bad news from Genl Jackson. I fear that
Jackson has suffered himself to be drawn
into a trap, and suffered accordingly. I hope
it may result in either the reinforcement
of Jackson or the sending him to a safe
position. I think a great deal about you &
little Jennie Watson & dreamed last night you
& I were on the road to H. B. & that you
very much to my horror left the baby behind
you know how curious our dreams will
run & so my dream run last night. I hope
Jennie will soon be a better baby. She is
now a month & a day old and you ought
to have an abundance of milk which is
all she needs to make her a good baby &
then she will be a very pretty one too.

[page 2]
You must try & nurse her as often as pos-
sible and must take as much exercise
as you safely can. I think you might
now drink a little tody [sic] each day to
give you an appetite. I have put Frank
in your charge & you must have him
brought out each day for you to look
at & see that he is properly groomed, and
remember to have him salted twice a
week. I will look for Hornet down
on Saturday or Sunday with saddle
saddle bags & clothes for I am getting
real dirty. Tell Ned I am much obliged
to him for the care he has taken of Frank
& Hornet and that if I was in a situation
to get another horse he might have the
latter but as it is I am obliged to
have him. W We have a regimental
review this evening by Genl Ewel [sic] we
all have to turn out. I am going to
turn out in fact & will have to close
my letter to get ready for the turn out
George said Jim was so fat he did
not know him & that you were
looking very well indeed. I hope
you will continue to look well & im-
prove until I see you again for then
I want you to look your very pret
prettiest. Kiss the children give love
to all & believe me my own precious
darling ever your devoted loving husband
ETH Warren

"Camp Rappahannock", heading - 'Camp was near Rappahannock Station, present-day Remington, Fauquier County.'

"Dr Campbell", line 1 - "Josiah L. Campbell, Surgeon, 7th Virginia Infantry. From April to October 1861, he had served as Captain, Company F, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

"Rpnock River", line 7 - 'Rappahannock River.'

"Dispatch", line 14 - 'Most likely Warren referred to the Richmond Daily Dispatch.'

"Genl Jackson", line 15 - 'Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson, Confederate general, commanded the army in the Shenandoah Valley.'

"I fear that Jackson has suffered himself to be drawn into a trap. . .", lines 15 & 16 - 'Warren, even though he did not mention the Battle of Kernstown, 23 March, must certainly be referring to this fight. In fact, Jackson had been drawn into a fight which he lost. However, it turned out to be a strategic victory as it keep a number of Federals tied down in the Valley.'

"the sending him [Jackson] to a safe position.", lines 19 & 20 - 'Warren seems not to have a very high opinion of Jackson's abilities.'

"little Jennie Watson", line 21 -

"Jennie", line 26 - 'Both referred to Warren's daughter Virginia 'Jennie' Watson, born 26 February 1862.'

"H. B.", line 22 - 'Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Shenandoah Valley.'

"Frank", page 2, line 5 & 14 - 'One of Warren's war horses.'

"Hornet", page 2, line 10 & 15 - 'One of Warren's war horses.'

"Gen Ewel", page 2, line 19 - 'Richard S. Ewell, Confederate general, commanded the division in which Elzey's Brigade, containing the 10th Virginia Infantry, served.'

"George", page 2, line 23 - 'Jennie's brother George S. Magruder, Corporal, Company C, 13th Virginia Infantry.'

"Jim", page 2, line 23 - 'Jennie's brother James W. Magruder, Sergeant, Company K, 2nd Virginia Cavalry.'

"ETH Warren", page 2, signature - 'Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

[transcription by John P. Mann, IV]

MSS 7786-g

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