Sunday, March 25, 2012

1862 March 26 Richmond, Va.

Richmond March 26th / 62 (Wednesday)

My precious Husband

I received your dear letter containing the
good news that your substitute had been accepted this morning
and have felt so thankful all day. How shall I ever be good
enough or sweet enough to deserve so many blessings
and I have a piece of god news to tell you too--Our
dear Tommy has gotten a place with Uncle Sylvanus
& will go into business immediately & get $50 a month
in the beginning & $100 as soon as he learns how to
operate--he has not heard from deary Richard
for since I came down & feel quite anxious to
know his whereabouts but trust he is well or
he would have been sent home. I am sorry to hear
you are all alone but trust soon to be with you
again--I went to Dr. Wayts this morning & had
something done to one of my teeth & will go again
tomorrow & expect to go through perfect torments
I will try to make up my mind to have
my teeth drawn but fear I have not enough
courage to go through with it--I have been

[page 2]
quite sick ever since I came last week until today
Yesterday I was sick in bed all day & papa
was realy right mad with me for coming
away and at last determined not to let me come
alone & get ready & come down with me--he
had a terrible time of it on the boat which was
crowded more than I ever saw it & I realy feared
I would be ill when I got here but I took Qui
& came on I feel astonishingly well today
considering I have not slept since night before
the last--I think I will be able to take a little
tonight now my mind is releived about
you--I hope my darling you will burn this
dreadful scrawl as soon as you read it for
I am ashamed to send it--but I have a
dreadful pen & very little ink & Betty MacMur
do & Nannie Robinson have both been to see
me since I commenced & aunt Page is talking
all the time so I realy hardly know what I am
saying--I am sorry to hear Betseys little baby
is no better you had better weigh 4 grains of
Calomel & make 12 powders & give it until it
affects it moderately--Give the powders once

[page 3]
every two or three hours & have its stomach
rubbed well night & morning with spirits of
Turpentine--I think the little thing's liver
is in a very torpid condition & it may take
a good deal of Calomel to effect it & you might
increase the dose by not making so may pow[der]s
but I would not give more than 1/2 or 1 grain at
a dose but repeat it until it acted on it
It is time for me to send this down to the boat
now so must say good bye--take good care
your precious self my own Husband & hoping
soon to see you I am now & ever
your devoted wife

J.C. B. Cabell

[on envelope]
Philip B. Cabell Esqr
Willow Bank P.O.
Nelson Co

[in corner]
Will Captn
Dillard be kind
enough to put this in
the mail J.C.B.C.

MSS 38-111

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