Thursday, January 31, 2013

1863 Janaury 24 New Bern, N.C.

[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F., 25th Massachusetts]

Jan 24
It cleared up this forenoon and is
now pleasant, Have written some
and read some. Perley McIntire got his leg
broken by a tree falling on him while chop-
ping and was carried to the hospital.
Wilder came back to day and Lou Brown
This evening Aaron Aldrich was in here and we
sung some.

MSS 11293

1863 January 24 Hd Qrs Taliaferro's Brigade

     Hd Qurs Taliaferros Brig.
January 24” 1863.
My own darling
     I have been in a mighty mix all day indeed ever
since yesterday afternoon and am not any better now
though from a different cause, for I this evening got your
letter of last Wednesday telling me Lizzie was quite sick.
I of course expected her to take the fever and although you
dont speak of her symptoms as being bad, yet your de-
clarations of uneasiness make me feel the same.  I am
very thankful that Jimmy got over it so well.  Dr Camp
bell seems to have feared more danger in his case than in either
of the others, and I am very hopeful that the other
two will get along as well and that you will escape
it entirely.  Cheer up my darling & do your best to feel
that you can spare me in the trial, for after I have
told you of my troubles here you will see how under
present circumstances it is impossible for me
to go home.  On Yesterday, in the afternoon the two
N.C regiments arrived & reported to me.  I was not look-
ing for them & had no good ground to camp them on.
Taking for granted that my Ala friends desired to
leave as soon as the N.Cs reported, I addressed their
commanding officers a very polite note informing them
that were relieved from duty with this brigade &
requesting them to visit my quarters with a view to make
the necessary arrangements for their departure.  The officer

[page 2]
commanding the 48” reported but Col Jackson of the 47” did
sent his Senior Capt who made no apology for Col Jackson
not coming.  I broached the subject of their departure in the
most inocent [sic] way imaginable when the Capt Campbell
of the 47” (who is a Methodist preacher) very pertly informed
me that they were no longer under my command.  I was
thunderstruck, confounded and as mad as forty Bedlomites [sic]
but simply replied – “Capt that is true, but you are on my
“ground” and I need it for the accomodation [sic] of troops that
“are under my command, but I want you to understand
“that although I am greatly embarassed [sic] by your remaining
“here, still so kind have our been my relations with these
“two regiments and so pleasant our intercourse since you
“have been under my command, so far from issuing an order
“for you to leave my encampment, I will not even express a wish
“that you will do so.”  At this the Cap began a sort of apology
saying that he thought from the manner in which I commenced
that I intended to order them off.  I told him that he had
no right to form such a conclusion, that my past conduct
& manner of doing business forbid it &c &c  By this time
I suppose the interview had become rather embarrassing to
the Capt and he withdrew & I doubt not told all sorts
of stories about me to the regiment.  This morning the 48th
behaving genteelly left, but the 47” still remains.  But
now comes the best of it, the rations of the regiment gave
out to day, and this morning their Lt Col called on me
to get rations.  I reminded him of Capt Campbells statement
that they were no longer under my command & that I had
no right to feed them – but by way of heaping coals of fire –

[page 3]
I told him I would recomend [sic] their care to the tender mercies of Genl
Taliaferro who might do something for them & did so but they
got nothing and will have to go away empty in the morning
But this is not all, while the Lt Col was at my quarters beg-
ging for something to eat, Maj Pendleton & Col McDowel of 1st N.C.
were at Col Jacksons having called on him to know when he
intended to leave, to which he replied “he would probably get
off by monday [sic] or tuesday [sic].  M P in endeavoring to do the polite
was expressing his regrets at the seperation [sic] & declaring how
satisfactory and pleasant had been our relations &c just as
a polite man would talk, to which Jackson replied that the only
thing he hated about it was leaving his quarters.  But this
is not all – before any of this had occured [sic] Genl Taliaferro had
sent a communication of the most complimentary character
to each of the regiments expressing regrets of the seperation [sic]
        recomending [sic] Genl Taliaferro for Maj Genl
&c yet when a paper ^ was sent to the 47” for their signatures
but one officer (a 2d Lieut) in the regt. signed it.  Now
Jennie you know how well I have spoken [of] these men &
that I really had a high opinion of them, and you know
too that I have never since I commanded them treated them
otherwise than with kindness, perfect fairness & respect.
And I must confess now that I am deeply grieved at
their conduct.  My disappointment in them is so great
that it weakens my confidence in human nature.  I have
felt badly all day about it.  And one of the worst features
in the case is that last night I recd orders to put my
brigade at once in complete fighting order, and be ready
for action at a moments notice, which I have taken
steps to do, and informed the Alas of the order, but still they

[page 4]
remain although a full hard days march from
their new brigade.  And it was this fighting order
that bothered me & helped to mix things for me.  At
the time I recd it I had two regiments on picket &
200 men working on breastworks.  the N. C.s had
just come in & I know nothing of them, their
efficiency or their wants.  All had to be done at once
& imediately [sic], and all in the face of my positive
conviction that we should have no more fighting
on this line.  Well I hope by tomorrow mor-
ning to get through all preperations [sic] for a fight,
and now I will make this confession.  For my
part I cant see anything that indicates a sign
of a fight, but something to the contrary.  Yet as
Genl Lee insists with so much pertenacity [sic] that a
fight is about to occur, I confess I am beginning to
doubt the correctness of my opinion on the subject
and have come to the conclusion that Genl Lee very
probably has some information which I have not, and
I had better make up my mind to act accordingly
 Now my darling I dont tell you this to alarm
you, but simply to show you that so long as Genl
Lee is in imediate [sic] expectation of a fight it is useless
for me to ask a furlough.
 I am disposed to be pleased with the N. C regts
they are large & the officers that I have seen are
inteligent [sic], but I have been so much mistaken
in the Alas that I am determined to be a little
slow in making up my mind this time.  Genl
Taliaferro is very much dissatisfied with his treatment
and I would not be surprised if he resigns.  I have
not talked with him about it.

[page 5]
  Sunday Morning 25 Jany [this is in the top margin]
  My own precious darling.  I recon you will think I have no-
thing to do but write letters to you.  it looks so indeed, but I
dont hapen [sic] to be very well this morning and am up by six o-
clock and rather than go to bed again will take up the time in
adding length to my letter to you.  And this time in morning
seems to me to be so appropriate to write to you who are also very
probably up nursing Lizzie or one of the others, and now I can
just consider myself as talking to you and telling what a very
dear good wife you are, how deeply & fondly I love you & how pretty
I think you are.  How good you have been in overlooking all my faults
and bearing with all my follies.  How patient you have been in sub-
miting [sic] to the misfortunes incident to this war.  My own darling you
tell me you know I would come home if I was only persuaded how
much I was needed there, dont my dearest deceive yourself.  I
do know how very important it is for me to be with you, if for
nothing else to cheer you up, but I cant come now.  If things at
home were ten times worse than they are it would be the
same thing.  I cant leave now, neither of my three ranking officers
would grant it.  But I dont think the present state of things
can last very long.  The Yankeys must go into winter quarters
and cant any more stand campaigning now than we can, it
is raining again this morning, thus making the prospect
for further operations still worse.  I feel certain of having an
opportunity to go home in February and possibly I may
go to stay.  For if Genl Taliaferro resigns I am going
direct to Genl Jackson and say to him, I am sir the ranking
colonel in my brigade and have commanded it to the perfect

[page 6]
satisfaction of those under me as well as those above me
for the past three months and in proof of it the brigade
is in a better condition to day than it has ever been
and now it is without a Brigadier and I must now be
made a Brig Genl or I will be nothing, no man from
any other brigade can supersede me, I must have the
rank I am entitled to or I quit.  I am not going to be
ambitious.  I am satisfied to remain a coln if I can do
so without being supe disgraced by having another man
placed over me.  This will be my course, unless you write
to me saying I must not do it.  I shall be sorry if
Taliaferro resigns, because I dont want to be bothered
about promotions  I dont want to be placed in a situation
which compells [sic] me to look up.  I have an ambition of
a different sort, one more congenial to my tastes
and habits and that is to make my family happy
& contented, to keep youth in the heart of my darling
wife, to raise my children to be good useful & happy
this is my ambition one that will make me happy.  one
that will be appreciated at home and make those so
dear to me, love me more & more as they live and
grow older.  God in his great mercy bless you all
and take care of you & make you cheerful & happy in
the trials & dificulties [sic] now surrounding.  Give my
love to Mother Ellie & Grandma & Sister Lizzie, kiss each
each of the children and believe me as ever
  Your most affectionate husband
P.S We have had no snow here, all rain.

“Hd Qurs”, heading – Head Quarters.

“Taliaferros Brig.”, heading –

“this brigade”, line 22 –

“my brigade”, page 3, line 27; page 5, line 27 –

“the brigade”, page 6, line 2 – In all cases, Warren referred to the 3rd (Tailaferro’s) Brigade (which he temporarily commanded), 1st (Jackson’s) Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.  Prior to the date of the letter, the brigade consisted of the 47th & 48th Alabama Infantry regiments and the 10th, 23rd, & 37th VA Infantry regiments.  The 47th and 48th Alabama Infantry regiments, as seen from the contents of the letter, were transferred out of the brigade.  The 1st and 3rd North Carolina State Troops (infantry regiments) were transferred into the brigade replacing the Alabamans.

“My own darling”, salutation –

“Jennie”, page 3, line 18 – In both cases, Warren referred to his wife Virginia ‘Jennie’ Watson Magruder Warren.

“Lizzie”, line 4; page 5, line 7 – Warren’s seven year old daughter.

“Jimmy”, line 8 – Warren’s six year old son James M.

“Dr Campbell”, lines 8 & 9 – Joseph L. Campbell, Surgeon, 10th VA Infantry.

“N.C regiments”, line 17 –

“N.Cs”, line 20; page 4, line 5 –

“N.C regts”, page 4, line 25 – In all cases, Warren referred to the 1st and 3rd North Carolina State Troops (infantry regiments).

“Ala friends”, line 19 – 47th and 48th Alabama Infantry regiments.

“48””, page 2, line 1 – 48th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“Col Jackson of the 47””, page 2, line 1 –

“Col Jackson”, page 2, line 2; page 3, line 6 –

“Jackson”, page 3, line 11 – In all cases, Warren referred to James W. Jackson, Colonel, 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“Capt Campbell of the 47””, page 2, lines 4 & 5 –

“Capt Campbell”, page 2, line 27 – In both cases, Warren referred to James M. Campbell, Captain, Company E, 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“the regiment”, page 2, line 23 – 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“48th”, page 2, line 23 – 48th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“47””, page 2, line 24; page 3, line 16 – 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“LtCol”, page 2, line 26; page 3, line 4 – In both cases, Warren referred to Michael J. Bulger, Lieutenant-Colonel, 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“Genl Taliaferro”, page 3, lines 1 & 2, 13, 15 ½; page 4, lines 29 & 30; page 5, line 25 –

“Taliaferro”, page 6, line 12 – In all cases, Warren referred to William B. Taliaferro, Confederate general, commander 1st (Jackson’s) Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

“Maj Pendleton”, page 3, line 5 –

“M P”, page 3, line 8 – In both cases, Warren referred to Joseph H. Pendleton, Major, Quartermaster, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
    Further research has led to the ability to identify this individual.  Annotations concerning “Pendleton” in Warren’s letters of 18 November 1862 and 14 January 1863 should be changed to reflect Joseph H. and his military information.

“Col McDowel”, page 3, line 5 – John A. McDowell, Colonel, 1st North Carolina State Troops (infantry regiment).

“the regiments”, page 3, line 15 – 47th and 48th Alabama Infantry regiments.

“Alas”, page 3, line 29 – 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“Alas”, page 4, line 28 – While Warren may have referred to both the Alabama infantry regiments, it is almost certain, based on the content of the letter, he referred only to the 47th Alabama Infantry Regiment.

“Genl Jackson”, page 5, line 26 – Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, Confederate general, commanded Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

“coln”, page 6, line 8 – Colonel.

“children”, page 6, line 18, 26 – Warren had three at the time – seven year old Lizzie, six year old James M., and eleven month old Virginia ‘Jennie’ Watson.

“ETHW”, page 6, signature – Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren, Colonel, 10th VA Infantry.

[transcript by John P. Mann, IV]

MSS 7786-g

1863 January 24 Norfolk, Va.

[from the signal message book of Lt. Thomas S Seabury, 3rd New York Infantry]

Jan. 24th
    To Col. Wardrop
        Genl. Peck will send a
        force of Cavalry this evening
        to the Dismal Swamp.
                 (Signed) Gen.Viele

MSS 10781

1863 January 24 Richmond

                                         Jany 24th 1863
Edmund Ruffin Esq
             Dear Sir
                        Your letter of the 20th
has been recd.   Both of your contribu-
tions have been recd by me and both
have been acknowledged in the papers
- the first in the Whig - the last in
the Enquirer: I enclose the slips
to you but will be obliged if you
will return them to me at your
leisure as I need them for refer-
-ence and have no duplicates . There
is a typographical error in the En-
quirer in printing you as Edmund
Ruffin Jr instead of Senr as I
had written it = I acknowledged
both these receipts in a letter to you
written Jany 3d & directed to you
at Petersburg which I suppose to
be your post office from the fact
that your last letter was postmarked

[page 2]
    I shall be very grateful
to you for a copy of such parts
of your diary as relate to the
cause, and opening of the war
or for such notes in other form
as you can furnish = I have
endeavoured by earnest labor upon
the materials at my command
to be accurate but am fully
aware that errors are unavoidable=
   a new edition of the history
is called for and as I have
made sufficient progress to furnish
a volume of good size, the publish
-ers would have put it to press some
weeks ago but for the difficulty
-almost impossibility of getting
paper = I hope to correct
in the next edition many
of the imperfections of my
first draft - Thus far I
have been agreeably disappointed

[page 3]
in this respect, for though I have
received some hundreds of letters
and mss on the subject, they
do not affect very materially the
accuracy of what has been printed=

Permit me to say that the notices
of yourself which were such as seemed
to me due simply to Historic
truth - You appear again in
several scenes especially in the
field of Manassas
                         Very Respy & truly
                           R R Howison

Robert Reid Howison, author of a noted history of Virginia

MSS 3026

1863 January 24 Camp near Guinea Station

                             Camp near Guinea
                    Station  Jany 24th 1863
Dear Bill
              I have just received your letter
of the 21st. I do not know when I will get
my furlough or whether I'll get it at all.
I sent it in about ten weeks ago, there are
so many reports of the Yankees on the other
side, moving & threatening to attack that
it keeps, I suppose, the Generals from
granting more than they do.  So far we
have had no winter weather & I find my
tent quite comfortable.  I should like to
see a snow, that we might be certain
that the enemy would remain quiescent
long enough for some of us to visit our
friend.  I do not know what West's plans
are, but shall feel uneasy until I hear from
him.  I am sorry to hear that your clothing is
beginning to require renewal.  I dont see
how you manage to get along on what money
you have, how much do you pay for board?
- & how does T.w.a  manage to keep his head

[page 2]
above water, a thousand dollars is very
little now, I am delighted at the prospect
which northern journals give us, of peace
-if we can manage to get through this
Summer, all, I hope, will be well.  I
am sorry to hear of Miss Chichester's death.
You, I suppose - are volunteer housekeeper
-There is no news here,  Hoping soon to see
you & at any rate to hear from you--I am
                                Most affectionately
                                   Your brother

William Gregory a surgeon with the 2nd Georgia Volunteers

MSS 4777

1863 January 24 camp across the Rappahannock from Fredericksburg

[from the diary of the Rev. Francis E. Butler, chaplain of the 25th New Jersey]

Sat 24   About but sick.  Mrs Harris   Mrs Liper[?] came
with for comforts for sick – A whiskey ration drawn
but not issued. Regt. pd. off to 31st Oct.
Surprised by brother Williams arrival – came at Col
request to take me home – Glad to see him, felt better.

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 12935

1863 January 24-25 Campbell County,Va.

[from the diary of George W. Dabney, clerk of Campbell County, Va.]

24" Saty
Cloudy & pleast  Th. 60  - plowing
hauld [stones?] - blue pill to Jesse.

25"  Sundy
Fair pleast -- Wd to Hopewell
home 9 pm - visiting Jesse sevl
times - stomach head & chest all
wrong -- says no Dr yet - take
Salts & see tomorrow - blue pill
acted well - sh.cakes & sassifras
 tea recom. as diet - see Tobo                      

law limit passed Ho of Del - good-
[?] raised greater price - no loss
to planter - good act. in Examr
on use of rail roads to convey prov-
isions for people - denouncing Govt
officials in cahoot with speculators -
  Wd shot flying - missed yesterday
Wild Turkeys ^ in field wheat


1863 January 24 [Clarke County, Va.]

[from the diary of Matthella Page Harrison as transcribed at a later date]

Saturday, January 24th - Bright in the morning but cloudy in the evening. Sister
Mary, Cousin Mary N and Maria here in the morning.  Dr. H went to the post and
brought me some tea, sugar and pepper which were a great treat.

MSS 9759

1863 Janaury 24 Chapel Hill, N.C.

[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]

Saturday 24th  I have been busy all day mending & writing -- & had
company part of the time - Sarah sat the morning with me
& Mrs Johnston & Phillip called in the afternoon.

MSS 6960

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1863 January 23 New Bern, N.C.

[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F., 25th Massachusetts]

Jan 23
Still dull and cold. I have not
drilled but charged some clothing
and have been reading.  Have read some in
"Spencers Sketches" and like it very much.  Played
chess with George this evening.  Frank Adams
was in here writing a letter.  Five of our boys
got in the guard house for leaving the guard

MSS 11293

1863 January 23 Camp near Corbin's Neck

     Camp near Corbin's Neck
                      Jan'y 23 1863
Fried Reed:--
                     I believe I wrote
you last, but it has been so long
ago I suppose a few lines more
will not be amiss.  I am again in
camp & surrounded by all the
"pomp, pride and circumstance
of glorious war".  I arrived here
on Tuesday & found nearly all
the boys on picket. Old Jim's as
fat as a bear and has as much
fun in him as ever. The yanks
appear to be very well satisfied
to keep the other side of the river.
I haven't heard even a cannon,
something that used to be an
every-day occurrence.  Our pickets
and theirs seem to have made
peace with each other, as they
have ceased to shoot at one another

[page 2]
They did converse and trade with
each other but that has been prohibited
When our regiment was on picket,
a Yank hallowed across the river
to one of our men that he would
give him a gallon of Whiskey (which
by the way is only worth $80.00 in camp)
for a plug of tobacco; but the fellow
was not allowed to make the trade.
Another, I understand, called to
one of our men to know if we
had a sorry corporal.  He said
if we had, he wanted to swap
Burnside for him.  We have the
best position here in the world.  Our
fortifications are on the side of a
hill, so that we could form two
distinct lines of battle in our
breast - works and have our cannon
in rear so that we could just
throw them down as they cross
the bottom which, I believe is
upwards of a mile long.

[page 3]
It is thought by some that the
Yankees will advance here, but
I think, surely their Gen'l, if it
is no body but Burnside, will have
more judgement than that.  I
believe, we could whip all Yankeedom
with the position we have here.
Well, Reed, what do you think of peace.
I wish I were able to roll back the
misty vail of futurity, and see our
destiny as a nation.  I do not
doubt our final success, but how
long & to what extent do will this
havoc, this butchery of human
beings continue be carried on!
Reed, you can't conceive of the horrors
of war, without you could go over
a battle field.  It is horrible!
Were you at home when I left?  I
would like to have seen you before
I left.  I stopped at Mr McCauley's
as I passed, -- only a few minutes.

[page 4]
Reed, the time has come when necessity
compells us to ask a favor of you.
We are entirely destitute of cooking
utensils, and know of no way of obtaining
them without out sending home & employ-
                     to bring them for us
ing an agent and ^ know of no one so
well suited for the task as yourself.
We all intend writing home to our daddies
to make up these things and we want
you, that is if it dont "discommode" you too
much, to bring them to us - we bearing
all expenses. If I knew of any argument
that would induce you to come, I would
willing employ it.  suffice it, to say,
we are very much in need, and desire
your services very much.  Jim says if
you do undertake it which he hopes
you will, you must freeze to the
box until you get it to us.  You
had better come by Charlottesville
and be particularly careful at Guinea's
Station.  Well, Reed, I must close.
Please present my regards to Misses
Jinny & Callie and all enquiring
friends.  Write soon.
            Your true friend
                                 M.P. Frantz
Mr James
       Sir, it is not only for the
great necessity compelling us to call upon
you, as Pettie has related, that we thus
address you, but more particularly be-
cause we are anxious to see you.  I have
just reproved him for it.  However I am
a witness of the fact that we are in a hard
place and do hope you will pay us a visit very
soon and just do this little business as you come Houts

Marshall Petty Frantz and James Philip Houtz ot Co. E., 42nd Virginia the "Dixie Grays"

MSS 14953

1863 January 23 Camp Winder

        Camp Winder  Jan 23
Dear Aunt
                           I take my
pen in hand to write you
a few lines to let you
know that I am well & hope
that when these lines come
to hand they may find you
enjoying the same blessing
I received your letter and
the Cheese, Apples & caps you
sent by Mr. Jarvis.  I am
very much obliged to you for
sending them. the caps I gave
to those who were worst

[page 2]
off. there is no bareheaded men
in our part of the army. The
most of the men have good
hats or caps.  this week has
been very disagreeable raining
almost every day.  I suppose it
is snow with you as it
is much warmer here than in
the Valley.  We are very comfortably
situated now the men all
have cabins or tents with
chimneys; in which we do
our cooking.  I think that
as long as the weather keeps
bad we will have the
privilege of remaining n
our quarters as the roads are
too bad for the moving of
an army  There is a good
many troops going from here
to North Carolina but they
are altogether  North Carolina troops

[page 3]
We have a Court house & Church
built and some of the men
are now building a Theatre It
will be finished in a few
days I suppose - As I have
nothing of any interest to
write you I will close
by asking you to excuse
all mistakes and write soon
   Give my love to all
enquiring friends & receive
a large share yourself from
your affectionate nephew
               Thomas M Smiley

Thomas M. Smiley, co. D, 5th Virginia Infantry

MSS 1807, -a

1863 January 23 Petersburg, Va.

                                                    Petersburg, Va
                                                               Jany 23d 1863
Gen Jno H.Cocke
                My Dear Bro.,
                                       Your very kind and affectionate
note of the 17th inst was yesterday received.  I have been
long expecting to hear from you.  I was afraid you
were sick, and felt exceedingly anxious to came to
your bedside if such had been the fact -- I am truly
glad therefore to hear from you, and hope the blessing
of God may continue to smile upon you - and
preserve you for some time to come; to continue to
be a blessing to your family and friends.
The receipt within will show, that I have given over
your donation to the Evangelical Tract Society of
Petersburg, as you directed.  It was well received.
I requested them to send you by mail, a few copies
of their Tract, which I hope you have received-
such I have been circulating, I trust, with success
here in Hospitals and in Camps.  Many precious
souls have found Jesus precious to their souls
by the reading of these and other Tracts

[page 2]
But the other day, a lovely young man, from N.C.
told me that a tract by Dr Jeter, "a mothers parting
words to her soldier boy," had led his heart to
embrace the Gospel --So with hundreds, have these
messengers blessed and saved-
O, my dear Bro, I could relate many instances,
thrilling and affecting, to show the value of tract
distribution. But I must wait, till, as I hope, I see
you face to face -.
You very kindly ask, "what have the prospects before
you and Sister Young for future subsistence and
usefulness" -- You know I am in the army, and I
hope I am doing good- I have been in this work
since April 1860.- I left Williamsburg with Mrs
Y in may 1862, and a kind providence brought
us here - we lost all we had.  My beautiful Library
worth about $2000, was taken by the enemy, and
sold in New York - all my furniture &c was
taken and destroyed - our beautiful church is now a
wreck, and our ancient city mutilated and disfigured.
I have been getting along very well up to the present
time. But now Board is rising so rapidly

[page 3]
I am beginning to be uneasy and unhappy.
I have $120 per month, and our Room and
Board amount to $100 - our Board is cheap
compared with some other places, indeed all
other houses, as far as I can find out-
While I am satisfied just to live, and willing to
make all the sacrifices I can, yet I am fearful
I can not do even as much as to live here.
What to do I cannot tell.  I am willing to labor
in the army, and yet, if Board continues to rise
I shall be compelled either to settle over some
church, if God in his providence will open a
door for me, or else, try some business, which
I shudder to think about - My faith & trust is in
God - I am determined to confide in his sovereign
will and saving grace - I am just now, where
I was 11 years since when I entered the ministry
without books, and without money-
thus, my Dear Bro. I have opened my heart to you-
I have but little hope of ever returning to Williamsburg
My Dear people are scattered, and many will
never return again-

[page 4]
I mean to continue in the good work of
trying to save  souls.  I have but few acquaintances
here, for I confine myself mainly to the
work of the Hospitals and Camps-
Mrs Young is very well - she keeps up a good
heart - Has strong faith in our cause, and
feels, with myself, that God will fight for us.
  As to the times, I must admit, after reading
and hearing opinions expressed, the mind
is still in the depth of uncertainty.  There is truly an
end to all this, but when; That is the question.
One thing is clear, if the enemy should not
fill up the ranks of his army, by the 1st of may, the
time, when many will relieved, he will be forced
to make some terms of peace to us.  But I fear
he will recruit his army, and out struggle
will be prolonged - I feel assured however
they never can conquer us - The day is
[just?] for that - Their cause will not prosper -
"Our God will fight for us" - Neh[emiah]-4 chap
Mrs Young sends very kind regards - and desires
much with myself to see you once more
in the flesh - Write soon - I shall be most
happy to hear from you -
                                Yours affectionately
                                Wm M Young

[page 5]
I might add, that the Evangelical Tract
Society represents all christian denomanations[sic]
in its Tracts - It does not publish anything
offensive to any christian mind -
It is doing a good work in this way. It
has published over 100 different Tracts -
Man of which have been blessed to the good
of souls - Our excellent Bro Dickenson is
also engaged in a good for the Baptists-
He represents the Baptist Sunday school
and Publication Board, which also is
largely engaged in circulating Tracts
among the Soldiers - Ican but believe
that such efforts will be largely blessed to the
good of our Army.
Since the 1st of Oct. over 100 souls have
professed conversion in the Hospitals
in this City. = Another fact - many
of our soldiers can neither read nor
write - I think, after mingling with
about 25000 of our men, and taking them
as a fair specimen of our men generally,
that about 1/2 of our army cannot write their

[page 6]
own names, and about 1/4 can
neither read nor write - I have given
attention to this fact, and have begun
the good work of teaching men to read -
about 460 men have learned to
read in our Hospitals - one old
Man about 55 years, began to learn
his letters, and in five weeks, could
read his Primer through - He went
home rejoicing = I collect money
from friends when I need it to purchase
Primers - I find more difficulty in getting
the books, than I do the money-
It is interesting to see, as I often see, about
20 or 30 of all ages trying to learn
their letters, or learning how to
spell, and, but, dog, cat, &c
Yet you would often see it here,
if you were present-
These men will do good, if spared to
reach their homes, and will become the
warm advocates of education-
They are mostly from N.C. Geo, and
Ala - some from Va-------
                 Aff Yours
                         John M. Young

MSS 640

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1863 January 23 Guinea's Station

  Camp Near Guinea’s Station
                                       Jan’y 23rd 1863
My Dear Father
                        More time than usual has lapsed
than usual since I wrote to you. But from
circumstances almost unavoidable. We left
our camp at sundown one week ago & reached
this place the following evening. I expected the
wagons with my knapsack containing my station-
ary – would follow immediately – but they are still
at camp & I have no stationary here. We moved
in consequence of an apprehended attack
caused by some demonstrations of the
enemy. We hope however soon to return
to our old camp. I spent only one week
in my house & that was longer term
than any one else staid in their’s, as ours
was the first done. We are about six miles
from Fredericksburg.
     I am much obliged to you for your
offer but do not desire a paper sent me.
We get them in camp every day & we
move so often that I would soon cease
to get one sent by mail. I am also un-
willing that one of your negroes should
be in camp with me. One of my
[page 2]
company leave in the morning for
Richmond. I have just heard it & write
by fire light, that he may mail this in
Rd. [Richmond]. I also send by him to McKinney
& Duprey for the box which you
wrote me would be started from
home the first of this week. Tho’
I have received no letter from
you since I hope a letter tomorrow
from you as some one has gone
to our old camp to return then.
      The bearer of this returns in a few
days. I have nothing in the
news line to write. Assurances of
my most devoted love is unnecessary
Give my most sincere love to
Mother George & all.
                      Most affly. yr. son
                                W.H. Perry Jr.
P. S. I fear my letter caused Mother to trouble her-
self too much trying to get the clothes she sends ready
too early. I am sorry if it did. But a pr. of pants
[The following is written in the side margin on page 2.]
will be very acceptable just now if they come.

William H. Perry, Richmond Howitzers

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 7786-d

1863 January 23 across the Rappahannock from Fredericksburg

   Head Quarters 15th Conn Vols
                                 Camp opposite Fredksburg
                                      (No 12)    Jany 23rd [1863]
Dear Brother George..
                                       I ought to have
written you before this but have a
little some thing to do all the time
so that I could not write..  but no
matter now..     We are still here in
camp but have been under
marching orders for almost a
week but as it has rained hard
all the time we have not got off.. 
and shall probably stay here
now until Spring or some where
near here but if it had not been
for this rain there would have
been some hot work here this
week, but I guess the whole –
move ment is given up now as
the roads are in such a bad –

condition that artillery & baggage
can’t get along – but there was quite
a few troops ordered ahead for
they have been comming [sic] back all
to day & yesterday – Infantry – cavalry
and artillery and some lancers passed
camp to day but it is awful –
traveling     I saw 20 horses on 1 gun
that had got set in the mud
     but it’s strange that the rebels
know all that we are going to do
about as soon as we do and to
day the rebel pickets were yelling
across the river to ours “How are
you Burnside stuck in the mud”
                    It is dreadful muddy
down here now and I guess that
the rainy season has set in finally
it has rained and blowed very
hard for 4 or 5 days now and
we had a great time the other
night    our tent got loosened at
one corner and came very near  blowing
over but we got up in the rain and
dark and fixed it finally but
the Major and I lost our hats
and got wet through before we
got through..   Had a letter from
Elbe yesterday   he is all right    is
going to send me a sketch book
and I may take some interesting
sketches before I get back..    I guess
I have lost that pipe that he sent
me    don’t expect to ever see it
guess it was stolen down to the depot
here at Falmouth for they smashed
into and stole a good many boxes
down there..        We have been fixing
up the tent to day, floored it
and made every thing comfortable
for the winter.   How is every thing
in Meriden   tell me all the news
every time you write all the little
things that transpire as I like

very much to know what you are
all about at home..   How is
Biddy?   Tell her to “Pug me horn” [?]
be a good girl and Keep her nose
clean..        I am getting real fat
will weigh myself the first chance
that I get, guess I can bring down
140 lbs.        There is nothing strange
down here    there was a big fire in
Fredericksburg the other night but
I diden’t run to it..
                     Write me often and
Give my love to all at home,
                                J H Howard

James H. Howard, 15th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 12668

1863 January 22-23 Fayetteville

[from the diary of Capt. Zachariah Heed, 91st Ohio Infantry]

Fayetteville Va.  Thursday morning.  Some Snow, a blowing in my quarters.  one inch on the floor.  2 oclock P.M. quit Snowing.  8 oclock P.M. Dark and Cloudy.

Fayetteville Va.  Friday morning, cold and cloudy,  Enterd on my Duties as the Regimental Officer of the Day.  all is quiet in camp   1 oclock A.M. cold and Cloudy.

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]


1863 January 23 New Bern, N.C.

[from the diary of Sgt. Robert Larimer, Co. C, 62nd Ohio]

Friday 23
At 3 O Clock received orders
to move in line at 8 O'c
arrived at the train in
New Bern at 11 AM under way
at 2 P.M. accompanied by 67th Ohio
halted on the road 1 hour arrived at
Moorehead at 7 P.M. went aboard the
Steamer Conway laid at wharf all night

MSS 38-129

1863 January 23 U.S.Steamer Currituck Piankatank River

                                   U. S. Steamer "Currituck"
                                         Piankatank River Va
                                             January 23rd  1863

     At daybreak this morning, as I lay
at the mouth of the Rappahannock, I saw two
Canoes Standing in for this place.  I at once weighed
anchor and gave chase, owing to a heavy fog
we lost sight of them in a short time
I anchored at the mouth of Jackson's Creek
on this River, Supposing them to have run in
there.  I sent the Gig and Second Cutter, in charge of
Mr Nelson the Executive officer, in Search of them,
under cover of our Guns.  On landing they ascertained
from a Negro, that a sloop was lying in the
"South West Branch,"  which they found anchored
and Scuttled in two places.  they at once stopped
the Leaks and pumped the Water Out of her hold.  Mr
Felix, Masters Mate, in charge of the 2nd Cutter went
in Search of the Goods taken from the Sloop, but
without Success,  as he landed he saw about twenty
men running in different directions,  also three of
the Rebel Cavalry, one of whom took to flight
suppose to be a Col.  [Chorian?] of the Rebel Cavalry.
he captured two prisoners, Riley Christopher a Rebel
Soldier, and James Ewell of Accomac Creek Va
the owner of the Sloop.  the latter had a "Sharps
Rifle" which he dropped as Mr Felix called on
them to Surrender he asserts he had no intention of
using it, and says it was given to him by the
Col. to fire on our men: Christopher (the other Prisoner)
also states the Col. gave him a Rifle for the same
purpose, which he threw away on seeing our men
landing immediately after Mr Nelson shoved off

[page 2]
and got the Sloop under way having the Gig in
tow sending the 2nd Cutter ahead. when abreast of a
point covered with thick woods they were suddenly
attacked by a party of about thirty (30) Rebels
Riflemen, who Kept firing rapidly and calling on
Mr Nelson to give up the Sloop.  he replied by
ordering his men to fire and bravely Kept his
place at the helm under a heavy fire, until
it became so rapid, he had to steer from the Cabin,
he Kept on his course his men Keeping up a rapid
fire from the hold of the sloop and from the Gig
in reply to that of the Enemy, who did not
Cease firing until they were out of range.  I am
happy to inform you none of our party were
              As the boats were between this Vessel and
the Enemy I could not open on them until they
Cleared the Creek.  I then shelled the Woods for
about thirty minutes, with what Success I
was unable to ascertain.
         I Enclose a note found on the person
of Riley Christopher.
                               Very respectfully
                                  Your obt. Servant
                                     T. J. Linnnekin
                                      actg Master Comdg

   A.  A.  Harwood
Comdg. Potomac Flotilla

MSS  15134

1863 January 23 camp across the Rappahannock from Fredericksburg

[from the diary of the Rev. Francis E. Butler, chaplain of the 25th New Jersey]

Fri 23.  Cloudy, but milder;  no orders yet, for a week
we have had rations cooked & been ready to move at
an hours notice.  Still unwell – Paymaster came!!

MSS 12935

1863 January 23 "Hopedale," Albemarle County, Va.

[from the diary of Mary S. Boyden, daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Boyden, Rector of Walker's Church (later Grace Episcopal), Cismont, Va.]

Friday  Raleigh seemed all day to have
forgotten all the trouble of yesterday - May God
have mercy on him, for nothing seems to make
any impression on him. After school he went
to Cobham without permission & did not
return all day. - This does not look like penitence
The truth, no doubt is, that he hates & dreads
to stay here for it makes him reflect on his
sin - May God check his course & cause him
to think!  We got a letter last Sunday from
George Wedderbeem, much to our surprise, giving
information of his mother & Aleck & asking
us to take the latter here to school.  Father says
he shall decline the  honor.  Mrs W & A have
just arrived in Richmond, where they are
boarding at the same place as Geo. & his wife-

MSS 4288

1863 January 23 Chapel Hill, N.C.

[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]

Friday 23d  Still very gloomy weather - & I feel quite unwell this morning
Katy brought me two letters from the office,one from Captain Mason,
the other from Joe -Little Mat is better but still very weak - &Mr
Mason says Eliza is quite well bore the trip remarkably well
& is very much pleased with her boarding house - & the surround
-ings.  the Hostess seems anxious to add to their comfort. & he
thinks Eliza will be happy there.

MSS 6960

1863 January 23 Staunton, Va.

[from the diary of Joseph Addison Waddell, former newspaper publisher and civilian employee of the Quartermaster Dept.]

Friday night, Jan. 23, 1863.
Mr. Stuart arrived Tuesday evening, and remained till this morning, when he, Sister and Kate started to Christiansburg. He contemplates breaking up at C. before long, and the family will probably come to Staunton temporarily. Poor Sister! her grief is at times heart-rending, although she is generally sustained far better than I could have anticipated.
Yankee gunboats have recently been captured on the Cumberland river. The Hatteras, one of their iron-clads, was sunk near Galveston, Texas, a few days ago, with nearly all on board — supposed to have been done by the Confederate steamer Alabama, Capt. Semms. Cavalry have been extensively used of late in capturing Yankee gunboats! There seems to be a growing feeling in the West of opposition to a continuance of the war. Nothing encouraging from Europe — on the contrary, it has leaked out that French Consuls in Texas have been intriguing to separate that State from the Confederacy, and it is feared that the Emperor has been privy to the scheme.

[transcript by the Valley of the Shadow project]

MSS 38-258

1863 January 22 New Bern, N.C.

[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F., 25th Massachusetts]

Jan 22
It has been a cold uncomfortable day
not been out to drill but went to dress parade.
Have played two games of chess, one with George
and one with Phineas, and have been reading
"life and duty" which I like very much.  this evening
George and I had quite an argument about people
being obliged to work beyond their strength.  Frank
Adams was in here too

MSS 11293

1863 February 22 camp across Rappahannock from Fredericksburg

[from the diary of the Rev. Francis E. Butler,  chaplain of the 25th New Jersey]

Thurs 22.  Little easier – at noon rose   ate arrowroot
& heard bear stories in Evg.  still storms, constant
orders to move & wait, rumored McClellan is
coming to the Army.  we have moved, it seems certain
but not know much of the Army or where they
have gone

MSS 12935

1862 January 21-22 Campbell County, Va.

[from the diary of George W. Dabney, clerk of Campbell County]

21. Wedny
Rain all last night till this
eveng. --cart not going up
for bad weather, wrote Pa
giving progress of farm
matters to present time

22d thursy
Fair & moderate. Th. 50.
plowing corn land, shrubbing
littering stable yard &c
wrote Ro. H. Robinson about  [Sheriffs?]
accts yet unsettled - Hays Otey
here p.m. & all night, on way to
Danville in 2 horse carryal - brot a
cargo of smok: tob" for Hutter &
me pack cards -- heard for first
time of Nannie Hutter's mishap &
almost fatal illness in Child bearing
now out of danger so that H. can
return to his post in Danville.
City folks rampant for lynching
by hanging the ruffians infesting
their streets by night -- Speed writes
Jack. Lang" [Langhorne?] from Richmond that Jeff
Ds has some intelligence better than
recognition - not made public yet.
[query?]--  iron clad fleet ready?

MSS 3315

1863 January 22 "Hopedale," Albemarle County, Va.

[from the diary of Mary S. Boyden, daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Boyden, Rector of Walker's Parish (later Grace Episcopal), Cismont, Va.]

Thursday  Father has a private conversation with
R - this morning -relative to the lost money - He
almost immediately confessed that he had taken
the notes - said he had never stolen money before
but  & had felt very unhappy ever since it
had been done. Father talked with him a
long while, setting before him the heinousness
of the crime he had committed - that he might
be taken to jail, tried & punished for it - &
then spoke of the sin against God &c - He
was much moved, cried & seemed to evince
genuine repentance - May God grant that it
may be so!  In the afternoon father sent for
Mr Nelson to whom R confessed his fault
& restored the money - $30.  Father had
intended to ask Mr N- to flog him, but the
latter former showed so much compassion for the boy
that he did not propose it.  R stayed in his
room all day - My heart ached for him all
day & prayers were hourly ascending for him
May God hear & answer them for Christ sake

MSS 4288

1863 January 23 [Clarke County, Va.?]

[from the diary of Matthella Page Harrison as transcribed at a later date]

Friday. January 23rd - Raining in the morning but cleared about ten o'clock.
Maria came over to read French.  Reported victory in Tennessee. Dr. H. dined at
Prospect Hall with cousin John and Walker Page.

MSS 9759

1863 January 22 Chapel Hill, N.C.

[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]

Thursday -- Still very cloudy - & stormy looking - I am now writing
in a comfortable little room in my new boarding house I like
it so far very much - I can come up in my room & write
as much as I please- No one interrupts me or wants to know
what I am doing - Christian Campbell sleeps  in the next
room & she pays me a visit occasionally which is very
agreeable - I had a short letter from Liz this morning begging
me to come to Enfield to see her - & I must try to do so - tho
I hate travelling such times as these  - I fear the Smallpox
which is spreading over the Country - Scarlet fever is pre-
vailing here too _ Two of Dr. Jones' children have it. Sent
off 3 letters to day - one to Liz - one to James & one containing $8
to Miss [?] for 2 caps

MSS 6960

1863 January 21 New Bern, N.C.

[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F., 25th Massachusetts]

Jany 21
I slept with my clothes on last night
it rained so and blowed in the door
of the tent. It has been a rainy day all day. We
have had no drill but were going to have add[sic]
a review by General Foster this afternoon if
it had not rained Lieut Drennan started for
home this morning on a furlough.  I have
played two games of chess with George and
have been reading considerable.  This evening
I have been reading Spencers Sketches and I find
experiences similar to my own.  I sometimes think
I deceive myself in thinking I am a Christian
but I know God is faithful and will receive
all who come to Him, and I do desire to do
His will, and give up all to Him, though in
many things I fail and come short but I
cling to Christ as my only hope.  We had "Salt
Hoss" for breakfast and beefsteak and potatoes for
dinner.  I bougt some doughuts of Phineas and
ate ate for supper.  The wind is blowing quite hard
now and it is also somewhat wet.

MSS 11293

1863 January 21 Skinker's Neck

     Camp in Skinkers Neck
January 21st 1863.
My dearest Jennie
    I commence a letter to you on this large
sheet of fools cap and will finish it at my leisure
The first news I have to tell is that this morning the two
Ala regiments in this brigade were ordered to Genl Laws
Brigade, Hoods Division and two N. C. regiments from
DHHills Division Doles brigade have been ordered here
in the place of the Ala regts  I am very sorry for this
for two reasons.  In the first place, one or both of the
N. C. Cols may & probably do rank me and I will con-
sequently loose [sic] my position & its comforts and in the
second place I had taught the officers of the Ala regiments
how to discharge their duties & had gained their respect
and esteem and if I am even permitted to retain my
command, I will part with them as with old friends,
for I have in a measure become attached to men and
officers.  I am satisfied they are better troops than any
of DH Hills men and dont like the exchange for that
reason.  This changing of regiments from one brigade
to another without their wish or consent never does
any good and generally does great harm, and
in this instance I fear harm will result from
it.  If I am superseded I dont think under the
circumstances I am will be justified in resigning
yet I will certainly not like it.  I cant yet say what
I will do.  I am in trouble about it, and will con-
sider myself badly treated.  Yet under precisely similar
circumstances Col Gibbons was assigned to this brigade
& placed over Col Fulkerson who before that had comman-
ded the brigade in ba one or two fights and exhibited great
talent for command.  Fulkerson quietly submited [sic] & continued
in command of his regiment.  So I think I ought also to re-

[page 2]
main and do duty in a more limited sphere, and
let promotion go to the dogs.  As the brigade stood I
might have secured a promotion with new regiments
& ranking officers I give it up, but I think it will
secure me a furlough provided that rain keeps up
long enough to make it so muddy that the Yankeys
cant cross the River.  Yesterday they came down
and established a camp opposite my position
not a very strong one I think, but not knowing
how many of them there might be in their rear
we all began to think the time for another fight
had arrived.  I was down on the bluff last night my-
self trying to make out the extent of their movement
and could not come to a satisfactory conclusion.
I concluded however that if they were in strong
force they would attempt a crossing this morning
and hence if no crossing was attempted I would con-
clude that they were present in small force only, but
as it rained very hard all night with very high winds
I am not now any better informed than I was last
night.  My impression is that the camp in view is only
a small – two or three regiments and they are possibly
only cavalry.  Yet our Genls all seem to think that they
may will attempt another crossing and if they at-
tempt they are bound to succeed in crossing for we
will let them & then whip them afterwards, at least
that is the plan.  I cant take up my paper to give you all
m the reasons they have for believing another fight cer-
tain, but the principal one is that the Republicans are
lossing [sic] popularity so fast in the north that they feel comp-
elled to fight now or give it up altogether.  If they put it
off till spring they are whiped [sic], now they possibly may succeed
and as it is with them simply neck or nothing they will
conclude to take neck.  In other words that such is the enormous

[page 3]
wickedness of the Lincoln party, that although they
have only a mere chance for success they will
sacrifice thousands of lives rather than give up
& let us alone.  But I must not write any more
to day or at least not until night.
 Wednesday night.  The order for the transfer of the
two Ala regts was countermanded this evening – whether
only temporarily or for good I dont know, nor do
I know why it was countermanded – whether be-
cause I am now on picket or for other reasons
I cant say.  I got your letter writen [sic] on sunday [sic]
& monday [sic] this afternoon.  I hope Jim is continuing
to improve.  I am not disappointed in hearing that
Lizzie & Eliza were both threatened with the
fever  I only hope they will get along as easy
as Jimmy has done and that no two of them
will be sick at the same time.  I to day wrote
to Lou to go over and take Judy with her – this
is the best plan that I can suggest just now – true
it would be vastly better if I could myself go
but that seems just now impossible but I dont
think that impossibility will exist many days, for
this rain is rapidly making the River botoms [sic] in
our front perfectly impassible.  and I now in-
dulge the hope that the muddy time I have been
looking for is at hand.  I think you made a
capital mistake when you cut up Nates britches
instead of mine (or Hillarys which ever it was)
Dr Campbell & I will be very agreeably surprised
if you get even $50 for the old wagon, it is
really not worth $25 but you may take all
it will bring.  The bees you must take mighty
good care of – a few dried apples stoned and
a little sugar sprinkled over them is a most excelent [sic]
feed for them

[page 4]
I am delighted at your picture of dear little Jennie sitting
on the floor drinking out of a tin cup I know she looked
as sweet as could and Dr Campbell thought so to for
I of course had to tell him about it.  I feel so sorry
when I think she has to be so sick with that hor-
able [sic] scarlet fever and poor dear little Lizzie who
has been sick so much I am uneasy about her
and cant help a feeling of the deepest pity.  Tell
her to be good & papa will try & come & see her
soon.  I dont think you are in danger of it, persons
of your age seldom take it.  I have never had it &
dont think I would be likely to do so, but I am
afraid you will over exercise your strength – please
my darling take care of yourself.  The remainder of
this sheet I ought to reserve for tomorrow.  I dont ex-
pect you to do much towards preperations [sic] for summer
now that the children are sick.  I will have to make
the effort them myself – for I really must get home.
I am a little surprised at Mr Effingers reply to you
and I intend to assure that gentleman when he returns
that he has had his last furlough.  He has acted so selfishly
& so badly about doing favors of this kind for members
of the regiment that I am determined to punish him
for it.  I have no priviledged [sic] gentlemen about me
I am the only boss in the concern & I mean to let him
& all others know it.
Thursday Morning.  It rained all night last night and
still continues with intervals.  It is just as muddy as it
can well be.  We had a dish of tomatoes yesterday and
they made me sick, not much, but enough to make me full
badly this morning.  I have no news my pickets report
all quiet in front this morning, and I think it is a
quiet likely to continue at least as long as the mud
continues.  I dont expect to write any more unless I have
something especially good to tell & hence will leave this open
     until the mail starts from here at 2 PM

[The following was written in the left margin of page 4.]
Kiss all the children & believe me as ever your
   affectionate & devoted husband

“My dearest Jennie”, salutation – Warren’s wife Virginia ‘Jennie’ Watson Magruder Warren.

“two Ala regiments”, lines 3 & 4 –

“Ala regiments”, line 11 –

“two Ala regts”, page 3, line 7 – In all cases, Warren referred to the 47th and 48th Alabama Infantry regiments.

“brigade”, line 4; page 2, line 2 – Warren temporarily commanded Taliaferro’s Brigade, Jackson’s Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.  At the time of the letter the brigade consisted of the 47th & 48th Alabama Infantry regiments and the 10th, 23rd, & 37th VA Infantry regiments.

“Genl Law”, lines 4 & 5 – Evander M. Law, Confederate brigadier-general, commanded a brigade in Major-General John B. Hood’s Division.

“two N. C. regiments”, line 5 – While Warren presumably was not aware of the fact, the two regiments were the 1st and 3rd North Carolina State Troops (infantry regiments).

“DH Hill”, line 6, 17 – Daniel H. Hill, Confederate major-general, commanded a division in the Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

“Doles Brigade”, line 6 – George Doles, Confederate brigadier-general, commanded a brigade in Hill’s Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

“Cols”, line 9 – Colonels.

“Col Gibbons”, line 27 – Simeon B. Gibbons, Colonel, 10th VA Infantry, killed in action during the Battle of McDowell, 8 May 1862.

“this brigade”, line 27 – The brigade to which Warren referred was for most of its existence the 3rd in the 1st (Jackson’s) Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.  On 22 April 1862 when the 10th VA Infantry was assigned to the brigade, it consisted of the 23rd and 37th VA Infantry commanded by Brigadier-General William B. Taliaferro.

“Fulkerson”, line 28, 30 – Samuel V. Fulkerson, Colonel, 37th VA Infantry.  Fulkerson did, in fact, command the brigade at two battles before the 10th VA Infantry joined it.  (See note above)  However, when the 10th VA Infantry joined the brigade it was commanded by Brigadier-General William B. Taliaferro.  He was present with the brigade as Warren mentioned in one of his letters at Conrad’s Store, April 1862, that General Taliaferro shared the men’s bivouac in the field.  Warren was correct in that Gibbons did rank Fulkerson.  Gibbons’ date of rank to colonel was 24 May 1861; Fulkerson’s date of rank to colonel was 28 May 1861.  Therefore, if General Taliaferro had been absent, Gibbons would have ranked Fulkerson and commanded the brigade from 22 April 1862, when the 10th VA joined the brigade, to 8 May 1862, when Gibbons was killed in action during the Battle of McDowell.

“the River”, page 2, line 7; page 3, line 23 – Rappahannock River.

“Jim”, page 3, line 12 –

“Jimmy”, page 3, line 16 – In both cases, Warren referred to his six year old son James M.

“Lizzie”, page 3, line 14; page 4, line 6 – Warren’s seven year old daughter Lizzie.

“Hillary”, page 3, line 28 – Jennie’s brother John Hillary Magruder, Captain, Company B, 7th VA Cavalry.

“Dr Campbell”, page 3, line 29; page 4, line 3 – Joseph L. Campbell, Surgeon, 10th VA Infantry.

“dear little Jennie”, page 4, line 1 – Warren’s ten month old daughter Virginia ‘Jennie’ Watson.

“the children”, page 4, line 17 – Warren had three at the time: seven year old Lizzie, six year James M., and ten month old Virginia ‘Jennie’ Watson.

“Mr Effinger”, page 4, line 19 – Gerald M. Effinger, Quartermaster-Sergeant, 10th VA Infantry.

While the letter is unsigned, it was written by Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren, Colonel, 10th VA Infantry.

[transcription and annotations by John P. Mann, IV]

MSS 7786-g

1863 January 21 Fayetteville

[from the diary of Zacariah Heed, 91st Ohio]

Fayetteville Va.  Wednesday morning.  wind Still raging, getting colder, all quiet in camp.  2 oclock P.M. wind not So Strong., 8 Oclock P.M. wind quieted down

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 13406

1863 January 21 across the Rappahannock from Fredericksburg

[from the diary of the Rev. Francis E. Butler, chaplain of the 25th New Jersey]

Wed 21.  quite sick again   took pills of Calomel &c
in bed – with nausea –

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 12935

1863 January 21 "Hopedale," Albemarle county, Va.

[from the diary of Mary S. Boyden, daughter of the Rev. Ebenzer Boyden, Rector of Walker's church (later Grace Episcopal) Cismont, Va.]

Wednesday 18th  [Boyden is still off in her dating]  Raleigh did not return this morn
=ing as soon as common, & I felt I know not
what of apprehension.  I feel that God must
soon bring some terrible punishment upon him
for hardening his heart as he does - Either a
spell of illness, an accident, or something to
make him remember His law.  The words
"He that often being reproved hardeneth his
neck, shall soon be cut off & that without
remedy occurred to me again. Even
father seemed uneasy - til at last he appeared
after we had done breakfast & prayers - I thought
I noticed something peculiar about his manner
when I first saw him but believed it was only
ill humor - He was busy telling us that the
boys at Mr N-'s had lost $36 the night before-
But that they meant to find it yet; for they
suspected who had taken it - during the
day he was ostentatiously displayed a quantity
of money he had about him - & spoke of what
he should buy with it - I told him it was
wrong to spend it foolishly &c - & presently he
came to me with $5, saying "Here, you may
have that to give to the soldiers, or buy any
thing you want" - On my declining to take it
he took it to father, urging him to buya resent
for himself - as he had intending doing so at
Christmas, but could not - Father took it under
those circumstances, & there was an end of it -
As he was going to Mr Nelson's in the evening
he brought the rest to me to keep for him -
While we were sitting at dinner,Mr Nelson
himself rode up & after dinner was over , said
he wished to have some private conversation
with father.  Somehow, I at once began to think
it was connected with R - in some way - He stayed
only a short time, & father said nothing of
the subject of his visit.  After the children
were in bed, however, he said to us that R
was suspected of having stolen the lost money
What a pang shot through my heart! - But
a hope remained.  Father said the notes were
marked, & so I showed the money the boy
had given me to take care of - After a close
examination nothing was found that might
identify the notes, & we all hoped he was
innocent - But if he proved guilty, it may
be just the thing he needs to check his down
=ward progress - Oh God, my heart is like lead
Have mercy! have mercy!
Last Sunday Sarah was taken sick with typhoid
fever, but the Dr says it is a very slight case

MSS 4288

1863 January 21 [Clarke County, Va.?]

[from the diary of Matthella Page Harrison as transcribed at a later date]

Wednesday, January 21st - Snowing, raining, hailing.  Rained hard all night. A
dreadful day for the poor soldiers.  Spent the day [jobbing?] around.

MSS 9759

1863 January 21 Chapel Hill, N.C.

[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]

Wednesday 21st -- Still very cloudy - raw & chilly - I leave at eleven
O Clock for Dr Malletts - my trunks all went yesterday
but the rain prevented me going last night -

MSS 6960

Monday, January 28, 2013

1863 January 20 New Bern, N.C.

[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F., 25th Massachusetts]

Jan 20
Upton drilled us again to day and I felt
rather vexed because he run us so.
It commenced raining so we went in.  I finished
the life of Moses this afternoon.   Phineas gave me
a fried pie.   Played a few games of chess with George
after battalion drill.  this evening Frank Adams
came in our tent.  It is now raining hard and is
going to be a wet night.  We had beans for
breakfast, fried pork and hard-tack for dinner

MSS 11293

1863 January 20 Fayetteville

[from the diary of Zachariah Heed, 91st Ohio]

Fayetteville Va.  Tuesday morning, a perfect Hurricane last night   Several tents blowed from Stockades, in the camps of 12th & 34th  O.V.I.  2 oclock P.M. wind is still raging, 8 ½ oclock P.M. wind getting worse

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

 MSS 13406

1863 January 20

Dear brother & sister
I received your kind
letters at this place.  I am will with
the exception of a cold.  we left winchester
on new years day and have been laying
out a part of the time wihout[sic] tents
or blankets.  Their has been three deaths
in our company since I wrote to you
last Eliga Harrass James Peck & Bolivar
Cowan.  bolivar dide at Bath in Morgan
County.  we have been down on the
potomack river aburning bridges & taring
up railrode on the Baltiomore & ohio
railrode.  we was in a skirmish at
Capon bridge we lost four men
killed & Severl wounded the minny
Bolls whstled around our heads for
a while.  we ran the yankees out
of Bath without any fighting only fireing
a cannon or two from their we went
on to the railrode and their we had
a little fight the minny balls whistled
around my head but as it happened
none of them struck me we made
the attack after night and we
found that we could not

[page 2]
accomplish any thing after night
and we left and next morning we
went back to try them again but
they was gon all but a few and we
burnt the bridge depot and telligraft
office. their was a few men on the other
side of the river that fired while
we was fireing the bridge but they
done no harm.  Their was more canon
acting on the potomack the night of 4th
than I ever heard.  I have saw more men
since new yars day than I ever saw before
Martha I got all of you christmas gifts
and you all got my new yars gift I have
paid you all by sending my likeness
to you.  it has to pay you all.
Martha I am in hurry I will have to
bring my badly written letter to a close
as I have written this in a hurry  I hope
you will excuse all bad spelling and
mistakes.for I know that I have left
out some words and put in some that
I ought not to put in
Bolivar Cowan was not sick more than
48 hours he dide without a struggle
write soon and let me know whether
you got my likeness or not
W. R. Gilmer
Martha & Hayes

William Rives Gilmer,  Co. I, 37th Virginia

MSS 5194

1863 January 20 Falmouth,

Jan. 20 1863
Camp Near Falmouth
Dear Friend
It is with pleasure 
that I take up my pencil to write 
you a few line to let you no 
that I am well and I get a 
long fine but today is very cold. 
I was out on picket night 
before last and was rather as- 
tonished wne I cam in to get 
a letter and such a fine lot of papers 
it came very handy 
and I am very much obliged 
to you their is not any thing 
that would have suited me 
beter at this time your letter 
gave me great satisfaction 
and I am glad that the sing 
is geting along so well their 
has been no snow here since 

[page 2]
I came out but it has been hit by [unclear: time] and 
cold but with the shelter whe have whe get along right 
well a few days ago whe had inspection of the hole 
Corp it was a fine sight to day their was Division 
Drill which was fine their is amove at the presant 
and at this time they are moving by thousands towards 
the Rappahack River and whe are at this time furnish 
with 3 Day Rasions and 60 rounds of cartridge to move 
at an airely hour to morrow morning and before 48 hours 
more their may be a very heavy Battle fought the Men are 
some what Depressed in spirits owing to the last defeat at 
the River but yet they will go I think I shall be [unclear: along]
nothing happing more than I no it may be the last 
letter I shall write to you but but whe hope for 
the best if their is a fight and I shall do my duty 
if I no how their I much that I could write at presant
But I have not the time as the orders for to march just 
came in a few minutes ago and I shall write home yet today 
and I shall close hoping that you will excuse me for 
this time and my mistake hoping that you will write soon 
to me and remember me to your Parent and all 
inquiring friend and I ever Remain
Your Humble Servant

Thad Donely

[upside down in the margin of page 1]
My kindes regards to all the young 
folk at singing and if any of them feal 
Disposed to drop me a few lines I will 
be happy to answer and tell all I no of 
old Varigin and of war the vast amount 
of men and gun on the move today looks 
as though whe could get a cross all though 
they are will fortified. Yours Truly 
Thad D Pleas except my 
thank for the paper 
you sent me and all that I can 
wish is that I will be able to rit mor 
to you in the future. Adrss as usualy
My Dinner is ready and I mus eat. I will inclose you a card 
that was go in Fredricks 
burg at the last fight

[lower margin of page 1]
 I inclose some tobaco seed

Thad Donnelly,  130th Regiment,  Pennsylvania Volunteers
[transcript by the Valley of the Shadow project]

MSS 11395

1863 January 20 U.S. Steamer Currituck

     U. S. Steamer Currituck
                                       off Indian Creek Va
                                          20th January 1863


                         I beg to report I left the "Wighconoco"
this morning at day=break for the "Rapppahannock"
with the nails for the "Anacostia"' On passing
this place I saw a Canoe Standing in and
immediately gave chase, On my getting inside
we descried her about 1/2 mile further up the
Creek.  I immediately Sent two goats in Charge
of the Executive Officer, who found her on the
beach, the goods removed, and the Crew Escaped.
they Succeeded, however, with the assistance of a
Negro, in finding the Goods, and another Canoe
which I am informed run the blockade a few
hours previously.  On referring to the accompanying
"Index" you will perceive there was Sufficient
Goods Captured to freight the two Canoes.  Considering
the Canoes worthless, I have retained one, and
given the other to the "Anacostia:, they may
be useful in navigating the numerous Creeks
on this Coast.
                                       I have, the honor
                                         to be , Sir,
                                          Your obt. Servant
                                               T. J. Linnekin
                                   Acting Master Comdg

To Commodore
     A. a. Harwood
          Comdg Potomac Flotilla
              Navy Yard

MSS 15134

1863 January 20 U. S. Steamer Currituck

                                 U. S. Steamer Currituck
                                       off Indian Creek Va
                                          20th January 1863


                         I beg to enclose a list of the
officers & crew of this Vessel at the capture
of the Sloop, "Potter" on the 3rd Instant and the
Schooner "Hampton" and a "Canoe", on the 13"
Instant, as per reports previously forwarded
                                       I have, the honor
                                         to be , Sir,
                                          Your obt. Servant
                                               T. J. Linnekin
                                   Acting Master Comdg

Honble Gideon Welles
          Secretary of the Navy