Sunday, April 15, 2012

1862 Eagle Point

Eagle Point  April 16th 1862

My dear Children--
This evening the war of artillery at York &
on the lines beyond, has been incessant--at this
time when it is 1/2 past 7 & dark, heavy guns are
still heard at intervals--The rigor of war is
brought home to us--day before yesterday the
enemy vessel, shelled the guinea woods all day--
yesterday I wen with St George to Gloster P--occasion
-al shell were thrown in to the point & a small
rifle or Parrot gun from the vessels threw a shell
accurately in line of where a party of us were
standing on the hill by the sentry--they fired untill
we Rd & [?] was there a short time before the shells on
both occasions fell short sixty or eighty yards--
St was  on his way to West Point to settle some matters
& return if a day or so to join his company--We
reached the York shore just as a vessel was shoving
off from her wharf & he just got in her in time--
I dined with Jack page & sat an hour in the eveg
with Col Colquit-- Randolph Harrison of Elk Hill crossed
the river with me his regt the 46 Va is stationed on
the Gloster side-- I got a note from Ran, part of which
I enclose to you--He is in fine spirits & full of the
balloon project--St was not very well yesterday--
Peyton Page is over here to recruit having had a fever
All neighbours are well & full of anxiety about
the great events now pending.  Landon Davis with
a party of men made a miraculous escape from

[page 2]
the fragments of a 24lb cannon which burst while
they were about it, Day before yesterday--
If God be for us who can be against us--
How many poor noble fellows may lie down this night
wounded & weary god only knows.  I will go down to the
point early tomorrow--Maxwell Clark came down
with his Father Monday & returns tomorrow.  he will
take charge of  his letter which like enough will
reach you at the same time with the one I wrote
to go by St but which he left & gave to Jack to mail
yesterday--I have heard noting particular from
you since I left Carys brook--one letter only have
I recd --Joe got up Tuesday I suppose--I wrote
by St that he must leave you the Tuesday
following, but I leave that to your discretion
--if you can spare him, let him come if the
events of the war justify it.  In case the enemy
are successful which Heaven guard us from
Let him stay with you until I am heard
from--Ran will be greatly exposed as probably
will st George too, Let them & all our brave
soldiers have your earnest prayers--
Delia is preparing to be off on Saturday by
land to West Point where i will accompany
her on her way to Dr. Barxtons--
I saw Mrs Rebecca Tabb &Mrs Genl Taliaferro this
eveg at Warner Hall where they had called to
see Mrs Clarke--I believe that all are

[page 3]
well on North River--I have not been there
for a long while-----
The weather is now like spring dry & pleasant
& the Farmer will sow his seed though with
little hope--Our preparation is wretched for a
crop & if we have a dry summer corn will be
scarce enough--I enclosed a letter to Mrs Morris
in my last to you directed to care of Mr Mason--
I hardly know how to direct to you---
Tell Morris he must plant all the flat land he
can in corn--If things look encouraging
I will try to cross[?] up to Carysbrook before very long--
This letter I will direct to Palmyra to make
sure--ran wants Charles to wait upon
him as soon as the result of the fight is
known & will act accordingly in regard to sending
him down or not--when you write to Ran
direct to care of Dr Page surgeon at York of the
new hospital---
Tell Joe to find out everything on the place
& if he does not come to write at length about
corn wheat tobacco -- the mules taken by govt  the old
mare[?] &c  Delia sends her love to you
both & kisses for the dear boys--what a fix I
am in. Yet how blessed--
That God may preserve you both with all
dear to you is the constant prayer of your
affec Father
J. R. Bryan

[to] Mrs Grinnan & Mrs Carmichael

[page 4]
7 a.m.Thursday
The shelling from the vessels with heavy guns was
kept up late last night--some very loud reports waked
me up after I had been asleep some time [lined through] than
been after midnight--
As max takes this letter I can give you no accounts
of what was done at the point

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