Sunday, April 1, 2012

1862 April 2 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, former diplomat,editor, and bank officer, Lynchburg, Va., with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Wednesday Showery--cool & damp--very
cloudy engaged[?] I sent yesterday a check
on FB. Charlottesville 50$ to cousin Betty
forty is on [?] hire of Elvira & Carter
and the other ten money collected
of Victor, for hire of Edmund Carlton--get off
on quarterly report--More demands
upon my time to get house for Mrs
conners[?]. Went at /2 past 5 tis mor-
-ning t othe boat & had to wait un-
til after 7. Took Miss Smith & her three
nieces to h=our house for breakfast
and sent them off in a hack at 9
Ro. Barkley staid with us last night
and this morng went in the cars to
rejoin his company, -- very interesting
letter from Lewis--short note from
Lanty. He says they were under a
heavy fire on the fight at Bartons
Mill--and their Company lost 10
or 12 killed wounded and missing. He
was mercifully spared. Sue & Charles went
home this evening. It was doubtless
a great trial. Saw a fine company
of cavalry which went to Pitts[ylvani]a to
recruit. It numbers 120, and is com-
manded by young Flournoy, whose fa-
ther, the Hon. F. Stanhope Flournoy com
mands another company in the same
Regt (the 6t. Col. Fields)--Saw also a
large company of artillery--Andersons
from Baltimore enroute for Knoxville.

6th Virginia Cavalry Regt under Colonel Charles W. Field, included both Thomas S. Flournoy and Cabell E. Flournoy as officers. Thomas S. Flournoy had been a United States Congressman as well as an unsuccessful candidate from the American Party for Virginia governor.

MSS 4763

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