Monday, April 2, 2012

1862 April 2 Camp Rappahannock, Va.

Camp Rappahannock
April 2” 1862
My own darling Jennie
   I recd yours by Billy on Monday.  thanks for your letter
& prompt return of Billy with horse & something to eat &
my clothes.  I am still at the same place – out post.  I have
one rifle cannon added to my strength since I wrote &
had a visit from the yankeys but they offered no offence.
mostly exhibited themselves in the distance & then retired.  I
received a high compliment yesterday evening.  By order
of Genl Ewel a battalion of sharp shooters & skirmishers
is to be organized, consisting of 4 companies 2 from
10” & 1 each from 13” & Md, and I have been appoin
ted to the command of them.  Thus in all fights & marches
I will have a seperate [sic] command.  My position as
an commander here has been very pleasant & comfortable
  Julia may be right about our army going to
Richmond but I dont think it will be for some
time yet & I hope not at all.  We will I am
almost certain resist the enimys [sic] march all the
time & all the way & I hope be able to form a
line of strong defence between this & Richmond.  I un-
derstand the tone of your letter.  You dont want to be

[page 2]
left behind and are willing to retreat with the
army & want me to say you may do it.  Now I am
so uncertain about what you ought to do that
I have fully determined to let you do as you
please & think best.  It will be impossible for
me to give you any attention or help in your
backwards march.  you will have to make your
own arrangements & be your own master in
all things.  And I think if I was in your
place & once make up my mind to go South
I would send Stephen word to sell out all
his stock except the two mos Toss & fly,
buy a carriage & travel in it with Stephen
for a driver & Fanny for a nurse & do what
you please with Martha Ann.  You cant get South
except in your own conveyance at least you
cant get to Richmond.  I dont like the idea of
your trying to leave Virginia.  I know you would
be more exposed, suffer more & see very little more
of me than if you remained behind our lines.  This
war will not last long.  If Virginia is given up it
will be only for a short time & if it is for a long time
you can with more ease get a pass & go through the en-
imys [sic] lines than you can now go ahead of our army –
but I say I leave it to your own judgement [sic] & wisdom
try & decide wisely.  I am very much pleased with my
horse & was offered 200 & then 250 for him.  Genl Elzey says
he is [a] very fine horse the best he has seen for a long time
Write to me darling when you can.  Affectionately
ETH Warren

[The following was written upside-down on the top of page 1
above the heading.]

Billy says Jennie Watson is not black a bit but is very white.  I wish
I could just see for a little bit the little monkey & my big pets.

"Camp Rappahannock", heading - 'Camp was located near Rapphannock Station, present-day Remington, Fauquier Co.'

"Billy", line 1 & 2; note page 1, line 1 - 'William Rolston, private, Company H, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

"Genl Ewel", line 8 - 'Richard S. Ewell, Confederate general, commanded the division in which the 10th Virginia served.
    This battalion to which Warren referred was not formed due to the reassignment of the 10th Virginia which occurred some two weeks later.
    If General Ewell had been successful in organizing this battalion it would have been the first of such battalions formed in the army.  It was not until almost a year later when sharpshooter organizations were formed and not until 1864 when they became the norm in the army.  This gives some indication of the forward-thinking of General Ewell.'

"10"", line 10 - '10th Virginia Infantry.'

"13"", line 10 - '13th Virginia Infantry.'

"Md", line 10 - '1st Maryland Infantry.'

"Genl Elzey", page 2, line 27 - 'Arnold Elzey, Confederate general, commanded the brigade in which all of the aforementioned organizations served.'

"ETH Warren", page 2, signature - 'Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Virginia Infantry.'

"Jennie Watson", note page 1, line 1 -

"little monkey", note page 1, line 2 - 'Both referred to Warren's youngest daughter Virginia 'Jennie' Watson, born 26 February 1862.'

"my big pets", note page 1, line 2 - 'Warren made reference to his other daughter Lizzie (7 years) and son James M. (5 years).'

[Transcription and annotations by John P. Mann, IV]

MSS 7786-g

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