[continuation of the letter of John Warwick Daniel to his father of March 31]
April 1st. To day in accordance with my an-
ticipation I received your several letters of recent
date by mail & by hand, & I cannot too heartily
thank you for the kind exertion you have
made to sustain me in forming my Company.
Two other companies are now ready for
Mason’s Squadron one Commanded by Capt. Lew-
ellyn of Albemarle, the other by Capt. Throck-
morton of Johnton’s body guard.
We are all awaiting instructions from the
Cavalry eventually.
War Department. The regulations allow men
joining “authorized Companies to enter them 20 days
before the expiration of their present term,
and as we are now on the verge of that
period all are of course anxious to
know what course they will be expec-
ted to pursue. All desire to go to Lynchburg
in the vicinity of which they have
made arrangements to procure their
horses. This is now the only difficulty.
Should the Department not grant the privi-
lege of rendezvousing & forming in
Lynchburg they must at least permit
[page 3]
a portion of the men to visit that place in
order to procure the horses of the others &c.
In regard to my recruits now in Lynchburg
I shall be able to report in a few days.
Major Mason will receive information on
all points at most by day after to-
morrow, & then I shall be fully prepared
in Every respect. I expect to send in
my muster roll tomorrow, and shall
apply for a furlough as soon as the
official notification of the President’s
decision in regard to my appeal arrives,
and I think with good prospect of success
as two officers besides myself are now with
the Company.
A few days ago I purchased a horse or rather mare aged
8 or 9 years and of good appearance for $125
which I considered she was well worth.
I start her, as well as my other mare home
tomorrow in care of William Miller.
If the colt is well treated for a few weeks
I am inclined to believe that she will
suit for service, although some say otherwise.
I wish Mr. Ryan if possible to have her
put to Mr. Ward red-eye horse now standing
at Mr. Scott’s in Bedford, or to some other
[page 4]
stallion of fine blood. This I am informed
will much improve her.
The new mare I thought would do for me to
ride if the old one should prove unequal to
that service. She has good action and is of
mature age. One of my men is anxious to buy
her at cost, and I may yet Conclude to
permit him to take her off my hands,
I paid Cash, & Can get it for her an any
I do not expect to retain Wm Miller as
a servant. He is too careless, & unreliable.
I have written to procure if possible Capt.
Holloway’s former servant Bob, who is deci-
dedly the most trustworthy, capable,
& faithful attendant I ever saw.
Remember me affectionately to all.
I shall write again tomorrow,
Very affectionately Your son,
John W. Daniel.
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
[“Capt. John Ariss Throckmorton commanded Johnston’s bodyguard. His company went on to the 6th Virginia. Neither Lewellyn nor Mason completed formation of their units, apparently, as they do not appear anywhere.” R. K. K.]
1st Lieutenant John Warwick Daniel, 1842-1910, Co. C. 27th Virginia and later Co. C. 11th Virginia Infantry, attained the rank of major before being permanently disabled in the Battle of the Wilderness. Studied law at the University of Virginia, entered politics and served in the Virginia House of Delegates, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Called the "Lame Lion of Lynchburg" he was a noted orator who gave speeches on many memorial occasions and was especially known for his address on Robert E. Lee
MSS 158
Letters and diary entries from the corresponding day in the Civil War posted from the holdings of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
1862 April 1
[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan and a Sgt., Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor's), Louisianan Infantry]
Tuesday – April 1st 1862
Lazy again this morning – went to bed
after Reveille & slept until breakfast time –
Drilled from nine till 10 ½ o’c – Spent the
morning in building a ^ ‘rustic’ table benches &c
for mess No 3. We are camped in a thin [-]
of pine woods – plenty of wood & water. Rec’d
today from Wmsbg by Copeland letter & paper
mail – Nothing very important – Island
No 10 still holding out if the details of
the battle in Arks show a desperate odds in
our [-] of killed – fight near Winchester do [also]-
Regaled this evening by receiving a long
& sweet letter from darling Isabelle – the dear
little lady seems offended with my excluding her
unintentional unintentionally – from the
perusal of my Journal – Also a letter from
Father advising the $10 $ rec’s yesday. Am on
guard tonight for Sgt Garrett – having persua
-ded him to keep out of the night air – he
had a chill 3 days ago – Norcum sick again
today – [-] Drill this Evening
[The following is written perpendicularly across the April 1st entry.]
Set up tonight at the Guard – Read
Isabel’s letter over again. Dear child
she knows not the satisfaction her
letters afford me. Heard again
today that the Enemy are advancing
in heavy force. Heavy firing
heard tonight. Heard today
that Uncle Dan is in camp.
[Neice, Isabella Anna Logan, 1857-1863.]
[Uncle Dan, Daniel Polk Logan, 1812-aft.1880.]
[Transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards, comments by Robert K. Krick]
MSS 6154
Tuesday – April 1st 1862
Lazy again this morning – went to bed
after Reveille & slept until breakfast time –
Drilled from nine till 10 ½ o’c – Spent the
morning in building a ^ ‘rustic’ table benches &c
for mess No 3. We are camped in a thin [-]
of pine woods – plenty of wood & water. Rec’d
today from Wmsbg by Copeland letter & paper
mail – Nothing very important – Island
No 10 still holding out if the details of
the battle in Arks show a desperate odds in
our [-] of killed – fight near Winchester do [also]-
Regaled this evening by receiving a long
& sweet letter from darling Isabelle – the dear
little lady seems offended with my excluding her
unintentional unintentionally – from the
perusal of my Journal – Also a letter from
Father advising the $10 $ rec’s yesday. Am on
guard tonight for Sgt Garrett – having persua
-ded him to keep out of the night air – he
had a chill 3 days ago – Norcum sick again
today – [-] Drill this Evening
[The following is written perpendicularly across the April 1st entry.]
Set up tonight at the Guard – Read
Isabel’s letter over again. Dear child
she knows not the satisfaction her
letters afford me. Heard again
today that the Enemy are advancing
in heavy force. Heavy firing
heard tonight. Heard today
that Uncle Dan is in camp.
[Neice, Isabella Anna Logan, 1857-1863.]
[Uncle Dan, Daniel Polk Logan, 1812-aft.1880.]
[Transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards, comments by Robert K. Krick]
MSS 6154
1862 April 1 Lynchburg, Va.
[from the diary of William M. Blackford, former diplomat,editor, and bank officer, Lynchburg, Va., with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Tuesday 1. I begin a new volume &
in consequence of the war this is the last
book I can procure--being one that my
son Launcelot had begun to use. One wd
think the most ardent free trader would
now modify his views somewhat &
agree to some protection if necessary, to
encourage the manufacture of the
absolute necessaries of life. Yesterday
was our quarter day--and we had
the usual count, showing the last
term, most of the gold and notes
sealed up. the labor was not great
I always feel a great relief when
everything is certified to be correct
-though I can but think the count
a mere farce-with collusion on
the part of the bookkeeper and
teller or cashier a deficit might
be had for years & would not be de-
tected without the minutest in
spection of the Books. the only reliance
is on the honesty of the officers.
No telegrams-no reports--It is but
the calm before the storm. We must
in a very few days have news of
momentous events--Every days delay
is of vast importance. Our forces in
in[sic] the field are strengthened hourly. Our
furloughed men are rapidly returning
and the new recruits joining. The army
is kept in a mobile state and is in
high spirits. It is perfectly astonishing
how the movements of troops are kept
secret -- variously employed in the
[?]--Telegram from Ro. Saunders
to meet Miss Smith & the Misses Gwath
-mey at the Boat landing and to hire
a hack for them. The are bound to
his house & called in the evening
with Mary J. on Col Tylers family
afterwards on Mrs Gen. Rodes-Re
turning found Mrs Evans & her daugh-
ters at our house--very nice people
they are concluded not to go to the
cars--it being uncertain whether Chas
would come--At qr past 8 recd a tele=
gram from him asking me to have
a hack here at 8. Hastened down
and found the cars already in & that
he & Sue had been compelled to walk
from there both more cheerful
than I expected--Learn from him
there is little doubt Eugene will
be made Lt Col. of 12 Alabama &
that his company will be attached to
that regt. This was the scheme Rodes
had in view when he was here. It
will be an honorable testimony to his
soldierly merits--His company could
not expect him to decline the posi-
tion for their sake.
MSS 4763
Tuesday 1. I begin a new volume &
in consequence of the war this is the last
book I can procure--being one that my
son Launcelot had begun to use. One wd
think the most ardent free trader would
now modify his views somewhat &
agree to some protection if necessary, to
encourage the manufacture of the
absolute necessaries of life. Yesterday
was our quarter day--and we had
the usual count, showing the last
term, most of the gold and notes
sealed up. the labor was not great
I always feel a great relief when
everything is certified to be correct
-though I can but think the count
a mere farce-with collusion on
the part of the bookkeeper and
teller or cashier a deficit might
be had for years & would not be de-
tected without the minutest in
spection of the Books. the only reliance
is on the honesty of the officers.
No telegrams-no reports--It is but
the calm before the storm. We must
in a very few days have news of
momentous events--Every days delay
is of vast importance. Our forces in
in[sic] the field are strengthened hourly. Our
furloughed men are rapidly returning
and the new recruits joining. The army
is kept in a mobile state and is in
high spirits. It is perfectly astonishing
how the movements of troops are kept
secret -- variously employed in the
[?]--Telegram from Ro. Saunders
to meet Miss Smith & the Misses Gwath
-mey at the Boat landing and to hire
a hack for them. The are bound to
his house & called in the evening
with Mary J. on Col Tylers family
afterwards on Mrs Gen. Rodes-Re
turning found Mrs Evans & her daugh-
ters at our house--very nice people
they are concluded not to go to the
cars--it being uncertain whether Chas
would come--At qr past 8 recd a tele=
gram from him asking me to have
a hack here at 8. Hastened down
and found the cars already in & that
he & Sue had been compelled to walk
from there both more cheerful
than I expected--Learn from him
there is little doubt Eugene will
be made Lt Col. of 12 Alabama &
that his company will be attached to
that regt. This was the scheme Rodes
had in view when he was here. It
will be an honorable testimony to his
soldierly merits--His company could
not expect him to decline the posi-
tion for their sake.
MSS 4763
1862 April 1 Camp Hayes, Raleigh, Va.
[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio]
Tuesday, Apr. 1, 1862
Played to day as
usual Regiment
paid off, received
our pay I received
80 Dollars
Alex Wright has recd
permission to go with
the prisoners to
Wheeling also to go
home he takes with
him about 1500 dollars
pleasant day Cloudy
like rain Recd bit frin aunt
Campbell inclosed with
Wills letter
MSS 10317
Tuesday, Apr. 1, 1862
Played to day as
usual Regiment
paid off, received
our pay I received
80 Dollars
Alex Wright has recd
permission to go with
the prisoners to
Wheeling also to go
home he takes with
him about 1500 dollars
pleasant day Cloudy
like rain Recd bit frin aunt
Campbell inclosed with
Wills letter
MSS 10317
1862 April 1
[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F, 25th Massachusetts]
April 1
Came off guard and went into
the river and washed. Played
chess and backgammon. Our regiment was
ordered to escort the 17th Mass. which
has arrived to-nigh to reinforce us, together
with several other regiments.
MSS 11293
April 1
Came off guard and went into
the river and washed. Played
chess and backgammon. Our regiment was
ordered to escort the 17th Mass. which
has arrived to-nigh to reinforce us, together
with several other regiments.
MSS 11293
1862 April 1 Chapel Hill, N.C.
[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]
Tuesday 1st of April--Very unpleasant day--No company at night. the ladies
all sat around the parlour and listened to the music--Eliza,
Mrs. Davis, Miss Wilson & even Mrs. Greenhow played---
MSS 6960
Tuesday 1st of April--Very unpleasant day--No company at night. the ladies
all sat around the parlour and listened to the music--Eliza,
Mrs. Davis, Miss Wilson & even Mrs. Greenhow played---
MSS 6960
1862 April 1 Camp Hayes, Raleigh, Va.
[from the diary of Charles Hay, Co. H, 23rd Ohio]
Raleigh, April 1st, 1862.
This is what is commonly known as
“All Fool’s Day,” and, as usual, is turned
to account by those who like joking.
Of course, many are duped, and many
enjoy hearty laughs at others’ expense,
only eventually to have the laughed turned
in many cases. But we all feel in
excellent spirits & good humor on the
present occasion, and can afford to take
a joke & laugh at it ourselves.
The weather is exceedingly fine for the
season, but then an influence more potent
contributes to the general good feeling.
The Paymaster, whom we have not seen for
more than three months, has visited us, &
today, with a munificent & lavish hand
distributed “Uncle Sam’s” promises to pay
amongst us, so that this evening we all
have our pockets “full of rocks”, or some-
thing as good. What a wonderful influence
a few dollars has upon a man anyway,
even if he can find no use for it.
MSS 13925
Raleigh, April 1st, 1862.
This is what is commonly known as
“All Fool’s Day,” and, as usual, is turned
to account by those who like joking.
Of course, many are duped, and many
enjoy hearty laughs at others’ expense,
only eventually to have the laugh
in many cases. But we all feel in
excellent spirits & good humor on the
present occasion, and can afford to take
a joke & laugh at it ourselves.
The weather is exceedingly fine for the
season, but then an influence more potent
contributes to the general good feeling.
The Paymaster, whom we have not seen for
more than three months, has visited us, &
today, with a munificent & lavish hand
distributed “Uncle Sam’s” promises to pay
amongst us, so that this evening we all
have our pockets “full of rocks”, or some-
thing as good. What a wonderful influence
a few dollars has upon a man anyway,
even if he can find no use for it.
MSS 13925
Friday, March 30, 2012
1862 March 31 Washington, D. C.
[page 1]
Mr. Sumner said:
Mr. President, with unspeakable delight I hail
this measure and the prospect of its speedy adop-
tion. It is the first installment of that great debt
which we all owe to an enslaved race, and will be
recognized in history as one of the victories of
humanity. At home, throughout our own coun-
try, it will be welcomed with gratitude; while
abroad it will quicken the hopes of all who love
freedom. Liberal institutions will gain every-
where by the abolition of slavery at the national
capital. Nobody can read that slaves were once
sold in the markets of Rome, beneath the eyes of
the sovereign Pontiff, without confessing the scan-
dal to religion, even in a barbarous age; and no-
body can hear that slaves are now sold in the
markets of Washington, beneath the eyes of the
President, without confessing the scandal to lib-
eral institutions. For the sake of our good name,
if not for the sake of justice, let the scandal dis-
[a lengthy speech follows concluding:]
Amidst all present solicitudes, the future can-
not be doubtful. At the national capital slavery
will give way to freedom; but the good work will
not stop here. It must proceed. What God and
nature decree rebellion cannot arrest. And as
the whole wide-spread tyranny begins to tumble,
then, above the din of battle, sounding from the
sea and echoing over the land, above even the
exultations of victory on well-fought fields, will
ascend voices of gladness and benediction, swell-
ong from generous hearts wherever civilization
bears sway, to commemorate a sacred triumph,
whose trophies, instead of tattered banners, will
be ransomed slaves.
E445 .D6 S9 1862
[page 1]
Mr. Sumner said:
Mr. President, with unspeakable delight I hail
this measure and the prospect of its speedy adop-
tion. It is the first installment of that great debt
which we all owe to an enslaved race, and will be
recognized in history as one of the victories of
humanity. At home, throughout our own coun-
try, it will be welcomed with gratitude; while
abroad it will quicken the hopes of all who love
freedom. Liberal institutions will gain every-
where by the abolition of slavery at the national
capital. Nobody can read that slaves were once
sold in the markets of Rome, beneath the eyes of
the sovereign Pontiff, without confessing the scan-
dal to religion, even in a barbarous age; and no-
body can hear that slaves are now sold in the
markets of Washington, beneath the eyes of the
President, without confessing the scandal to lib-
eral institutions. For the sake of our good name,
if not for the sake of justice, let the scandal dis-
[a lengthy speech follows concluding:]
Amidst all present solicitudes, the future can-
not be doubtful. At the national capital slavery
will give way to freedom; but the good work will
not stop here. It must proceed. What God and
nature decree rebellion cannot arrest. And as
the whole wide-spread tyranny begins to tumble,
then, above the din of battle, sounding from the
sea and echoing over the land, above even the
exultations of victory on well-fought fields, will
ascend voices of gladness and benediction, swell-
ong from generous hearts wherever civilization
bears sway, to commemorate a sacred triumph,
whose trophies, instead of tattered banners, will
be ransomed slaves.
E445 .D6 S9 1862
1862 March 31 Brampton Orange County, Va.
Brampton March 31st 1862
My dear Georgia. I wrote you a long letter to send by Brother Andrew but the old
fellow, as usual, did not follow the plan he announced, and never returned from the Ct. House, so I concluded to destroy that epistle, as your husband doubtless would communicate its contents,for a few days while the army was moving, I was distracted and demented, stragglers continually coming and soliciting food, but since our men are in camp, the discipline is so strict , that they are not allowed to venture out far, have not seen Capt Means, or even Charlie Conway for sometime, James Glassell was here a day last week, enroute to join his company. he was just from home, reported Gen Ewell's division is encamped on Uncle Wms farm, Wheat's battallion on one side int he wheat field, and Gen Taylor's brigade around the house, Gen T. and his adjutant Surget occupy Uncle Wm house, the latter gent a millionaire and bachelor, has left all his property to the Confederacy in case he dies. on Mr Cunningham's land, near Richland Bowyer's artillery is planted Uncle Wm, of course will have to suspend farming. Aunt Harriet was in Prince Wm when our army retreated from Manassas, she retired with an invalid Sister to Fauquier this sister has
typhoid fever now at the point of death from moving, she contracted the disease
from nursing a nephew, who had the fever, which he took in camp. Gen Gus Smith who was in joint command with Johnson at manassas is now in command at Fredg. and Holmes and some of the Ga troops have been ordered to N. Carolina, a great many think that Fredg will be the point the Federals will attack, Davis & Johnson say they never saw finer natural defences than from Falmouth to Stafford Ct. Ho--some few persons are leaving F--cousin Elizabeth and Gustavus go down to Madison, all the contrebands of the latter have stampeded. Roy Mason of King George has lost his "animated property", his out hands stampeded first, the family were out spending the evening when the house servants disappeared with all the paraphernalia of the family did not even leave a change of raiment. I understand in a Mr Saunders house on Grace Street Richmond , five thousand sabres were found, his loyalty has been suspected, he was a frequenter of Botts residence. Poor Lucy Taylor died on the 15th while asleep. She expressed her willingness to die, sister is deeply distressed, Miss Charlotte in Richmond speaks of going to housekeeping. Mrs. Henry & Mrs. Temple also there. Mrs. Judge Scott still at Oakwood says the Yankees shall not drive her away. Extra Billy keeps his family in Warrenton. Gen Johnsons staff occupy the Nalle's house.
[page 2]
The old lady had her meat house robbed of 24 pieces of meat lately. Miss Mary confined to her bed, Dr.. Slaughter at last pronounced her lungs are affected, the ladies are in mourning. Mrs Welsh says she had dreadfull times when the army was moving, thirty forty soldiers a day, her kitchen, cabins, weaving rooms and her house filled , they even went in her chamber one man announced he intended passing the night there, he found the fire so pleasant. refugees also stopped there with all their servants, horses and waggons Mrs Madison and Slaughter also had a good many. we comparatively had few not more than five a day. The turkey you succeeded in raising last year was so dreadfully lacerated by the hogs or hawks that it has died from the wounds. I have six hens setting, two on duck eggs, your turkeys will not lay. Brother Andrew has been gardening this week, has planted some potatoes and arranged his hot bed, everything without looks so country[?] today that one is not inclined to think of vegetables. I received a long letter from Jinnie Smith, she writes a good deal of cotton is waggoned from Corpus Christie to Matamoras, and they received coffee, & sugars in return. Bessie Ware enjoyed her trip to Mexico, Jinnie & she are now at Cousin Georges, Bessie is expected soon in Louisiana, en route home, I expect she will be amazed to hear her old homestead is now under Lincoln's jurisdiction, her Father is in Ashby's cavalry, her Brother in Col. Field's regiment. Mrs Willis has sent off her servants, she will go soon.
Betie, Hannah and the servants are all well. You must not let Bryan forget me, I would love much to see him, suppose he grows more & more interesting, was sorry to hear he had the croup. Sister regrets he cannot have his [?] every day, send s her love to you, says she misses the children very much, you must kiss [?] for her. Dr. Richardson has sent his family to Miss. he joins the army in Tenn, he wrote that flour is $17 per barrel in New Orleans. I see butter in Richmnond cost a dollar per lb. Remember me to Tucker, when is he coming. George Patton has returned to his regiment. old Mrs Patton is staying with Sally. Our army is encamped from above the Ct. to five miles below. You must write me soon. Temple sends his love. Chester fears Bryan will forget him, so desired me to write a few lines to him My dear little Bryan, you ought to have been here to have seen the soldiers they were passing continually, I am sure you would have liked the horses and the gay flags. I am grinding coffee this evening, and think how often you have been in the room when I thus have been engaged and how black you made yourself. I suppose you have fine times at Caris brook, you must not forget me. Yours with love Chester
My dear Bryan, Your Cousin Temple, thinks very often of you, and would love much to have a romp with you. I have been busy gardening, but the weather is so bad, fear I shall have to cease hoeing. I love you very much yours with love. Temple
Brother Andrew has been unwell ever since his return from Fluvanna, had a bilous attack, suppose he told you of Mr Course's arrest you will be imprisoned for entertaining traitors I suspect. Excuse this illegible epistle, but my ink is indifferent Yours with love Ella M. Grinnan
Betie sends her love to the children, Brother sends his love to you and regards to G--
Letter to Georgia Screven Bryan Grinnan, possibly from her husband's sister.
MSS 49
My dear Georgia. I wrote you a long letter to send by Brother Andrew but the old
fellow, as usual, did not follow the plan he announced, and never returned from the Ct. House, so I concluded to destroy that epistle, as your husband doubtless would communicate its contents,for a few days while the army was moving, I was distracted and demented, stragglers continually coming and soliciting food, but since our men are in camp, the discipline is so strict , that they are not allowed to venture out far, have not seen Capt Means, or even Charlie Conway for sometime, James Glassell was here a day last week, enroute to join his company. he was just from home, reported Gen Ewell's division is encamped on Uncle Wms farm, Wheat's battallion on one side int he wheat field, and Gen Taylor's brigade around the house, Gen T. and his adjutant Surget occupy Uncle Wm house, the latter gent a millionaire and bachelor, has left all his property to the Confederacy in case he dies. on Mr Cunningham's land, near Richland Bowyer's artillery is planted Uncle Wm, of course will have to suspend farming. Aunt Harriet was in Prince Wm when our army retreated from Manassas, she retired with an invalid Sister to Fauquier this sister has
typhoid fever now at the point of death from moving, she contracted the disease
from nursing a nephew, who had the fever, which he took in camp. Gen Gus Smith who was in joint command with Johnson at manassas is now in command at Fredg. and Holmes and some of the Ga troops have been ordered to N. Carolina, a great many think that Fredg will be the point the Federals will attack, Davis & Johnson say they never saw finer natural defences than from Falmouth to Stafford Ct. Ho--some few persons are leaving F--cousin Elizabeth and Gustavus go down to Madison, all the contrebands of the latter have stampeded. Roy Mason of King George has lost his "animated property", his out hands stampeded first, the family were out spending the evening when the house servants disappeared with all the paraphernalia of the family did not even leave a change of raiment. I understand in a Mr Saunders house on Grace Street Richmond , five thousand sabres were found, his loyalty has been suspected, he was a frequenter of Botts residence. Poor Lucy Taylor died on the 15th while asleep. She expressed her willingness to die, sister is deeply distressed, Miss Charlotte in Richmond speaks of going to housekeeping. Mrs. Henry & Mrs. Temple also there. Mrs. Judge Scott still at Oakwood says the Yankees shall not drive her away. Extra Billy keeps his family in Warrenton. Gen Johnsons staff occupy the Nalle's house.
[page 2]
The old lady had her meat house robbed of 24 pieces of meat lately. Miss Mary confined to her bed, Dr.. Slaughter at last pronounced her lungs are affected, the ladies are in mourning. Mrs Welsh says she had dreadfull times when the army was moving, thirty forty soldiers a day, her kitchen, cabins, weaving rooms and her house filled , they even went in her chamber one man announced he intended passing the night there, he found the fire so pleasant. refugees also stopped there with all their servants, horses and waggons Mrs Madison and Slaughter also had a good many. we comparatively had few not more than five a day. The turkey you succeeded in raising last year was so dreadfully lacerated by the hogs or hawks that it has died from the wounds. I have six hens setting, two on duck eggs, your turkeys will not lay. Brother Andrew has been gardening this week, has planted some potatoes and arranged his hot bed, everything without looks so country[?] today that one is not inclined to think of vegetables. I received a long letter from Jinnie Smith, she writes a good deal of cotton is waggoned from Corpus Christie to Matamoras, and they received coffee, & sugars in return. Bessie Ware enjoyed her trip to Mexico, Jinnie & she are now at Cousin Georges, Bessie is expected soon in Louisiana, en route home, I expect she will be amazed to hear her old homestead is now under Lincoln's jurisdiction, her Father is in Ashby's cavalry, her Brother in Col. Field's regiment. Mrs Willis has sent off her servants, she will go soon.
Betie, Hannah and the servants are all well. You must not let Bryan forget me, I would love much to see him, suppose he grows more & more interesting, was sorry to hear he had the croup. Sister regrets he cannot have his [?] every day, send s her love to you, says she misses the children very much, you must kiss [?] for her. Dr. Richardson has sent his family to Miss. he joins the army in Tenn, he wrote that flour is $17 per barrel in New Orleans. I see butter in Richmnond cost a dollar per lb. Remember me to Tucker, when is he coming. George Patton has returned to his regiment. old Mrs Patton is staying with Sally. Our army is encamped from above the Ct. to five miles below. You must write me soon. Temple sends his love. Chester fears Bryan will forget him, so desired me to write a few lines to him My dear little Bryan, you ought to have been here to have seen the soldiers they were passing continually, I am sure you would have liked the horses and the gay flags. I am grinding coffee this evening, and think how often you have been in the room when I thus have been engaged and how black you made yourself. I suppose you have fine times at Caris brook, you must not forget me. Yours with love Chester
My dear Bryan, Your Cousin Temple, thinks very often of you, and would love much to have a romp with you. I have been busy gardening, but the weather is so bad, fear I shall have to cease hoeing. I love you very much yours with love. Temple
Brother Andrew has been unwell ever since his return from Fluvanna, had a bilous attack, suppose he told you of Mr Course's arrest you will be imprisoned for entertaining traitors I suspect. Excuse this illegible epistle, but my ink is indifferent Yours with love Ella M. Grinnan
Betie sends her love to the children, Brother sends his love to you and regards to G--
Letter to Georgia Screven Bryan Grinnan, possibly from her husband's sister.
MSS 49
1862 March [?] Prospect Hill Virginia
Prospect Hill virginia
Dear Mary
thiss is the first time that I
have had a chance to wright
sence wee Left camp Brigthwood
after so long a time wee have got
into Rebel territory we are camped
on the same ground that the Rebel pickets occpied the morning
that we Left Bright wood
thay got wind of the movement
and Left. wee had a Hard march
of about 18 miles there is 50 thousand
in Keys division 2 thousand Lances
and 3 compleat Baterrys and
wee ar all camped on thiss hill
and it is a grand sight there has ben
some fighting here not long sence
Shot and Shell are found here
quite plenty
[page 2]
wee have not got our tents
yet wee have had to sleep
out door and on the ground
and I have got some cold
thiss plantation is the one
that used to belong to com
Jones and it has ben a
splendid place but the
troops have torn it all to
peces the negro barracks ar all
torn down he used to keep some
hundreds of slaves it has ben
a splended place I went all over
the house thiss morning
Wee are expecting to move on
at enney moment the story
is round here that the rebels have
Left thair strong holds in most
places in thiss section
one of the Rhode Island Boys
found an old shell and was
to play with it and it
[page 3]
went of blowed his Brains
out there has 2 ben Killed
in that Reg sence wee
wee have got fresh orders
to be reddy to start at a minits
you must direct your
Letters to washington
Keyes Division Co K 7th Ma
excuse this short Letter
for I am on provo and have
a good deal to do B F Hutcinson
in haste
Benjamin F. Hutchinson, Co. K, 7th Massachusetts
MSS 11361
Dear Mary
thiss is the first time that I
have had a chance to wright
sence wee Left camp Brigthwood
after so long a time wee have got
into Rebel territory we are camped
on the same ground that the Rebel pickets occpied the morning
that we Left Bright wood
thay got wind of the movement
and Left. wee had a Hard march
of about 18 miles there is 50 thousand
in Keys division 2 thousand Lances
and 3 compleat Baterrys and
wee ar all camped on thiss hill
and it is a grand sight there has ben
some fighting here not long sence
Shot and Shell are found here
quite plenty
[page 2]
wee have not got our tents
yet wee have had to sleep
out door and on the ground
and I have got some cold
thiss plantation is the one
that used to belong to com
Jones and it has ben a
splendid place but the
troops have torn it all to
peces the negro barracks ar all
torn down he used to keep some
hundreds of slaves it has ben
a splended place I went all over
the house thiss morning
Wee are expecting to move on
at enney moment the story
is round here that the rebels have
Left thair strong holds in most
places in thiss section
one of the Rhode Island Boys
found an old shell and was
to play with it and it
[page 3]
went of blowed his Brains
out there has 2 ben Killed
in that Reg sence wee
wee have got fresh orders
to be reddy to start at a minits
you must direct your
Letters to washington
Keyes Division Co K 7th Ma
excuse this short Letter
for I am on provo and have
a good deal to do B F Hutcinson
in haste
Benjamin F. Hutchinson, Co. K, 7th Massachusetts
MSS 11361
1862 March 31 Hopewell, Alabama
Hopewell--mar. 31 1862
Dear master
I would have writen to you
before this-but as Smith
wrote to you after receiving
your letter I thought that I
would wait until the
present time.
Smith left us the 24th inst
for the war. he went from
here to Mobile-we have heard
nuthing from him since.
Mr Powell has sent another
young man down to take
his place. his name is
Sterling N. Haney, nefphew
of Mrs Powell. he seem to
be a very nice young man.
he intend going to the
college as Smith did, but not
untill mr P comes down the 5th of ap.
[page 2]
Cain is still planting corn
he commenced up at Meltan
this morning. The whole of
Meltans is to be put in
corn. they have planted the
Rye field and Evans field
in corn. The weather is now
beautiful for farming and
gardening. Etter is getting
along very well gardening
She has very nice plants in
the flat beds she has peas and
other vegetables up.
The people are all well
at New Hope. they are
planting corn down there.
mr Powell intend planting
but very little Cotton.
none of the people about
here intend planting much
they intend planting the
house field and the
Lawn in cotton.
[page 3]
I surpose that mr powell
has writen to you about
Robt. at New Hope stealing
Capt. Cockes hogs[?] it was a
very bad act in him to do
so-but mr P has settled
with him for it.
Mr Bunden was here two days ago-
he says that he received your
letter and he intends
answering it very soon-
his Family is well
Capt Cocke is not up here at
this time. we are looking
for you to come out here
in april. but as you did
not say any thing about it
in your last letter I fear
that you are not coming.
our neighbour mrs Dufphey
is dead. she died the 2nd inst.
the people all joines me in love
to you. your Servant Lucy Skipwith
Lucy Skipwith was a slave trusted with the management of daily activities and slaves at one of General John Hartwell Cocke's Alabama plantations. She had been offered her freedom, contingent on emigrating to Liberia, but turned it down, preferring to stay with family and friends, and mitigating when she could the conditions of her fellow slaves.
MSS 640
Dear master
I would have writen to you
before this-but as Smith
wrote to you after receiving
your letter I thought that I
would wait until the
present time.
Smith left us the 24th inst
for the war. he went from
here to Mobile-we have heard
nuthing from him since.
Mr Powell has sent another
young man down to take
his place. his name is
Sterling N. Haney, nefphew
of Mrs Powell. he seem to
be a very nice young man.
he intend going to the
college as Smith did, but not
untill mr P comes down the 5th of ap.
[page 2]
Cain is still planting corn
he commenced up at Meltan
this morning. The whole of
Meltans is to be put in
corn. they have planted the
Rye field and Evans field
in corn. The weather is now
beautiful for farming and
gardening. Etter is getting
along very well gardening
She has very nice plants in
the flat beds she has peas and
other vegetables up.
The people are all well
at New Hope. they are
planting corn down there.
mr Powell intend planting
but very little Cotton.
none of the people about
here intend planting much
they intend planting the
house field and the
Lawn in cotton.
[page 3]
I surpose that mr powell
has writen to you about
Robt. at New Hope stealing
Capt. Cockes hogs[?] it was a
very bad act in him to do
so-but mr P has settled
with him for it.
Mr Bunden was here two days ago-
he says that he received your
letter and he intends
answering it very soon-
his Family is well
Capt Cocke is not up here at
this time. we are looking
for you to come out here
in april. but as you did
not say any thing about it
in your last letter I fear
that you are not coming.
our neighbour mrs Dufphey
is dead. she died the 2nd inst.
the people all joines me in love
to you. your Servant Lucy Skipwith
Lucy Skipwith was a slave trusted with the management of daily activities and slaves at one of General John Hartwell Cocke's Alabama plantations. She had been offered her freedom, contingent on emigrating to Liberia, but turned it down, preferring to stay with family and friends, and mitigating when she could the conditions of her fellow slaves.
MSS 640
1862 March 31 Rapidan, Va.
[postscript to John B. Cary's letter of March 26 and 29]
Mch 31 I have not yet had an opportunity to send my letter as there are no regular
mails here & we have to rely on private parties. Nothing new yet, we still remain here--
We have achieved a most glorious victory in Texas, taking twenty five hundred prisoners.
Stewarts cavalry drove back an attacking force of 8000 at Rappahannock day before yesterday
taking 1 Major, 5 Captains & 22 privates--They were here at the depot yesterday--It is said they
made the best kind of time from Rappahannock to Warrenton with the Cavalry slashing
[cross hatched on page 5]
at them nearly the whole way. I am satisfied that Gen. Joe has them this time. As a Strategist
he has no equal in this Country. Jackson is also giving them fits in the valley. Things look
a great deal brighter just now & I am very sure will continue to improve, so dont let your
fears run away with you, but keep you spirits up, we will come out all right as sure as
shooting. We have again "dawned" on the Taliaferro crowd, in fact we have been there for the
last three evenings. It is a delightful place. Miss Maggie T, my especial is a rapid little thing
with black hair & eyes & a peculiar way of looking & using her eyes, that is very killing--Their
father is Col T--who distinguished himself so at "Carnifax Ferry" If we only stay here long
enough we will have a glorious time. Good bye, love to all, your loving son
MSS 1415
Mch 31 I have not yet had an opportunity to send my letter as there are no regular
mails here & we have to rely on private parties. Nothing new yet, we still remain here--
We have achieved a most glorious victory in Texas, taking twenty five hundred prisoners.
Stewarts cavalry drove back an attacking force of 8000 at Rappahannock day before yesterday
taking 1 Major, 5 Captains & 22 privates--They were here at the depot yesterday--It is said they
made the best kind of time from Rappahannock to Warrenton with the Cavalry slashing
[cross hatched on page 5]
at them nearly the whole way. I am satisfied that Gen. Joe has them this time. As a Strategist
he has no equal in this Country. Jackson is also giving them fits in the valley. Things look
a great deal brighter just now & I am very sure will continue to improve, so dont let your
fears run away with you, but keep you spirits up, we will come out all right as sure as
shooting. We have again "dawned" on the Taliaferro crowd, in fact we have been there for the
last three evenings. It is a delightful place. Miss Maggie T, my especial is a rapid little thing
with black hair & eyes & a peculiar way of looking & using her eyes, that is very killing--Their
father is Col T--who distinguished himself so at "Carnifax Ferry" If we only stay here long
enough we will have a glorious time. Good bye, love to all, your loving son
MSS 1415
1862 March 31, Camp Franklin, Va.
Dear parents,
I received a letter from you last night
with one enclosed for Duran, one for Frank Adams with
some verses and some needles and thread for me which I
was glad to get one of the darning needles was large
enough for any kind of sewing I should think you seem to
think I do not get all your letters but I think I do although
once in a while they do not come direct you wrote one a short
time ago I did not get for three weeks with a billet from
Add Strout and a billet for Frank Adams after this I
will put down the date of every letter so you will
know if I get them all and I want you to do the same
I have been writing to Susan and I shall not seal it so you
may read it then seal it up and send it to her the first
opportunity; you will find some good news in it I tell
you it was good to us of Co. K. last night we had a terrible
thunder storm with very sharp lightning some thought it
was the heaviest thunder they ever heard it is cloudy today
and we may have more rain before night. I was glad to hear
of your intention to carry on the farm yourselves this summer
I would not try to plant any more corn than you can dress well
potatoes and oats will grow getter than corn without
manure I know it is no good corn land in the square field
where I suppose you will plant corn it will need a large quantity
of manure more so if you spread it on without puting[sic] any in the hill
but I suppose you will know best what to do about it.
[page 2]
We are expecting to get two months pay this week well
before I mail this If I do I shall send some money
if we do not send it by the 5[th]alotment priviledge as
in either case I will write something about it when I send it
When you answer this letter I want you to tell me as near as you can how
much you are oweing and to who it is due and also what Varny has done about that note if it is not paid and what you know about what Stinchfields folks are going to do about Washingtons farm I want to hear about Henry Jordans clame as soon as you hear any thing about it and all other news you can think of to write any thing will be interesting to me I think you had better keep all the gold and silver you can get or have got and use the bills when you buy any thing or pay any debts I shall try to get some gold to send home when we get paid off if I can.
[letter of Hiram Cash of the 5th Maine will resume on April 2]
MSS 12916
I received a letter from you last night
with one enclosed for Duran, one for Frank Adams with
some verses and some needles and thread for me which I
was glad to get one of the darning needles was large
enough for any kind of sewing I should think you seem to
think I do not get all your letters but I think I do although
once in a while they do not come direct you wrote one a short
time ago I did not get for three weeks with a billet from
Add Strout and a billet for Frank Adams after this I
will put down the date of every letter so you will
know if I get them all and I want you to do the same
I have been writing to Susan and I shall not seal it so you
may read it then seal it up and send it to her the first
opportunity; you will find some good news in it I tell
you it was good to us of Co. K. last night we had a terrible
thunder storm with very sharp lightning some thought it
was the heaviest thunder they ever heard it is cloudy today
and we may have more rain before night. I was glad to hear
of your intention to carry on the farm yourselves this summer
I would not try to plant any more corn than you can dress well
potatoes and oats will grow getter than corn without
manure I know it is no good corn land in the square field
where I suppose you will plant corn it will need a large quantity
of manure more so if you spread it on without puting[sic] any in the hill
but I suppose you will know best what to do about it.
[page 2]
We are expecting to get two months pay this week well
before I mail this If I do I shall send some money
if we do not send it by the 5[th]alotment priviledge as
in either case I will write something about it when I send it
When you answer this letter I want you to tell me as near as you can how
much you are oweing and to who it is due and also what Varny has done about that note if it is not paid and what you know about what Stinchfields folks are going to do about Washingtons farm I want to hear about Henry Jordans clame as soon as you hear any thing about it and all other news you can think of to write any thing will be interesting to me I think you had better keep all the gold and silver you can get or have got and use the bills when you buy any thing or pay any debts I shall try to get some gold to send home when we get paid off if I can.
[letter of Hiram Cash of the 5th Maine will resume on April 2]
MSS 12916
1862 March 31 Orange C.H., Va.
Orange C. H. March 31st 1862.
My Dear Father,
On account of recent irregu-
larity in the mails for several days past
occasioned by the movement of troops
I have received no letters within that
time, and have done nothing in addition
to what I reported in my last.
My men are all anxiously awaiting some-
thing definite, and decisive as well as myself.
They are all confident that I am
acting properly, and express themselves
as satisfied with the Course I have pursued.
I learn that the back mail will be
opened for distribution in the morning,
and I expect then to receive full informa-
tion from yourself, and the Department
which will direct my future action, and
be Conclusive on every point.
Recruits are pouring rapidly
into our regnt, and the Entire army
is alive with the drilling of soldiers,
and other military preparation
[page 2]
the spirits of our troops are high, and
by no means depressed by our recent
losses elsewhere.
[Letter of John Warwick Daniel will continue on April 1]
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
My Dear Father,
On account of recent irregu-
larity in the mails for several days past
occasioned by the movement of troops
I have received no letters within that
time, and have done nothing in addition
to what I reported in my last.
My men are all anxiously awaiting some-
thing definite, and decisive as well as myself.
They are all confident that I am
acting properly, and express themselves
as satisfied with the Course I have pursued.
I learn that the back mail will be
opened for distribution in the morning,
and I expect then to receive full informa-
tion from yourself, and the Department
which will direct my future action, and
be Conclusive on every point.
Recruits are pouring rapidly
into our regnt, and the Entire army
is alive with the drilling of soldiers,
and other military preparation
[page 2]
the spirits of our troops are high, and
by no means depressed by our recent
losses elsewhere.
[Letter of John Warwick Daniel will continue on April 1]
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
1862 March 31
[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, Sgt. Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor's), Louisiana Infantry]
Monday – March 31st 1862
Reveille sounded at 6 o’c this morning - Weather
clear again – Had target shooting from
our four redoubts today with a parrot gun –
all bad shots – only getting the range of
the guns. Heard today that Fry was
ordered to report for duty again in the
Company – Some rascals broke in the
Commissary Department & stole a lot of
Coffee & provisions at Camp Rightor
Heard today heavy firing towards
Ship Point – La Gds [Guards] went on picket
guard tonight – Old Dick came in today
from Picket to [-] – This day has been
spent unprofitably – Idled away.
More troops came today – but not
the 7th La with Old John -
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154
Monday – March 31st 1862
Reveille sounded at 6 o’c this morning - Weather
clear again – Had target shooting from
our four redoubts today with a parrot gun –
all bad shots – only getting the range of
the guns. Heard today that Fry was
ordered to report for duty again in the
Company – Some rascals broke in the
Commissary Department & stole a lot of
Coffee & provisions at Camp Rightor
Heard today heavy firing towards
Ship Point – La Gds [Guards] went on picket
guard tonight – Old Dick came in today
from Picket to [-] – This day has been
spent unprofitably – Idled away.
More troops came today – but not
the 7th La with Old John -
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154
1862 March 31 Lynchburg, Va.
[from the diary of William M. Blackford, of Lynchburg, Va., former diplomat, newspaper editor and bank officer, with 5 sons in the Confederate Army]
Tuesday 31
Quarter day and of course the
usual count. Most of my specie being in
sailor bags the task of counting was light.
We got through in a couple of hours in the
morning--various rumors of movements
of troops, and advances of the enemy. Large
reinforecements have gone from Orange to the
Valley, N. Carolina & Peninsula--Troops have
gone also south from Frdbg. This indicates
that no serious attack is threatened from the
Potomack unless Banks advances in the Valley
I have necessarily become very incredulous
as to rumors. I expect every moment
news of great events in the west, where
it is said Albert Johnson has laid his plans
with great skill, and that Buell may be
entrapped--We wait for the news exploits
of the Merrimac--never before did so much
depend upon the success of a single vessel
Recd dispatch from R. Saunders to have a
hack ready at the boat Wednesday morg to
take Miss Smith & party to his house & to
send Mr Granger to Carrysford [?] to request their
young Fairfax shd come in to meet them.
The lowest price demanded for a hack was
12$ for the task As they asked 5$ for a
passenger I did not send one but wrote
to Mrs. S. by mail--Went to the depot
at qr past 8 and staid until 10 when
hearing the cars would not be in until
12 came home much exhausted.
MSS 4763
Tuesday 31
Quarter day and of course the
usual count. Most of my specie being in
sailor bags the task of counting was light.
We got through in a couple of hours in the
morning--various rumors of movements
of troops, and advances of the enemy. Large
reinforecements have gone from Orange to the
Valley, N. Carolina & Peninsula--Troops have
gone also south from Frdbg. This indicates
that no serious attack is threatened from the
Potomack unless Banks advances in the Valley
I have necessarily become very incredulous
as to rumors. I expect every moment
news of great events in the west, where
it is said Albert Johnson has laid his plans
with great skill, and that Buell may be
entrapped--We wait for the news exploits
of the Merrimac--never before did so much
depend upon the success of a single vessel
Recd dispatch from R. Saunders to have a
hack ready at the boat Wednesday morg to
take Miss Smith & party to his house & to
send Mr Granger to Carrysford [?] to request their
young Fairfax shd come in to meet them.
The lowest price demanded for a hack was
12$ for the task As they asked 5$ for a
passenger I did not send one but wrote
to Mrs. S. by mail--Went to the depot
at qr past 8 and staid until 10 when
hearing the cars would not be in until
12 came home much exhausted.
MSS 4763
1862 March 31 Camp Hayes, Raleigh, Va.
[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio]
Monday, Mar. 31, 1862
Guard mounting &Parade
Had an inspection & review
carried out our knapsacks
after Parade marched
out to a hill
very fine day Clear
MSS 10317
Monday, Mar. 31, 1862
Guard mounting &Parade
Had an inspection & review
carried out our knapsacks
after Parade marched
out to a hill
very fine day Clear
MSS 10317
1862 March 31
[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F, 25th Massachusetts]
March 31
On guard to day at Burnsides
headquarters third relief. Like
the place first rate. Had some turtle soup tonight
from gen. Burnsides table.
MSS 11293
March 31
On guard to day at Burnsides
headquarters third relief. Like
the place first rate. Had some turtle soup tonight
from gen. Burnsides table.
MSS 11293
1862 March 30 Camp Rappahannock, Virginia
Camp Rappahannock
March 30” 1862
My own darling Wife
morning Genl Elzey sent
me out with two companies to
occupy the
ground on the river bank
imediately [sic] op
posite the enimy [sic] with
instructions to
resist their efforts to cross
&c and I
established my head quarters
in the house
formerly occupied by Genl
Elzey and
deployed my men as
skirmishers along
the line occupied by our men
in the
fight of the day before [28
March]. about 11’ oclock
the enimies [sic] pickets
disappeared & from the
appearance of the smoke of
their camp fires I concluded that
the enimy [sic] had fallen
back & sent word
to to [sic] Genl Ewel. one hour later three reg-
iments of our cavalry crossed
the river
& found that they [the
enemy] had fallen back &
they followed them to
Warrenton Junction
taking 20 prisoners &
returned yesterday evening
[page 2]
The fight [of 28 March]
occured [sic] in this way. The
enimy [sic] in strong forced
[sic] pressed closely
on Genl Stuart & appeared
on the
hills on the other side of the
in a moment after Stuart
& his men
had got over and opened on
with shot & shell. at this moment
the bridge had just been
fired and
might have been carried by
the enimy [sic]
but our division was called
& formed in the high
ground on
this side our brigade resting on the
right & our regiment
deployed as
skirmishers. the Md Reg on the right
left & opposite the ford
near the
bridge Nearly the whole of their fire
was directed against our
and our regiment more than
other & the right wing
under my
command decidedly the hotest
[sic]. the
shell & ball flew all
around us
It was so hot that I ordered
the right
wing to advance & threw
them forward
[page 3]
some 30 or 40 yds & thus
we avoided
their range it is most providential
that none of us were hurt
while in
this position, which we held
near dark when two pieces of
artillery being disabled we
back about 1 ½ miles &
again formed
in line of battle & there
we still
are with half rations &
nearly knee
deep in mud. my men are in better
condition than any of them –
are under shelter but those
on duty
as we were retiring our
little Par
son was knocked from his
horse by
a shell but not seriously
I dont know how long we will
remain here – our wagons are
at Cul-
peper & I suppose we will
join them, but do not
know anything about it. bad as I want
to get to Orange I dont think
ought to leave here. I sent Billy up
yesterday for my horse &
clothes I hope
[page 4]
he will get back tomorrow or
next day. Dont be uneasy about
me darling, that dont make it
better. There is no likely hood of the
enimy [sic] advanct
advancing for several
days to come – they cant do
it – in
the present condition of the
nor do I think we can do much
getting away our wagons are ten miles
ahead is one thing in our
favor if
any retreat is attempted by
Take care of yourself – be a good girl
tell little Jennie not to cry
so much
& Jim & Lizzie not to
eat every thing
up so Papa will have none
he comes to see us.
Most devotedly & affectionately
ETH Warren
"Camp Rappahannock", heading - 'Near Rappahannock
Station, present-day Remington, Fauquier Co.'
"Genl Elzey", line 1 & 7 - 'Arnold Elzey,
Confederate general, commanded the brigade in which the 10th Virginia Infantry
"Genl Ewel" , line 14 - 'Richard S. Ewell,
Confederate general, commanded the division in which Elzey's Brigade served.'
"Genl Stuart", page 3, line 3 -
"Stuart", page 3, line 5 - 'Both referred to
James Ewell Brown JEB Stuart, Confederate cavalry general.'
"the Md Reg", page 2, line 14 - '1st Maryland
Infantry. This unit served in the same brigade with the 10th Virginia
"our little Parson", page 3, lines 13& 14 -
'Joseph P. Hyde, Chaplain, 10th Virginia Infantry. In fact, Chaplain Hyde
was injured more than Warren noted. In addition to a concussion, his
right leg was paralyzed. Chaplain Hyde did not return to duty until 17
June 1863. During most of his time absent from the regiment, Hyde served
on the staff of the Wesleyan Female Institute, Staunton.'
"Billy", page 3, line 22 - 'William Rolston,
private, Company H, 10th Virginia Infantry.'
"little Jennie", page 4, line 13 - 'Warren's
youngest daughter Virginia 'Jennie' Watson, born 26 February 1862.'
"Jim", page 4, line 14 - 'Warren's five year-old
son James M.'
"Lizzie", page 4, line 14 - 'Warren's seven
year-old daughter.'
"ETH Warren", page 4, signature - 'Edward Tiffin
Harrison Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Virginia Infantry.'
[transcription by John P. Mann, IV]
MSS 7786-g
Thursday, March 29, 2012
1862 March 30 Front Royal, Va.
Home, March 30 1862
My Dear Son
For some days past, I have been
looking for an opportunity to write to you
and have learned that Mr Myers will
go down on tomorrow or the next day; and
if no earlier opportunity offers, will
sent this to you by him.
Your letter by Mr Painter was received
and gave us great pleasure; as we
were extremely anxious about you. Not
having heard from you or your company for
some time. You did not mention
whether you had received my letter and
the articles by Mr Harmon. We sent you
by him a Turkey, a bag of Biscuits, 2 cans
of Fruit--Some Peach Leather, &c. Did you
get them?
We have no late news from Alice Irving
& their party--The indications are that they will
soon be hemmed in.
Gussie is still at Col Lance's and we
have not heard from her since I was down
a month since--We are of course quite
anxious not only about her but about
[page 2]
all the Colonels family---We have heard
that they have lost their servants; but hope
it is not true.
As yet we have lost very few servants
immediately about the town. You have
heard of the general stampede in the lower
part of the County?
Jaquelin has had another attack of
Rheumatism; and has suffered terribly.
He is better--walking about. My health
is not near so good as when I saw you
last--The rest of the family tolerably well--
You have heard of the battle near
Winchester on last Sunday? A gentleman
passed here on yesterday who says the Federal
confess to a very heavy loss--as high as
1400--This is probably far too many.
There is great uncertainty as to the cause
of Jackson's movement with such dispar-
ity of force. My impression is that he
must have been deceived by an artifice
of the Enemy--
If there is a suitable opportunity, I
will will[sic] send you your money with
this; and your Ma will send you a
Flannel Shirt--She says it is thin &
you had better only wear it while
your other is being washed.
[page 3]
You express the hope that you may be
able to spend your furlough at home.
I hope so indeed but greatly fear
not--If we can only see you alive
and well after this horrid war is over,
I will be fully satisfied--
Your Ma would hardly consent to
my leaving home now--(and indeed I am
almost too unwell to travel) or I would
go to see you once more at your camp--
Front Royal has only been visited
once by the Yankees--I did not see
them; but learn that they were very
polite & respectful. "Porte Crayon" was
the leader of the party--There is great
indignation towards him here--but I
hope he is doing a great deal of
good-by restraining the soldiers--It
is hard for me to believe he is a mere
hireling spy and informer as he is regarded.
Cousin [?] Cloud & Cousin Thos Buck (son
of Cousin John) have arrived from the West--
They propose joining Bowers' Co.--I have
seen very little of them.
Your request about the articles in Ed's
box shall be attended to tho' I greatly
fear it has not been received--
All send their love--God blss you
My Dear boy--Truly your affectionate parent M B Buck
[on cover sheet]
Mr Richard B. Buck
Co B 17th Regt Va Vols
Kindness of
W. W. Richardson
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888
"Porte Crayon" was the pseudonym of Virginia born magazine illustrator David Hunter Strother, 1816-1888. A cousin of Union general David Hunter, he remained loyal to the Union and was commissioned as a topographer in the Federal army due to his detailed knowledge of the Shenandoah Valley. He served on Hunter's staff and ended the war as a brevet Brigadier General. After the war he travelled out west where he sketched Sitting Bull. President Rutherford B. Hayes later appointed him General Consul to Mexico City.
MSS 3064
My Dear Son
For some days past, I have been
looking for an opportunity to write to you
and have learned that Mr Myers will
go down on tomorrow or the next day; and
if no earlier opportunity offers, will
sent this to you by him.
Your letter by Mr Painter was received
and gave us great pleasure; as we
were extremely anxious about you. Not
having heard from you or your company for
some time. You did not mention
whether you had received my letter and
the articles by Mr Harmon. We sent you
by him a Turkey, a bag of Biscuits, 2 cans
of Fruit--Some Peach Leather, &c. Did you
get them?
We have no late news from Alice Irving
& their party--The indications are that they will
soon be hemmed in.
Gussie is still at Col Lance's and we
have not heard from her since I was down
a month since--We are of course quite
anxious not only about her but about
[page 2]
all the Colonels family---We have heard
that they have lost their servants; but hope
it is not true.
As yet we have lost very few servants
immediately about the town. You have
heard of the general stampede in the lower
part of the County?
Jaquelin has had another attack of
Rheumatism; and has suffered terribly.
He is better--walking about. My health
is not near so good as when I saw you
last--The rest of the family tolerably well--
You have heard of the battle near
Winchester on last Sunday? A gentleman
passed here on yesterday who says the Federal
confess to a very heavy loss--as high as
1400--This is probably far too many.
There is great uncertainty as to the cause
of Jackson's movement with such dispar-
ity of force. My impression is that he
must have been deceived by an artifice
of the Enemy--
If there is a suitable opportunity, I
will will[sic] send you your money with
this; and your Ma will send you a
Flannel Shirt--She says it is thin &
you had better only wear it while
your other is being washed.
[page 3]
You express the hope that you may be
able to spend your furlough at home.
I hope so indeed but greatly fear
not--If we can only see you alive
and well after this horrid war is over,
I will be fully satisfied--
Your Ma would hardly consent to
my leaving home now--(and indeed I am
almost too unwell to travel) or I would
go to see you once more at your camp--
Front Royal has only been visited
once by the Yankees--I did not see
them; but learn that they were very
polite & respectful. "Porte Crayon" was
the leader of the party--There is great
indignation towards him here--but I
hope he is doing a great deal of
good-by restraining the soldiers--It
is hard for me to believe he is a mere
hireling spy and informer as he is regarded.
Cousin [?] Cloud & Cousin Thos Buck (son
of Cousin John) have arrived from the West--
They propose joining Bowers' Co.--I have
seen very little of them.
Your request about the articles in Ed's
box shall be attended to tho' I greatly
fear it has not been received--
All send their love--God blss you
My Dear boy--Truly your affectionate parent M B Buck
[on cover sheet]
Mr Richard B. Buck
Co B 17th Regt Va Vols
Kindness of
W. W. Richardson
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888
"Porte Crayon" was the pseudonym of Virginia born magazine illustrator David Hunter Strother, 1816-1888. A cousin of Union general David Hunter, he remained loyal to the Union and was commissioned as a topographer in the Federal army due to his detailed knowledge of the Shenandoah Valley. He served on Hunter's staff and ended the war as a brevet Brigadier General. After the war he travelled out west where he sketched Sitting Bull. President Rutherford B. Hayes later appointed him General Consul to Mexico City.
MSS 3064
1862 March 30
[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan, and a Sgt., Co. B, 1st Special Battalion, Louisiana Infantry]
Sunday – March 30th 1862
Did not rise until 8 o’c today
It rained until ten o’clock – our tent was
very wet last night – Ned Philps slept in the
rain all night – went out this morning but
could not purchase anything but a pair
of shoes each for Jim & myself for ten
dolls[dollars] – several more gre Reg’ts came today
& last night – Had inspection this morning
& made a report of Ammunition & Arms
to the Adjutant – Sent Randall to Camp
Rightor on my mule today – for cooking utensils –
Went over to the 10th Reg’t & got a place for Faries
with Janin – wrote a letter to Mr Sully today
for Faries – No picket guard from our Co
today or night – Heard heavy firing this
morning & this Evening toward Newport News –
No mail rec’d since last Monday – boats used
in transporting troops – Willie sick today with chills –
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154
Sunday – March 30th 1862
Did not rise until 8 o’c today
It rained until ten o’clock – our tent was
very wet last night – Ned Philps slept in the
rain all night – went out this morning but
could not purchase anything but a pair
of shoes each for Jim & myself for ten
dolls[dollars] – several more gre Reg’ts came today
& last night – Had inspection this morning
& made a report of Ammunition & Arms
to the Adjutant – Sent Randall to Camp
Rightor on my mule today – for cooking utensils –
Went over to the 10th Reg’t & got a place for Faries
with Janin – wrote a letter to Mr Sully today
for Faries – No picket guard from our Co
today or night – Heard heavy firing this
morning & this Evening toward Newport News –
No mail rec’d since last Monday – boats used
in transporting troops – Willie sick today with chills –
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154
1862 March 30 Lynchburg, Va.
[from the diary of William M. Blackford, of Lynchburg, Va., former diplomat, newspaper editor and bank officer, with 5 sons in the Confederate Army]
Saturday Sunday 30 Cold rain--Kept my bed
until 12--very much indisposed. It held
up in the afternoon and I went to the P. Office
-no letter from the boys. Learned that John
T. Smith of the horse troops, had arrived. He
left Charles at Charlottesville, intending to go
to Mr. Colstons. He says he's coming home to
recruit for his company & may stay some time.
He did not hear of the death of the baby
until Tuesday last. I am very much gratified
to know he is coming home--He will suffer
much in going to his house.
MSS 4763
until 12--very much indisposed. It held
up in the afternoon and I went to the P. Office
-no letter from the boys. Learned that John
T. Smith of the horse troops, had arrived. He
left Charles at Charlottesville, intending to go
to Mr. Colstons. He says he's coming home to
recruit for his company & may stay some time.
He did not hear of the death of the baby
until Tuesday last. I am very much gratified
to know he is coming home--He will suffer
much in going to his house.
MSS 4763
1862 March 30 Camp Hayes Raleigh, Va.
[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio]
Saturday, Mar. 29, 1862
Have not played for Guard
At the suggestion of the
adjutant and others
officers have practiced
Dixie Played it this
evening. Went this
afternoon with Billy
Critch[field]--out to the
Thad & Gillett on a
bender Gillett quired
the whiskey shooting
Recd letters from
S. Caldwell answered
it. Cloudy rainy
MSS 10317
Saturday, Mar. 29, 1862
Have not played for Guard
At the suggestion of the
adjutant and others
officers have practiced
Dixie Played it this
evening. Went this
afternoon with Billy
Critch[field]--out to the
Thad & Gillett on a
bender Gillett quired
the whiskey shooting
Recd letters from
S. Caldwell answered
it. Cloudy rainy
MSS 10317
1862 March 30
[from the diary of Jesse Calvin Spaulding, Co. F, 25th Massachusetts]
March 30
Got off guard about ten and got ready
for church. Went to the Presbyterian
church and Mr James preached from John
16:33, Enjoyed the services very much. They
sung Pleyels Hymn, Marlowe and Sicily. The
organ sounded much like home and it
seemed as if I could not bear the idea of
being away from home. Went as a regiment
to church and then after we came back
George Lowe, Charles Hall and I went back
to communion at two oclock, which I enjoyed
much. May God help me to consecrate
myself anew to Him through Jesus Christ.
who died for us. After the services (at which
Dr. Whitney of our company, and Mr Dibble
of this place acted as deacons) George and
I went down to the Baptist Church to hear
Mr Clark the Chaplain of the 23rd. Enjoyed
those services also very much indeed.
MSS 11293
March 30
Got off guard about ten and got ready
for church. Went to the Presbyterian
church and Mr James preached from John
16:33, Enjoyed the services very much. They
sung Pleyels Hymn, Marlowe and Sicily. The
organ sounded much like home and it
seemed as if I could not bear the idea of
being away from home. Went as a regiment
to church and then after we came back
George Lowe, Charles Hall and I went back
to communion at two oclock, which I enjoyed
much. May God help me to consecrate
myself anew to Him through Jesus Christ.
who died for us. After the services (at which
Dr. Whitney of our company, and Mr Dibble
of this place acted as deacons) George and
I went down to the Baptist Church to hear
Mr Clark the Chaplain of the 23rd. Enjoyed
those services also very much indeed.
MSS 11293
1862 March 29
[29 March 1862]
My dear Jennie
Billy can tell you where
I am. we had a fight yester
day evening across the River
I cant tell how long we
will be here but when we
leave will fall back in
the direction of Orange &
have to fight our way as
we go. I dont know the strength
of the enimy [sic]. I send Billy for
[page 2]
my horse. Start him back
imediately [sic] I am almost
a foot.
ETH Warren
Though this letter [note] is undated, it has been dated by content. Warren noted "we had a fight yesterday
evening". This fight occurred on 28 March 1862. A map of this
small skirmish is in Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1891-1895), plate CV, map 3. Warren described this affair in more detail
in his letter of 30 March.
"Billy", line 1 & 10 - 'William Rolston,
private, Company H, 10th Virginia Infantry.'
'ETH Warren", page 2, signature - 'Edward Tiffin
Harrison Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Virginia Infantry.'
transcription by John P. Mann, IV
MSS 7786-g
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
1862 March 29
[letter of John B. Cary begun on the 26th continues]
Saturday, Mch 29 1862 I was obliged to stop here & have not been able to
resume since. I have however in the meantime received from the girls a large
package containing your letter of Feb 23 & Sister's of Feb 2. Great treats they
were I assure you. Willie received them night before last--he & Major B__
were up nearly all night & handed them to me in the morning. I had
to leave immediately with Major for Orange C.H. and did not have a
chance to read them until very late last night--It was half past two
when I retired. I suppose you have heard from the girls of Willie's good
fortune. Upon Major's recommendation he has received a commission as
Captain in the Qr. M's Dept. He deserves it well & I know no officer in
[page 4]
the Dept. more capable of discharging the duties or more faithful in
giving his entire time. Major B could not do without him possibly--
He always says so & tells every one so. In fact he tells everyone he
knows that Cary is the best & smartest man he ever knew in hislife.
Willie will require forty thousand dollars bond, which Major has
arranged for him. An old gentleman from Petersburg, who has taken
a fancy to both of us, has offered to be one of the bond, & another
from Jefferson Co Va has offered to be the other--both strangers upon
whom Willie has no claim in the world, but both friends of Major's
Willie has not yet rec'd the commission, as it is always two or three weeks
after its issue before the person is notified, but Burton Harrison, who is
Prest Davis' private secretary, informed the girls of the fact, and Willie is
already dubbed in the office "Capt. Cary." Your letter to Jenny & late de-
velopment here have persuaded me that the girls had better return home as soon
as possible. I am very much afraid sister H. will do something foolish
after she gets there--which will consign her to confinement with Mrs Norris
for after the life she has led here it will be very hard to settle down quietly
at home. And altho' you may get every assurance from Dix, that will not
cover the future, but only the past. Should they return home they will have
to be very careful how they mix in any schemes having in view the good of
Confederates for of course they will be strictly watched--certainly they have
given as much cause as poor Mrs Norris ever did. We will both write to
them (if one of us does not see them soon) upon the subject of their return--
Fortunately they have never been obliged to call upon Maury or anyone else
for assistance, as Willie & I have always been able to provide them with what
ever they have needed. Sister Hetty had better go to Europe with Sister in
the spring--That would be a splendid way of disposing of her--Jenny will
be quiet enough. The idea strikes me every now & then, of what in the
world is the use of writing all this, they will never see it at home--
but sheer desperation, disgust & dont-careishness drive my pen along, to
gether with the thought that the more letters I write the greater chance of your receiving one-& they might as well be all long ones for I cannot tell which of
them will turn up. It is a consolation for me to write & imagine you all
to be reading it at home took tho' you never may--Oh! my long letters that
have gone down, I mourn them continually, particularly those written firs
& giving my first impressions, which were very full & I know would have
proved interesting. But what's the use crying over spilt milk?
We are now in quite a civilized part of the country--the Army was never
here very long & there are a good many fences & outhouses still left standing.
Jost across the river from us lives Mrs. Taliaferro who has a beautiful place
& three young, pretty & charming daughters, besides two or three refugee friends
of the feminine gender staying there. Mr Mitchell ( a very splendid fellow: one
of my co-laborers & a nephew of Gen. Johnson) Rogers (another co-laborer) & Willie
Robinson (staying with us for a day or two on his way to join the Regt.) & myself,
decided that said young ladies should not be left to waste their sweetness
on the desert air, and that we would "dawn" upon them as Connie would
[page 5]
say. We accordingly diked our best & crossed the river & went in. The
ladies were very agreeable--we had singing & various kinds of fun &
finally left about one o'clock. I could scarcely believe my senses when
I found myself leaning over the Piano listening to one of the ladies
sing--it seemed so much like old times in Balto. with well dressed
women & a well furnished room & all the elegancies of life around
me once more. It made me wish for an evening at home with
all the pretty girls there singing, dancing, & happy once more. When
will such times ever return? We passed however a very pleasant
evening & will I think repeat the dose as soon as possible. I wish
we were going to stay here for some time, as I think a very nice little
flirtation might be gotten up over there without much trouble. I am
afraid, however, we will soon take to our horses again. One consolation
is that we have the best lot of horseflesh I have ever seengot together
before. It would do Mr. Mc good to see them--some thoroughbreds
& blooded stock and we always have a good time when riding
about driving up negroes & stock &c. I suppose the Yankees say they
got immense supplies at Manassas, but you need not believe a
word they say. I can assure you they didn't even get a blade of grass.
We even took some bottles & demi-johns, which we could not bring
away & broke them up in a pile, determined that no Yankee should
ever keep his supplies in them. Major is too good a Qr. Mr. to lose
his supplies--we bro off nearly everything & burnt up our buildings,
blew up our bridges. The country had previously been entirely
stripped of forage & provisions so that they could not have gotten
anything at all. dont despond, Dear Ma about our cause, they have
no one who can compete with Genl. Johnston as a General, that has
[page 6]
been clearly demonstrated long ago. We will not have many more
defeats to chronicle I am very sure. It is probable we may
leave here in a few days if not to-morrow, all orders come very
suddenly--where we go is entirely unknown except to Genl Johnston.
I am so sorry to hear of Pa's sickness, I hope ere this he has entirely
recovered. I wrote him a long letter about the first of this month
Did he ever receive it? I suppose not. confound the Yankees--
I would lie to kill 8 or 10--about one for each of my letters lost.
Did anyone ever have such bad luck before. Is it not enough
to make one "cuss & spit"--the flag of truce business has stopped
so far as letters are concerned,or I would even condescend to
try that. I havey not yet been able to go to see Mis Nannie, tho'
she is only five or six miles from here. I expect when the girls
return she will return with them. The girls in their letter to me
yesterday said they intended returning home very soon, of course we
will see them before they go. I wish they only went before to
announce our coming--Excuse this rambling disconnected
letter, it is the best I can produce--& good enough for a Yankee
I expect one to read it. I wish it would blast him if he
does. Give my love to all at Sudbrook--& to Pa & Syd--
Minny & all at home--Good bye, your devoted son
Please send the enclosed letter to Miss Ida.
[letter will continue on March 31]
MSS 1174
Saturday, Mch 29 1862 I was obliged to stop here & have not been able to
resume since. I have however in the meantime received from the girls a large
package containing your letter of Feb 23 & Sister's of Feb 2. Great treats they
were I assure you. Willie received them night before last--he & Major B__
were up nearly all night & handed them to me in the morning. I had
to leave immediately with Major for Orange C.H. and did not have a
chance to read them until very late last night--It was half past two
when I retired. I suppose you have heard from the girls of Willie's good
fortune. Upon Major's recommendation he has received a commission as
Captain in the Qr. M's Dept. He deserves it well & I know no officer in
[page 4]
the Dept. more capable of discharging the duties or more faithful in
giving his entire time. Major B could not do without him possibly--
He always says so & tells every one so. In fact he tells everyone he
knows that Cary is the best & smartest man he ever knew in hislife.
Willie will require forty thousand dollars bond, which Major has
arranged for him. An old gentleman from Petersburg, who has taken
a fancy to both of us, has offered to be one of the bond, & another
from Jefferson Co Va has offered to be the other--both strangers upon
whom Willie has no claim in the world, but both friends of Major's
Willie has not yet rec'd the commission, as it is always two or three weeks
after its issue before the person is notified, but Burton Harrison, who is
Prest Davis' private secretary, informed the girls of the fact, and Willie is
already dubbed in the office "Capt. Cary." Your letter to Jenny & late de-
velopment here have persuaded me that the girls had better return home as soon
as possible. I am very much afraid sister H. will do something foolish
after she gets there--which will consign her to confinement with Mrs Norris
for after the life she has led here it will be very hard to settle down quietly
at home. And altho' you may get every assurance from Dix, that will not
cover the future, but only the past. Should they return home they will have
to be very careful how they mix in any schemes having in view the good of
Confederates for of course they will be strictly watched--certainly they have
given as much cause as poor Mrs Norris ever did. We will both write to
them (if one of us does not see them soon) upon the subject of their return--
Fortunately they have never been obliged to call upon Maury or anyone else
for assistance, as Willie & I have always been able to provide them with what
ever they have needed. Sister Hetty had better go to Europe with Sister in
the spring--That would be a splendid way of disposing of her--Jenny will
be quiet enough. The idea strikes me every now & then, of what in the
world is the use of writing all this, they will never see it at home--
but sheer desperation, disgust & dont-careishness drive my pen along, to
gether with the thought that the more letters I write the greater chance of your receiving one-& they might as well be all long ones for I cannot tell which of
them will turn up. It is a consolation for me to write & imagine you all
to be reading it at home took tho' you never may--Oh! my long letters that
have gone down, I mourn them continually, particularly those written firs
& giving my first impressions, which were very full & I know would have
proved interesting. But what's the use crying over spilt milk?
We are now in quite a civilized part of the country--the Army was never
here very long & there are a good many fences & outhouses still left standing.
Jost across the river from us lives Mrs. Taliaferro who has a beautiful place
& three young, pretty & charming daughters, besides two or three refugee friends
of the feminine gender staying there. Mr Mitchell ( a very splendid fellow: one
of my co-laborers & a nephew of Gen. Johnson) Rogers (another co-laborer) & Willie
Robinson (staying with us for a day or two on his way to join the Regt.) & myself,
decided that said young ladies should not be left to waste their sweetness
on the desert air, and that we would "dawn" upon them as Connie would
[page 5]
say. We accordingly diked our best & crossed the river & went in. The
ladies were very agreeable--we had singing & various kinds of fun &
finally left about one o'clock. I could scarcely believe my senses when
I found myself leaning over the Piano listening to one of the ladies
sing--it seemed so much like old times in Balto. with well dressed
women & a well furnished room & all the elegancies of life around
me once more. It made me wish for an evening at home with
all the pretty girls there singing, dancing, & happy once more. When
will such times ever return? We passed however a very pleasant
evening & will I think repeat the dose as soon as possible. I wish
we were going to stay here for some time, as I think a very nice little
flirtation might be gotten up over there without much trouble. I am
afraid, however, we will soon take to our horses again. One consolation
is that we have the best lot of horseflesh I have ever seen
before. It would do Mr. Mc good to see them--some thoroughbreds
& blooded stock and we always have a good time when riding
about driving up negroes & stock &c. I suppose the Yankees say they
got immense supplies at Manassas, but you need not believe a
word they say. I can assure you they didn't even get a blade of grass.
We even took some bottles & demi-johns, which we could not bring
away & broke them up in a pile, determined that no Yankee should
ever keep his supplies in them. Major is too good a Qr. Mr. to lose
his supplies--we bro off nearly everything & burnt up our buildings,
blew up our bridges. The country had previously been entirely
stripped of forage & provisions so that they could not have gotten
anything at all. dont despond, Dear Ma about our cause, they have
no one who can compete with Genl. Johnston as a General, that has
[page 6]
been clearly demonstrated long ago. We will not have many more
defeats to chronicle I am very sure. It is probable we may
leave here in a few days if not to-morrow, all orders come very
suddenly--where we go is entirely unknown except to Genl Johnston.
I am so sorry to hear of Pa's sickness, I hope ere this he has entirely
recovered. I wrote him a long letter about the first of this month
Did he ever receive it? I suppose not. confound the Yankees--
I would lie to kill 8 or 10--about one for each of my letters lost.
Did anyone ever have such bad luck before. Is it not enough
to make one "cuss & spit"--the flag of truce business has stopped
so far as letters are concerned,or I would even condescend to
try that. I have
she is only five or six miles from here. I expect when the girls
return she will return with them. The girls in their letter to me
yesterday said they intended returning home very soon, of course we
will see them before they go. I wish they only went before to
announce our coming--Excuse this rambling disconnected
letter, it is the best I can produce--& good enough for a Yankee
I expect one to read it. I wish it would blast him if he
does. Give my love to all at Sudbrook--& to Pa & Syd--
Minny & all at home--Good bye, your devoted son
Please send the enclosed letter to Miss Ida.
[letter will continue on March 31]
MSS 1174
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