Saturday, August 11, 2012

1862 August 12 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Tuesday 12  But few particulars of
the battle in addition to those recd
yesterday--but one general was taken
Prince--Our men fought [?]
and repulsed and pursued the enemy
killing a much larger number than
we lost--A dispatch from Charles
to Sue, assured us of his & Lanty's safe
-ty.  I immediately sent a dispatch
to their mother.  They were both
in the hottest of the fight--Charles
was quite near Winder when he was
killed.  His horse was struck.  Lanty's
cannon was struck & they had to go to
the rear--Charles' letter says the fire
was dreadful--no letter from Lanty
wrote to Mary--Recd at night let
ters from her & Mr. Gwatkins, say
ing Eugene was better--but that
the doctor had told her at last
the fever under which he labored
was typhoid of mild type. This alar
-med a good deal as I have a horror
of that disease --she informs us that
Lanny Minor is with her and will
be here tomorrow evg with Mrs Roy
all.  Weather exceedingly hot--
a fine rain in the evening.

MSS 4763

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