Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1862 August 29 Belmont Hospital Nelson Co. Va.

August 29th 1862
Belmont Hospital Nelson Co. Va
Friend Kate

I seat my self this morn
ing for the purpose of dropping
you a fiew lines to let you
know where I am.  I have the
Diptheria. My throat is very soar
but I am in hopes that I will
be well in a week or two I
left Camp on the 24th thare
had been but  very little Infantry
fighting but some heavy cannon
nading a cross the river the
enemy seemed to have the advan
tage in position at every ford
We have a very large army in
Culpepper for Pope to contend
with your Brother John was well when
I left the Com. thay ware all in
good spirits when I left.  I
met Jacob Abe & Isack Vines on

[page 2]
Monday Jacob gave me a half
cheese.  Abe told me he had
something to tell me how he
had pulled [or fooled] you out of some
secrets I be glad to se[e] him
& find out what thay are.
I seen John Plunkett in Gor
donsville he  told me that Charles
had a letter for me I am sorry
I did not meet him as he is
so careless he may loose it
before I get back this is
a very mean hospital, very little
accomodations nothing but
bread & meat to eat & my
throat being soar it is very
hard to swallow I wish I could
come home and let Churchman
tend on me a while evry thing
is very ear around hear & thare
is but little change in the
circulation  I have been trying
to get a note Broken ever since

[page 3]
I left the Regt this is a very
lonesome place.  Thare is nothing
of importance to write I hope
these fiew lines may find
you enjoying both health &
happiness I pray the Lords [?]
mercies may soon visit me with
health nothing more but remain
your sincere wellwisher

William Francis Brand Co. E 5th Virginia (Augusta Grays) to his future wife Amanda Catherine Armentrout

MSS 11332

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