Friday, August 24, 2012

1862 August 25 "Clifton," Fauquier County, Va.

[from the diary of Anne Madison Willis Ambler]

Ma hired a white woman for fear the
servants may leave--but she is not to
come for two weeks yet. I am interested
in that as she has a daughter who is to [work?]
for me, if she proves a useful girl I
hear so much talk about white servants
that I am getting quite anxious to try
them=this is the beginning of a change in
my feelings. I would like to put one years
experience by this for nothing but a fair trial
will convince me I will ever like white
labor better than colored.  Poor Massie I
often think of her.
Pa heard to day that the Yanks were taking
up citizens to be held as hostages for the
prisoners taken on Saturday--I am afraid
that it will only do harm to us for such
useless raids to be made while the country
is in the enemies possession--We should  be
able to send a large force to drive them out,
or refrain altogether from engaging them
against the people--There will be a
large force of cavalry quartered on
the people to prevent another attack
of the kind, & that will be ten
times worse for us-- as cavalry go
all over the country stealing horses & whatever
they want. Worse than infantry.

MSS 15406

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