Monday, August 27, 2012

1862 August 28 Camp near Paw Paw,Va.

                      Camp near Paw Paw Va
                              Aug 28th 1862

Dear Brothers
                      I am in receipt of your
welcome letters & hasten an answer.
I am well & hope that these few lines may
find you the same.  I am glad to hear that
you were getting along so well with
your work but you do not say any thing about
making hay.  Have you made all your
hay; if not you ought to see to it
immediately.  It is to your interest to cut all
the grass on the farm; and to be very sav-
ing of all the crops. These are war-times
and I assure you, that harder-times are
comeing and it becomes us all to
be saving and look-out for No. 1.
You must do up your fall plowing
so that you will be ready when spring
comes again to sow your grain
Fix up you stables stout & warm
Cover the granery another thickness
so that the wheat will not get wet
Save your Seed Wheat & Seed-corn
and do not forget to save enough
of both Be saving of the apples and
do not let anything be wasted on the farm.

[page 2]
Now I do not wish you to work because it
interests me only for it does not
but I want you to work for your
own interests.  Remember, boys, that
you are doing for yourselves and
that every dime you spend you are
spending your own money. Every dollar
counts one now-a-days.  I am saving
of my money here merely because I
think you need it at home.  I do not
spend any money except to pay Postage.
I would like to see you all very much but
can not.  I shall stay in the Army until
peace is declared--let the time be long
or short,unless something should
happen more than I know of now----
You must not wish me back home but write
to me often and when you write always tell
me all the particulars, Give me the names of
those gone to War Since I came away and where
they are now. All about the school marms &c

I must bid you good Bye Boys Markle

how would you like to come where Hank
is and be a soldier?  Nelson you could not stand
the hardships but Markle can. Markle tell me whether
you want to come or not and if Mother will let
you come you can get 13 dollars per month. Good
Bye Brothers  Affectionately W H Redman
Write Soon
                                 Direct to Martinsburg Va.
                                    12th Ills. Cav.Co. C

Dear Mother
           I was very much plea-
sed to receive your letter and to
learn of good health at home.
My health has been good for
some time.  We are pretty actively
engaged, scouting through the moun-
tains just now, and consequently
I do not have much time to write.
We are encamped here without any
Camp Equipage.  I have no ink or
Pen with me hence my penciling.
We catch Dome Guerillas nearly every
day.  I helped to take twelve on the
 night of the 23rd inst.  Yesterday we
caught three; and to-day we are resting,
will probably go out Scouting again
 this evening.  These mountains are very rough
and very thinly inhabited.  Farmers are generally
wealthy and have plenty of fruit of all
kinds.  We live partly off of the cittizens.
When out Scouting, we call for
grub and the Women get it with
out hesitation and Some-times we
get the best of victuals. Our rations
that Uncle Sam furnishes us are
Substantial and good enough
for a Soldier, yet we have no
conveniences to cook them and

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consequently they do not do us as much
good as in the old camp at Martinsburg.
We are now camped about ten rods from
the Potomac River, which is a very nice
stream.  We are in bathing nearly all the
time that we are in camp, unless it
be in the night time.  The Cars run within
30 feet from where my horse stands.
Trains are passing hourly loaded
with Soldiers from Ohio and Penn.
The train was attacked by a band of
Guerillas near Winchester on Sunday
last.  I have been at Winchester once.
5 prisoners were taken and the whole
 train burned up.  I cannot tell you anything
about our future movements.  It is im
possible to tell anything about what we shall have
to do.  A great many orders are issued and
countermanded.  At least all goes well
with us thus far. Mother what do you think
of letting Markle come along with me?
He can get 13 dollars per month and learn
more than in school.  I will see to his wel
fare and will have him dated back to the first
of the month so that he can get all the
bounties & advantage of an enlistment
then.  Probably Wooley will come here.
These are hard times and Money is money
and it becomes us all to be economising.
Not to go in debt & get across best as
we can.  I think that I can send you
some money soon.  I have 4 months pay
due me.  Mother, be careful about going [in] debt
at the Stores.  You better pay as you go.  
Please write soon.  With much Respect W.H.R.
Excuse mistakes.  I will write the girls soon.

[in right hand margin of page 2]
Please give me particulars about debts--all of them.

[upside down in top margin of page 2]
Tell the girls to write.  Jane and Em write often.

William H. Redman, Co. C., 12th Illinois Cavalry

MSS 7415

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