Monday, August 27, 2012

1862 August 28 Carver Hospital, Washington, D.C.

                  Carver Hospital
                      Meridian Hill
                        Washington DC
                           Aug 28th
My Dear Brother
                            It has been
some days since I received
your letter in connection with
Dr. Conner's (Russell's [?]) letter
to you.  Russell is a fine
Surgeon, and also a fine
man, beloved by both soldier
and citizen, he is in New
York at  his home, just now
and another takes his place
his name I cannot recall
now.  Well, about the matter
I was speaking to you about

[page 2]
in my last.  I have suc-
ceeded in otaining [sic] a situation
as Nurse in the same ward
where I have been since my
stay in "C E. F", so the building
seems quite like home.  I
was detailed, as Ward-Master
of No. 17 South Side, on Wed-
nesday 13th the day on which
all extra duty men were or-
dered to their respective Regts,
and convalescents, to take their
places. At that time there were
but 4 patients, besides myself,
and all of them pretty nearly
well. so the Dr ordered the
war evacuated, a few days
after this, and wished it
througly cleaned, and white
washed, and ordered me

[page 3]
me[sic] to superintend the fitting
up the same.  I had staid there
but two or three days when, one
afternoon on looking up from
reading I saw a train of
ambulances close by and
the Doctors with it, then I knew
that there was work for me
& threw open all the doors,
opened the windows, and wait=
ed the Drs orders. He soon came
with the order to make
ready 30 beds, and pretty
soon twenty worn out soldiers
from Popes Army came limping
and groaning[?] in to my ward.
          It has been a hard
job to get everything to going
right, but the men are
improving now, quite just

[page 4]
under the skilled [word lined through]
care of Dr. Roberts, and he thinks
good nursing of you brother
and his assistant Last night
the boys were quite poorly, some
six,or eight here very sick, so
that I dared not trust the
other nurse with the medicin
but set up all night attending
upon them.  I have one very
sick man from the 30th Ohio,
he has had the Chronic Dirrhea
for eight months and is mostly
but skin and bones.  I have
had a very hard [?]
[?] but will make it easier
when I get the assistant whom
I  [wish?] I do not know how
long I will may the remain
here,but write at all events
and direct as heretofore, and
you will greatly oblige
                 Your Affect Brother
                     A.S. Bartholomew
                          Ward 17

Love to all

MSS 10908

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