Friday, February 8, 2013

1863 February 6 camp near Falmouth

Camp near Falmouth  Feb' 6th 1863
Dear brother
                   Yours of the 28th inst
came to hand this morning
and it was recd with glad
ness this is the 3d letter
that I write and I saw
that you did not recd[sic]
any of the others the last
one I think you could

not  have got that one
the time you wrote this
I wrote one the time I
got my boots and one
abou[t] two weeks after that
I got my boots safe and
the knife and am well
pleased with boath the
boots was a little tite at
first but they do

[page 2]
good now I would not
do without boots not
if they would cost $20
I tell you that we have
uggly weather here for some
time Snow and rain mos
tly every day on the 28th
inst we had a snow r in
ches deep but in a few
dayes it was all away
again yester day it did
snow and rain all day
and it is raining to
day yet we did move
our camp on the 2 inst
about two miles from
where we have camped the
wood was to scarse in our
old camp  then we moved
in the woods again and
put up good winter quar
ters here if we only can

[page 3]
stay here now till spring
but we are under
marching orders now but
I do not know when we will
go now for the roads are to
muddy if the ground cept
froze we would hav went
to day but now we canot
go and I am glad that we
canot for we have fixed
up right now and I wou
ld like to stay here. I
tell you that we did not
get our box it got stole
at Acquia creek their they lay
over night and 16 got
stole thers and ours was
one of it.  I must bring
my letter to a close for this
time for the mail will
soon go away Answer
Respectfully yours P H Knepp

[page 4]
Dear Sisterinlaw
                           it is with pleasure
that I sid[sic] down to you write
a few lines to you for this
is the second time that
I write but you said that
that[sic] you did not get it
I did direct it to Lewistown
I saw that you and Elick are
going to west If I dont get
home before you go I surely will
come out to [meby?] as soon as
I am free I wish that I could
come home to take a good sleigh
ride but I hope that I may get
safe out of this School then
I can have som fun I have
only 3 month yet then I
go we have good times now
as long as it last but
I dont know how soon we
have to fase the rebs again
no more at present remain
your brother inlaw
                              P H Knepp
Answer soon
I am well at present

[patriotic envelope with a vignette in red and blue of an eagle carrying a banner "E PLURIBUS UNUM]  in the left corner and the word VICTORY in large block letters across the top.  The top half of the letters are filled in with stars on blue.  The bottom half of the letters are red and white stripes ]

Mrs Edith McIntire
yard vill Mercer Co

Paul H Knepp

MSS 15246

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