Friday, November 23, 2012

1862 November 23 Fort Tillinghast, Va.

Fort Tillinghast, Va. Nov 23/62

Dear Wife,
Yours of the 19th and 20th Nov
I have received, the enclosed from
Cal, announcing the death of my
brother is just such an one as I
should expect under the circumst-
ances, it was written as any one can
see, by some ignorant fellow, who
tries to make out a story, about expences,
doctors bills, &c &c, I shall not give myself
any uneasiness about his affairs, I
shall write a letter to a friend of mine
in Cal. (Capt a McQueen) and get
him to look up the affairs of my
brother, he will willingly do it,
No one but you and myself knows any-
thing about any money matters, or any
other business between me and my
brother, he was owing me when
I left him, eight hundred and fifty
dollars ($850.00) You need not say anything

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to anyone, (except your own folks) about
the death of my brother, he left property
enough at home to cover my claim
I want you to tell me the time of
my going to Cal and the time of
my return, I think I know but
I want to be sure, I want you to
see Wm and tell him the circum-
stances, and see if he will do my
business for me, I dont know but that
it would be best to wait untill Wm
comes on here, then I can get him
to help me make out my bill, so
that it will be all right to begin with,
Please let me know what you and
Wm think about it, immediately,
Hopeing that we may be successfull
and that good fortune may attend us
I remain yours in love

Sgt. Robert P. Mansfield, Co. M., 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

MSS 1242

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