Saturday, November 24, 2012

1862 November 25 Camp Casey, Fairfax Seminary

                                                 Camp Casey Nov 25 [1862]                                    
                                                     Fairfax Seminary
My Dear Father,
                                       Out of the hospital
and where do you suppose, I am
well as you could never guess,
I shall have to tell you.  I am
waiter for Genl Wright.  It
sound big I know but it is
a grand good berth  I think
and as there is no hard work
to do I have left the hospital
and commenced my duties
this morning.  So It seems that
he remembered his promise

to give me a place after all
     Agustus Bradley his former
waiter did not feel very well
and was rather home sick too
I guess, thought that he would
like to be home Thanksgiving
and as he was not sworn into the
U.S. service he left this –
morning for home and is not
going to return.  I was in the
hospital and Genl Wright sent
over and said that he wanted
to see me and the result was
that I am going to stay with
him until further orders..
     There is no hard work to do
he has an Irishman that makes
the fires sweeps out the office
brings wood & water blacks
his boots etc and all I have
to do is to make up his bed
bring his coat brush him off

carry his cloths to be washed
and see to all his things
generally..  Both the doctors
said that I was strong enough
to do it, and said that they
were going to send me to my
street this week..  I think
it is a good thing  I sleep
in the same room with the
Genl and am going to take
my meals with Capt. Bassott
so that I shall fare much
better and shan’t have any
guard duty – picket or drilling
to do,  I shall like it first
rate I thing..  Father I hate
to ask but I am all out of
money and I wish you would
send me a $ or two so that
I can pay for some washing
and get a few things that I
want.. I am afraid they –

won’t pay us off for some
time yet and I can’t wait
for them..  I shall look
for my box this week..  Aaron
has got one on the way
too.  I guess every thing will
be all right this time..
                   There is nothing new
down here.  Jim Belden &
Julius Andrews have put
up a shanty here, and sell
every kind of stuff..
                   We are getting along
gay shall probably stay
here this winter.  I shall have
a good warm place if we do
     hope you will have a good
Thanksgiving dinner and
enjoy yourselves..
                   Love to all, Your Obedt.
                                           Son Jim

James H. Howard, Co A., 15th Connecticut

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 12668

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