Saturday, November 24, 2012

1862 November 25 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Tuesday 25.  Much distressed at
the news from Fredg.  Women &
children flung from the place &
the enemy threatening to shell it
if not surrendered.  It will be be not
surrendered-and I do not think
after it all the Yankees will
execute their threat--Jacksons
army is in motion to join Lee
going up the Valley to New Mark
et and crossing into page--a circui
tuous, but better route, than the
Piedmont --Weather cool but
fine-William & Major Ball
left us for Richd in the eveng
train --Williams account of
the raids at Catletts Station and
into Pennsylvania, and the various
battles & skirmishes he has partici
-pated in since the second campaign
of the season opened was very interes
-ting.  I regretted we could not have
more of it--but various things
interfered wit the narrative.  He
has seen as much service as any one
and done more than many who
have risen to the rank of Brig Gen
-unfortunately in his present [duty?]
whilst his [?] and services are
highly appreciated, they do not lead
to increased rank-because there is
no promotion in the corps of Engineers
unless vacancies occur by death or

MSS 4763

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer a

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