Monday, November 26, 2012

1862 November 26 University of Virginia

                               U of Va Nov 26th 1862
Gen J. H. Cocke
                     My Dear Friend,
                                        Your favor of the
20th inst reached me on the 24th two days ago-
I learn from Dr Cabell's family that, just now,
our friend Mr F. Minor, is engaged in killing pork
both for himself, and, largely for the Government
          He will finish next week, and then be at
comparative leisure, when, if the roads and the
weather prove favorable, you may expect his team.
        Mr Skipwith requested me to enquire of Mr
Alex Rives whether he was willing to sell his
Nelson estate, "Oak Ridge"- Please say to Mr S.
that I have not been able to find Mr R. since
you were here-First he was absent somewhere
near the "Maryland line" while his wife, and a
Mrs Suart, "ran the blockade" to Baltimore and to
Washington-and immediately, upy t upon their
safe return, he went out to Oak ridge and will
not return for a week longer--Dr Schele, his son
in law, thinks it not probable that Mr R would be
disposed, at this time, to part with his Nelson farm
      Mrs McGuffey and I are greatly pleased with the
prospect, that Mr Skipwith's contemplated visit to Mr S's
farm, gives of our seeing you (and him) again under
our roof again this autumn--Pray do not fail to come
if convenient--It revives us all to see and converse with

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you both in regard to the things of this life and
that which to come--We meet with five friends
whose views in relation to the war and the Confed-
eracy, seem to us so just-and we see no one
with whose anticipations of the life to come we more
entirely sympathise--Is it not strange, my dear
Friend that any rational man should be willing
to forego-the hopes of the Gospel in any period of human
life, but especially in old age-when flesh and heart
begin to fail us?- The christian's hope is a living hope
while that of all without Christ is wither a dying, or
even now a dead hope-We look forward to a cer-
tain inheritance--being children of God-that is incorrupt
able, undefiled and that fadeth not away--
But some may say-"Tho' the inheritance is sure since
it is reserved in Heaven-may we not fail of it thro our
manifold imperfections! NO! thanks be to God who giveth
us the victory thro' our Lord, Jesus-christ-The inheritance
is reserved in Heaven for us- and we are kept by by[sic] the
power of God (for it) this faith--see 1st Peter-chap 1st-
      All are well at the U of va--I see your grandson
almost every day--He is well reported of by his professors--
A students prayer meeting has been established It meets on
wednesday evenings--also a Bible class, for students on
sabbath morning- - Our kindest regards to all with
you-  yours as ever W H McGuffey

William Holmes McGuffey, 1800-1872, professor of moral philosophy at the University of Virginia and author of the famous McGuffey readers, used by generations of school children

MSS 640

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