Monday, November 26, 2012

1862 November 26 Bland County

                           26th 1862
Bland County november the
Dear Sister
                   I received your kind
letter the 23 I was proud to hear
that you all was as well as common
you said Pa was complaining
some I am inhopes he is well
by this time.  Cummings and
myself are well and hope wen
these few lines comes to hand
thy will find you all in good
health.   We have taken up winter
quarters hear If we dont have
to go to richmond. I got a
letter from rieves the day before
yesterday it was dated the 12th
he said he was well with the
exception of a bad cold. he
said they was stationed fore
miles from Winchester he wrote
he did not expect to saty[sic] their

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long for he heard cannon every
day I expect he has been in a fight
before now I answered his letter
yesterday I wrote to him to write
back as soon as he go it so I would
know whither he was in any
fight or not. we have nothing
much to do now we dont drill
any. yestarday was a very cool
disagreeable day, but to day is a very
cam pleasant day. some of the boys
are building chimneys to their
tents.  we sleep very warm in hours
without any fire. the chimneys
are a goodeal in the way I don know
whither we will build one or not
I just com in from a dear hunting
me Vince Jessee & George Williams went
out togather vince & George saw
one but diden get to shoot at
it Cummings is out now Their

[page 3]
are is a good many deer hear but
they are too smart for the boys
they shoot at them but never
kill any.  I expect we will draw
our money in a few days some
of the companies have been paid
off.  The quarter master hadent money
enough to pay us all. you said
for me to write whither cummings had
got him any boots or not. he
hasent got any nor their isent any
chance for him to get any hear.
Their isent any shop hear makeing
boot for sale.  If you can you
had better get him a pair maid
and send to him.  If you had them
maid I expect you could send them
by old William Cumbo he comes to
see hi son about every month
Tell sarah to write I answered
hers & virginias letter togather Tell them

[page 4]
to write all the news how
all the young women are getting
along by their selves.  I was
sorry to hear of my cousin dying
with the diptheira It is a very
bad complaint among children
I am in hopes It will never
get to our house.  Tell Pa
to write how he is a getting along
whither he has hang hot all of
his corn up on not. & how
Jim & Cate is getting along
halling wood I reckon creed
is a great deal of advantage
to Pa Tell Cree to write to me
Tell George Williams to write
to me and give me to discription
of Kentucky.  Tell him to write
wither he crossed clinch river
or no If he did he supprised me
very much. no more at present
your Brother C. H. Gilmer
to Mr J. Gilmer
Charles M. Browing is tolerable

Charles Hayes Gilmer
29th Virginia, Co. G.

MSS 5194

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