Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1862 October 4 Sharpsburg

Camp fifth New York Regiment Sharpsburgh Oct. 4th 1862

Mrs Leavitt---Dear Madam Since the Battle of Manasses in which
it was Gods will you Dear Husband should fall, the Regiment has been constantly
on the March & we have not had the chance to write you the sad event untill
after we had sent a detail to bury the dead & collect the wounded, we all were in hopes
that he would be found among the latter, the detail did not return until we
were on the March to this place,when we learned the truth that your Husband
together with many of our brave Companions, was numbered with the dead, it
was impossible during the Terible confusion, of that dreadful Battle to give any
attention to theose dead that fell therefore his last words were unheard, & by his
wound he must have been Instantly killed, they being in the head, one of his own
company (Michael Warner by name) with his own hands buried him in the best
manner possible, under the difficulties of such an occasion, Sad as this bereavement
is to you, it will perhaps be A source of consolation to you to know that his loss is severely
felt by his Company, he was beloved by all of his associates, & by the strict discharge
of his duties as A Soldier, won the confidence of his Officers had he lived, he
would have rapidly advanced in the line of promotion, he had already started
upon, but Man Proposes, & God disposes & it was his will that your Husbands
name should add another to the long list of Martyrs to the cause of Justice & Freedom
with Great sympathy for you in this bereavement I am Madam, truly Yours,
Gordon Winslow Lieutenant Commanding, Company F, Fifth,Regiment New York Volunteers,

[The above letter to Mrs. George Leavitt, was copied by her father-in-law John Leavitt, in September of 1865, in a ledger with George's letters home, as a remembrance of him]

MSS 66

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