Saturday, October 27, 2012

1862 October 28 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Oct 28  Fine weather still--a very
quiet day not a rumor afloat
I somehow or other have a feeling
that the war is drawing to a close
it would be hard to say what this
opinion is based on. Recognition
cannot be much longer delayed
and negotiation will settle the
matter, as the yankees are compel-
led to resort it--called to see Mrs
Garland, with the notices I had
printed in memory of her son. Saw
Hugh Garland who has come in
on sick ticket & who looks very
badly.  He is now L. Col. of 1st Missouri
in Pierces Column.  At night
two young gentlemen of Norfolk
named Todd called to see me.  I
knew one in Norfolk, & both were
well acquainted with Lewis.  Eugene
came in the train from Charlottes
ville.  He is not much improved
Staige thinks it would be very
improvident to join the army now
but he thinks of going next week
all well at the University.  The girls
are still there--to go down Thursday
to Englewood.

MSS 4763

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