Monday, October 29, 2012

1862 October 30 Fort Tillinghast

                           Fort Tillinghast Oct 30th/62
Dear Priscilla
                              I received last night yours
of the 26th, containing three postage stamp
and a five sent piece, I am very much obliged
to you for the contents, especially the writing.
I mailed you a letter on Monday last (Oct 27th)
I mailed one to Father on Tuesday,
A regiment is now passing. it is the one
hundred and sixty second N Y. they are
looking for a camping ground,  We are
now having some very fine weather,
the morning s and evenings are rather
cool, the health of our company in improving
very fast, there are only three in the hospital,
I have not seen Chenworth since we left
Fort Corcoran, his company has gone to
Harpers Ferry, I dont know whether he
has gone with it or not.  I dont suppose
he has though, We have had another box of
"goodies" come this morning, so we are all
right for a good supper to-night.

[page 2]
Next week they say we are to be paid off, I
really hope such may be our good fortune, we
are very much in want of some money,
This afternoon at three oclk we are to
to[sic] have an inspection of muskets and
equipments, We have had an inspection
of Artillery drill this forenoon, and we
have done it up in good shape, you ask
me if I am glad or sorry about Col Greene's
resignation, I think I am rather more
sorry than glad, in fact all the regiment
would be glad to have him back again
if they could, I am confident that you
never told me of the accident to Ernie,
if you wrote to me about it, I have
never received the letter, and I dont know
but that I am glad that I didn't, because
I think I should have worried consider-
ably about it, I remembered last Friday
as the second birthday of our little
Ada, I wish I had been there, I would'
have tried and got some kind of a present
for her, perhaps I shall have a chance next time

[page 3]
her birthday comes around, Yes, We have
plenty of baked beans now, we have Salt Horse,
Salt Pork, twice a week, Soup )Beef,) Baked
Fresh Beef, Salt Fish, once a week each,
We are going to have Beef Soup for dinner
to-day, We have plenty to eat, such as it
is, We have excellent Bread, baked every
day, it is most too good, some of the men
will eat their loaf at one meal, and then
they have to beg more of some one else,
or go without the rest of the day, We are
the most of us very hearty, a loaf of bread
weighs twenty two ounces; or is supposed
to weigh that, You would be surprised to
see the amount of provision that some
of us can eat in a day,  As for war news
we don't hear any at all,  We dont know any
thing about the war, We see plenty of
Soldiers, and encampments, and hear drums
beating, and bugles blowing, every hour in
the day, but as for war we know nothing
about it, I suppose there is a war, people
say that there is,and we ought to beleive them

[page 4]
Tell Ellen that I want a good lot of Butter,
for it goes good on bread when I have nothing
but that for supper and breakfast, I asked
Father (in my letter to him) to let you have
one of his shoe boxes to put the things in
that you send to me, you can ask him
about it, I also asked him for some of his
new meal, to make hasty puding of, we can
make it on the Stove in our tin dippers,
Now while I think of it, I want you to send
me a quill tooth pick, (Don't laugh) I have lost
mine, and I miss it more than you would
suppose, I wish you could see the troops that are
now passing, I dont know ho many there are of them
but there is not lee than ten thousand, probably more,
it is a grand sight, they are all armed and equipped with
Knapsacks strapped to their backs, they are probably going
on the advance, and we shall hear from them soon,
I have nothing more to write at present,  I will
try and write again Sunday, Beleiving from appear-
ances that the time is not far distant, ere I shall be perm-
itted to embrace you and our little ones, I remain as ever yours in
love                                                     Robert

Robert, an unidentified soldier from Lynn Massachusetts, in Co. M of the 1st Masssachusetts Heavy Artillery

MSS 1242

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