October 31st. Clark Co Virginia
Friend Wm [McCauley[]
Sir, your letter written att Uncle Hikman's
and kindly carried by cousin Daniel came to hand in due
time and was thankfully received by me and perused with
interest--I was glad to learn that you were enjoying yourself
so well among your friends--I should have liked very much
to share some of those sweets of kind friends with you
but circumstances forbade it--I am sorry that your hand
is not yett well I had hoped that you would not be troub-
led with it again--As you were homeward bound I
learned that you in company with cousin Annie & Phillip
spent the night at my Father's--How much I should
liked to meet you there--I supposed ere this you would
have written me a letter, in response to the one I wrote you
while encamped on the Opequon river. I was quite
unwell from the 21st of Sept. till the 1st Inst. Since that
time I have been in the enjoyment of good health--
Our Battery has not been engaged in any fight since the
Battle of Sharpsburg. Our old Brigade was engaged
in a skirmish on the 1st Inst. Colonel Reynolds
commanding the Brigade was severely wounded--
also major Williams of 5th Va. Regiment--The loss in killed
and wounded are estimated at about thirty--On the
day of the fight our Battery was ordered to unite with
[page 2]
the 1st Regiment of Va. Artillery, commanded by Col.
Brown of Richmond, Lieutenant Colonel--Mr Coleman
late professor of the University of Va. We are the reserve
Artillery for General Jackson's Corps--Therfore[sic] for-
tunately or unfortunately for us as the case may be we es-
caped the fight--The Regiment consists of six compa-
nies--each company has a battery consisting of four pieces-
the guns of the regiment are Howitzers, three inch rifled, and
Parrott guns--Our battery consists of two twenty Pounder
and two ten Pounder Parrott guns--Tuesday the 28th we left our
camp near Bunkerhill, and on the evening of the same day we
arrived at this place--We have orders to leave this place this even-
ing or int he morning for Snicker's Ferry--on the Shenandoah
river--Jackson's entire corps is in the immediate neighborhood
of this camp--I suppose we are going into eastern Virgin-
ia-Everything is quiet-There are a few yankees yet at
Harper's Ferry--On last Sunday we had a fine ran-
It has been somewhat cool here--also extremely dry-
I saw your brother the other day--He is well and
sends his compliments to you--We received a letter
from you not long since--I received a box of provisions from
home last Monday--Since than our mess has been enjoying camp
life very much--I have nothing more of interest-
give my best regards to Uncle & Aunt and all the rest of the family
Please write soon, Yours in kindness
Direct yours:
David Link
Rockbridge Artillery
1st Virginia Regiment Artillery
Jackson's Corps
Winchester, Va.
MSS 14953
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