[writing faded to illegibility at many points]
Beyond Fairfax Oct 28
Dear Phebe
You have often
asked me to write more
about myself, how I live and
&c and I propose in this
letter to give you a little of the
way which I live. My health
is good; very good, thanks be to
God; you can hardly feel
what a blessing it is to be in
the enjoyment of health in the
army; it is very difficult to get
[?] the things which are
needful for the sick to say
nothing of the thousands of
little comforts which can be
so easily procured at home
I have been very careful
what I have eat since I have
been here, eating very little
but bread and drinking as
little water as possible. The
[page 2]
water is generally poor and has
a bad effect upon the bowels. I
drink coffee, altogether, without
milk and very little sugar-
In the matter of ardent spirits
I have drank some twice since
I have been here; once when I
was out all night in a cold
storm; and once when I was
about exhausted by a hard
march: I have been offered
liquor repeatedly by Capt Rodgers
but have steadily refused as
I am satisfied that it does
more hurt then good: I have
changed my mind about
the use of liquor, and if I
am permitted to return I
will be a determined foe
of rum and shall at once
join in any enterprise having
for its object the crushing
out of intemperance. I have
[page 3]
seen enough of it to satisfy
me forever: About sleeping
When not on guard, I go to
bed as soon after supper as
I can, generally about 8 oclock
and do not sow myself until
roll call in the morning at
6 oclock, I avoid the cold
night as much as possible as
it brings of chills & fever: with
the worst form of dysentery: In
regard to washing I improve
every chance and usually
wash myself every day: as
that seems to be one of the
means of preserving health
I have made diligent inqui
ry of the old soldiers as to
the best means to preserve
my health and have followed
their directions as closely
as possible: About buying
things which are not
[page 4]
furnished by the government
there are many little things
such as pepper, ginger, lemons
cloves, allspice, tea, sugar,
butter & [all?] add very much
to our comfort and happiness
and cost but little. We have
been very busy since we came
came[sic] as we encamped in
the midst of a dense wood and
have been cutting it down
and burning it, until we
have got quite a large piece
cleared up: We can now see
a mile either way now and
can see the tents of the different
regiments of our divisions We
have all kinds of soldiers here
N. York, Penn, Ohio, N. Hampshire
Illinois, and many others which I
have not time to mention : You
write that you do not know
what to do about going to [?]
Providence this winter, I want
you to just as you want to
You write that you cannot
earn enough to pay your
board and also that you have
bought some things which you
will not need if you stay
[page 5]
in Sharon. That does not troub
le me at all; I have not been at all
afraid that your expenses
would be to large. I wish
you to use the money when
ever you think that you
need it and if it should
take all that I left behind
I shall never complain
so that you are made
happy: Perhaps it would be
as well to stay in Sharon
this winter if you are
satisfied to do so; I have
no doubt myself that the
war will be ended before
next spring. It is the common
opinion that the fighting will
all be done this fall and
it looks so to me: time
alone will tell; I am glad
to hear that the churches came
together to talk over the
[page 6]
matter of doing something
for the soldiers, this is as
it should be: I have lost all
the sectarianism I ever
had and shall never lis
ten any more to it: We came
together here without creeds
and some of the best working
christians, in the regiments
are of that church which
is often spoken against
(Methodist) and all the
books which we have are
furnished by the Episcopals
: You write that you feel
as though we: would under
stand each other better
if we should be permitted
to meet again This is no
doubt true: If I ever return
to you it will be a better
man than when I left
I shall return knowing
[page 7]
what it is to be deprived of
almost everything which
life comfortable and strong
as It may seem I shall
return: knowing you much
much better than when I
left you: It will no doubt
work, for our good: that
we are sepparated if we
only improve it arright
You wrote that you are
troubled about the election
It does not trouble me at
all the whole thing is in
the hands of one who will
carry on his plan without
regard to what man
may plan, It is easy for
God to defeat all our plans
and he will until we
are willing to do our duty
Then do not fear, God
is with us if do our duty
[page 4]
then let us see to it that we
do our whole duty and then
we shall have abiding peace
through Jesus Christ our Lord
Your picture is
first rate could not
be bettered natural
as life. Give my love
to all the folks and
tell them to write often
and write often yourself
Josiah Perry, Co. K, 33rd Massachusetts
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