Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1862 October 31 Brandy Station, Va.

                                                            Oct. 31st. 1862
                             Brandy Station. Culpeper County   
My Dear Father
                   We fell back three miles – to this place a few
days since, in consequence of our infantry support
being withdrawn =  Georgia regiment – it was ordered to
Richmond – here there is a regiment of Cavalry – Our
pickets extend to the 2d. station this side of Manassas.
A party of Yankees tried to cut off the cars a short
time since but did not succeed & we took 22 prisoners.
     The army news is of some importance if true.
It represents Jackson having gone into Maryl-
and & found no Yanks – hence it is presumed they
have gone to the South – side – At any rate it is true
that General Lee arrived at Culpeper C. H. last
evening – wh: presages, I reckon, the falling back
of his army. I suppose McClellan is preparing for
a late fall if not a winter campaign.
     Mother’s letter of the 20th was received several days
ago. Her plan to have the box at Mck & Duprey’s sent
back home I reckon would be the best. I see no
probability that I can get it soon, if at all. Con-
tinue to direct your letters to Culpeper C. H.
     We are now encamped in a house, on a very large
& fine farm. Owned & occupied by a Mr. Miller until the
war commenced. Formerly the place was quite a
cultivated one I imagine. There are fine falls in the
garden &c. &c. indicating some taste but seem
to have been very much neglected of late years.
James Barbour’s pl residence or his residence before the
war is about one mile from here – quite a handsome
brick building. Nearly all the country here is
open & stuck with grass – Timothy predominating –
f large fields of this is left uncut. The Yankees

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not allowing our the citizens to cut it, when they                           
were at home & could procure the means. It is not      
necessary I suppose for me to say that the people
in these counties are as warm & as universally in our
cause as in any other portion of the Confederacy
     Wrote to Ms K & Duprey a few days
since for 10 dollars. Separated from our brigade we
have been unable to draw any money for four
months wh: is now owed us by the government.
     An officer has now gone to Winchester to day &
draw it for us. He is a expected back in a few
days. We have had some quite heavy frosts
but to day it is quite warm. We are camped on
a hill with a full view of the mountains & would
have a beautiful view but for the eye sore of
yankee devastation.
     It is now a little over one year since I entered
the army & a sad expe-rience it has proved. The diffi-
culties & inconveniences are not regarded when they are once
over – but the sad feelings & sights will never be for-
gotten or as the Rev D. C. Harrison said those bloody cuts were
too deep. &c.&c. He said in one of his last letters that
he was always cheerful but never felt anything
like gaiety of spirits & then assigned the above reasons.
     I see no prospect whatever of a termination of the
war for some time. A young man in our
company received yesterday a letter from his brother
in New York City – He sais [says] that in New York there
is as much a civil war as there ever was any where
all but the actual resort to arms. A private letter, re-
ceived, by a northern member, from New Haven repre-
sents a similar state of feeling there. But you know
that I do not hope good from this service. My dearest father
Give my best love to all. Affly yr. son W. H. Perry Jr.

William H. Perry, Richmond Howitzers

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 7786-d

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