Thursday, October 25, 2012

1862 October 26 Post Hospital

             Post Hospital Oct 26th
Dear Mother
                   I received yours of the
21st day before yesterday. I still
remain about the same as
usual not much better nor
no worse I have tried 3 times
to get an examination but
the doctor only examines 3 times
a week from 9 till and the
fellows some of them come there
at 2 or 3 oclock in the morning
and wait so there is not much
chance You write you should
like to take care of me I should
like to be at home where you
could but suppose there is no
sight. There is nothing of any
importance for news around
here a vessel burnt in the
river this morning is all I

[page 2]
know of.  How does Asa get
along shoemaking tell him to
put in the stitches good and
strong. They are going to putting
up barracks here for winter quarters
I wonder they dont discharge 3/4
of the men here as they are only
an expense to the Government
and of no service and a good share
never will be.  I see now and then
a happy one that has  his discharge
in his had steering off for
Washington and home they
are going to detail some clerks
here so the report says and I am
going to try and see if I cant
be one of the lucky ones but
dont expect any such good luck
but if I dont try I shant get any
such job sure.  I have actually
discouraged about this war
ever closing our Generals seem
to be wirepulling all the time

[page 3]
and engaged in some fuss among
themselves not working together as
The Rebs do as they are preferring
charges against each other and
in Washington giving testimony
instead of being in the field
pushing things forward as they
ought to be  It is enough to make
any man sick of it and
disgusted.  I can write no more
at present
                         From your aff son
                             Wm Wallace

Mrs. E. Smith
Newton Lower Falls

William Wallace Smith, Co. B., 22nd Massachusetts

MSS 15360

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