Friday, October 19, 2012

1862 October 20 Camp Millington

[on patriotic stationary featuring a cannon and flag and the years 1776 and 1862 beneath the motto BABY WAKER]

                            Camp Millington
                                     Oct 20th/62
Dear Cousin
                       I have not received
Eenny letters from you since I have
been hire I have writen two so I
thought I would try it agane to see
if you thought enouf of me to answer
my letters I am well and injoying my
Self in the highest Degree of Soldring
The 10 of this month we left camp and
started fro Chamberburgh to repell
the Rebbles witch had maid a Raid in

[page 2]
you have no Doubt herd all abaout the
Rebble Raid in Pensylvania through the
Newspapers when we ware order to March
to Chambersburg I thought we ware going
to meet the Enimy and I actualy wished
we might for I am getting tired of Camp
life and am Desirous of Changeing it
for a life of actual Sirvice but I was
Disapointed for the Enimy had began to
Retreat before we arived there and we ware
Ordered to Retrun to our Old Camp but on
our Return the Rail road bridge was
broke and we had to Wait untll it was
Repaired and we arived on our old camp
ground the 16th.  Their hant enny news
here this Morning thir is five Regts laying
around here it seemed like old times
I will now close for I want to get this
in the Moring Mail give My Respects
to inquiring friends and keep a god
Share for you Self
                          From you Cousin

[page 3]
P S Derrrect
       Wm Townsend
Compeny. H. 128th Regiment
                             N.Y. S. V
                      Baltimore Md

MSS 10694

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