Monday, October 15, 2012

1862 October 16 near Fairfax, Va.

Sigels Army Corps  beyond Fairfax Va  Oct 15
                                      Dear Phebe
Your letter and picture has  just come
and you will accept my thanks for it.  I
will try to answer your questions, but
first let me say that it is new to us
that we are going to be made into a
battery. They get news at home so much faster
than we do here that it is hard to
keep up with them.  I am glad you
went to Readsville to visit Joseph [?]
and was glad that you enjoyed your
visit.  Your account of the bill of fare
made me smile.They will soon find
out the difference between Camp and
field, it is all fine weather now
but when they come to make a march
as we did in the midst of torrents of
rain with nothing but hard crackers
and poor watter with a chance to lie on
the wet ground without any tents at night
this will make them laugh out of the
other side of their mouths if it don't

[page 2]
I'm mistaken. We have just returned from
our first inspection by Gen Sigel and
have been assigned our position in
his army  He is very much pleased
with us and has given us a place
in the front, which is not usual
for a new regiment to occupy. His
troops turned out en masse to see and
to critisize our movements: The first
day they welcomed us as men, but now
it was as soldiers. We felt somewhat
embarrassed, appearing before these
splendid troops : but Col Maggi
told us not to be frightened: but do the
best that we could, and let them know
that we knew something as well
as they: I think we made a pretty
good impression as the Gen. said we
much better drilled than he expected
to find us: I wish you could see these
german soldiers: it was always a
mystery to me that they were always
victorious but it is not now I have
a new england pride and would
not say anything against our soldiers

[page 3]
but I verily believe that 300 of Sigels
cavalry would drive our whole regnt
regiment off the field: They will charge
in line like one man and with the
speed and force of thunderbolt making
the very earth tremble beneath their feet.
Of the prospect ahead I cannot speak
as you might not get the letter as all
my letters are liable to be opened: and if
any thing  should be found in them
it could not go. Enough to say. With
the blessing of god this army will not
be defeated: You write that you feel
sometimes discouraged in your christian
course: Look upward, not downwards
Look  forward not backwards: when
you begin to look at yourself you get
away from the great fountain of all
consolation and every thing looks dark
and gloomy but only look to Jesus and
all doubts and fears will vanish and
you will have the glorious assurance
which he who is mighty and willing
to save is alone able to give: I will you
two little books: the one a little prayer

[page 4]
book (I have two) and the other (only one now) is one
which I have read with much attention and is I
think an excellent book--Our Prayer meetings
are well attended and there is quite an
interest manifested by some who have not
thought much on these t hings I tell you
Phebe, place death right in front of any man-
and he will think if never before.  Think you
if when meet in the vestry for the prayer meeting
those assembled should be informed that they
were expecting every day to engage in the deadly
contest in which some must die, think you
would the meeting be cold or formal: think
you would there be any fault finding No far
from it: I have seen men who do not fear to die
and heard them too,urging men to repentance
with a voice trembling with emotion while tears
ran down their cheeks and the lips quivered as
as[sic] they offered them salvation through crucified
savior Of my own labors I will not speak  leaving
it with God to be revealed th at the last great
day when all things will be revealed and when
all shall be judged both quick and dead
Good morning with much love
    My boots have not come yet but
I suppose they will get along
after a while things come slow
it takes about a week for a box
to get here  J W P

Joseph Perry, Co. K, 33rd Massachusetts

MSS 2215

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