Friday, October 12, 2012

1862 October 12 Holly Springs

Jackson, Miss
October 12, 18  [62?  Battle of Holly Springs, Miss is in Dec. 1862]

My dear Father,

You are doubtless under the impression that I am now in Ky with my Chief but my luck ‘ very  bad’ would not permit that. I should accompany the army on the most beautiful campaign of the war and let us hope the most successful, for I have every confidence in the troops as well as the Genl commanding though you are aware I am not as sanguine and would liken to be strange as it may appear in view of the above that I have every confidence that we shall have peace before Christmas and that too through intervention.  I know you will laugh at this.  We have had a desperate battle on our front.  And met a heavy response though not as bad as at first reported. Our loss will not exceed 4000.  And one or two pieces of art’y with little or no baggage or stores.  The army is not safe at Holly Springs where we are preparing to receive the Enemy, which event I trust we shall retrieve of __ and send tho Enemy headlong across the  [  ]

I received a letter from Chap Slaughter the other day – he informed me that M[  ] Thomas has lost everything, except Negroes and land.  This is much better than I expected, for I thought the Scoundrels wouldn’t have left a Negro.  I have heard this in regard to yourself.  I supposed, however, that you lost corn crop, cattle, horses, etc.  I have been imprudently expecting a letter from you but as I have neglected writing myself of course I have [    ]  Now my dear Father you must be in need of money, for even with that it is hard to live and without it  I know not what you would do.  Write me therefore and let me know your condition as well as Aunt Eliza’s and [Uncle] Jack’s shared your letter to Chattanooga Times.  As soon as I can get through the business [ ] “reorganizing the [returned] prisoners I shall I think go to Richmond and see if I can be ordered to the Rio Grande.  I don’t think my health will stand another month in this climate.  Should I go to Richmond I will write and pay you a visit – [  ]  Patton is a Quartermaster and [ \ at Vicksburg.  All the family are well.  I’ve heard through him from Cousin Patton and family.  IT was rumored that Cousin Jack Pendleton had be [murdered] what of it?  I suppose the Yankees made no distinction between original secessionist and others.  Give my love to your wife and the children poor little things.  Theirs has been a hard fate thank God I am not married!  I have a presentiment something this terrible would happen to reduce me to poverty.  Poor Thom Farish you know committed suicide in New Orleans last summer by blowing his brains out with a pistol.  He had been endeavoring to leave the city.   Alas a more generous honorable high toned gentleman never lived.

I am my dearest father, in haste
                        Your son

James Edwin Slaughter to Daniel French Slaughter

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 14911

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