Monday, October 1, 2012

1862 October 1 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Wednesday Oct 1  another laborious day
Staige went in the morning cars.
--no news of any kind. Read Gil
Blas.  Rob Berkeley came this morg
enroute to join the army--Met Wm
A. Read. Of course I have not
been able to recognize him since
the [Morris?] affair. I had once a great
regard for him.  He asked me if his
name was still on my official bond.
I told him it was. He requested I would
have him released.  I told him I wd.
certainly do so--It will put me to some
trouble as a new bond will have
to be given--At night Miss
Mary Green & Miss Belle Smith
came to spend the evening and staid
late.  Mary G. & Nannie Deane
call in their carriages to take Eu-
gene to ride.  I recd a letter from
Mr. Lan[?] to whom I had written
for information touching Dr. Ford
-nothing could be more satisfied
and I hope it may mitigate
the opposition of the Father.

MSS 4763

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