Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1862 October 1 Charleston

    [letter very faded and partially obliterated by fold lines]                      

  Charleston co Md
                October the 1          1862
           friend I take my pen in hand
to write you A few letters
as I heard

[at this point the handwriting changes as a friend
takes over for Henry]

Henry has been writing and
I will assist him he has started it over

Charleston [?] Va October the 1st 1862

[line at fold smeared and illegible]

I am well at present hoping these
few lines will find you and all of
my acquaintances enjoying the same
blessing.  I have no news to write that
will interest you we have hard
times here provision scarce with us
soldiers but this a plentiful country
but some how we dont get it, and
[line illegible]
saw, we just have to get it out
of mud holes, and old wells, and
it is the sorryest water I ever drank
Ephraim Pucket is likely to get a
discharge and I am writing to send
him [rest of line illegible]

[page 2]
place but I dont think we
will have a fight here soon
I think they are just fortifying
so a smaller force can hold
this place, and so we will be
safe untill can get the captured
property and salt away from
here and then I think we will
go back. Some men near the
rail road though I cant tell
what we will do, I want to
hear from home, I want you to write
as soon as this comes to hand
and let me know when you
heard from sanders last and
how he was getting along. also
give me the news of old Patrick co
in general, and let me know how
all the girles is geting a long so
noting more at present I still
remain your friend affectionately
From Henry A. Heffelfinger
To Delilah. P. Jessup

Henry A. Hefflefinger, Co. K, 50th Virginia

MSS 13257

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