[from the diary of Anne Madison Willis Ambler]
Emma said she must come home & I thought
I had better come too as Pa had no one to send for
us & Mr. L[ackland]'s servants might go off & he would
have no one to send either-so we all started
early this morning & Patty with Sammie rode
up to spend the day. found B[ertie] & Fannie
just gone into the kitchen to cook dinner
& Ma the picture of woe. In answer to Pa's saying
he would whip them if he caught them, she
replied that she would feel like hugging &
kissing them all around if she could see
them--I feel so sorry for her. I had several
good cries to day--I can scarcely restrain my
feelings. It is dreadful to see Pa & Ma so
troubled in their old age & the girls cooking.
I thought I might find you here. Patty
was disappointed that neither you nor Nat
came--We expect him also, as Dr Blackburn
says that his horse has given out--
There is a report that our cavalry have crossed
into Md-
The girls cooked a duck, & a very nice
dinner--We found that James was here
& a boy that Pa hired I suppose they had
only gone to see the others off when
Pa was at the quarter-
Pa hopes to catch them yet.
[as transcribed in 1972 by her granddaughter Anne Madison Wright Baylor]
MSS 15406
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